Edith, remembering that Rafael was used to canals instead of roads, and the changing waters of a lagoon rather than green meadows.
Yes," said the boyrather proudly, "there is also an old forum in Verona, but it is used now as a vegetable market.
She would rather eat polenta and fish every day, if thereby she could keep the fine house as it had always been, rich with old furniture and the paintings of great artists.
If I thought of them at all I thought of them as a topic which was rather lacking in interest to begin with and one easily exhausted.
It was rather an abandoned-looking egg, stained and blotched with brownish-yellow spots.
He repeated the name in rather a disappointed fashion.
I was about halfway up the walk when a large dog sprang into view, at the same time showing his teeth in rather an intimidating way.
Indeed I have been told that in my infancy a friend of the family, a man who had delved rather into archeology, on calling one day remarked that I had a head shaped exactly like a cuneiform Chaldean brick.
But I do rather fancy myself in the title roles of The Corsican Brothers.
We skirted several rather neat flower beds, curved round a greenhouse and came out on a stretch of lawn.
As soon as he entered the place he realized that he was in the wrong pew; here, plainly, was a shop to which repaired the proprietors of ostentatious estates rather than the modest owners of farms, among whom he numbered himself.
We have another neighbor who has gone in rather extensively for blooded stock with the intention ultimately of producing butter and milk for the city market.
I have a great aunt who rather specializes in genealogies and especially our own genealogy and the next time I see her I mean to ask her to consult the authorities and find out whether there is a strain of the Susanna blood in our stock.
As I look at it, a pleasing plumpness of outline should be no handicap but on the contrary rather a help.
Indeed I rathershunned myself, if you get what I mean.
This was singularly true of his orchid work, or rather it would be nearer the truth to say that he had no laboratory, for it was only after the publication of the Fertilisation of Orchids, that he built himself a greenhouse.
We have all been disappointed here in not finding even a single letter; we are, indeed, rather before our expected time, otherwise I dare say, I should have seen your handwriting.
I am to have the third volume, in which I intend giving a kind of journal of a naturalist, not following, however, always the order of time, but rather the order of position.
This ratherobscure statement may be paraphrased thus:-- The machinery is so perfect that the plant can afford to minimise the amount of pollen produced.
I should ratherthink there was a good chance of my becoming the most egotistical man in all Europe!
I have ordered the book, as some few passages are rather obscure, but it is certainly, I think, a complete but not developed anticipation!
They came safe, but box rather smashed; cylindrical old cocoa-or snuff-canister much safer.
I would far rather burn my whole book, than that he or any other man should think that I had behaved in a paltry spirit.
Do not spread this pleasing joke; it israther too biting.
He was very kind-hearted, and thoroughly liberal in his religious beliefs, or rather disbeliefs; but he was a strong theist.
She died, or rather had to be killed, a few days after his death.
They are little, graceful, lyrical snatches of song, with a rather melancholy cadence; even those of which the words are gay not being quite free from this undertone of sadness.
By degrees, she began to find his visits on Saturday evening rather more entertaining than talking to herself.
Mr. Peyton was speaking rather kindly to Griffith, and telling him he was as sorry for his disappointment as any father could be whose daughter had just come into a fortune.
He seemed rather hurt and pricked by the jests thrown at him, yet bore it patiently, and sometimes almost joined in the laugh, being of an easy, unenergetic temper.
They are great open porches, or verandas, ratherthan sheds.
Besides, I cannot bear to rob you of these unlucky farms: I think there is nothing I would not do rather than that.
At first the forest belles wererather shy in the presence of strangers; but they soon warmed up, and began to dance with more animation.
The fertility of the soil, rather than the labor of the natives, supplied the rustic plenty of the Sclavonians.
In this alternative he chose rather to be the accomplice than the victim of Rosamond, whose undaunted spirit was incapable of fear or remorse.
The military fame of Commentiolus is the object of satire or comedy rather than of serious history, since he was even deficient in the vile and vulgar qualification of personal courage.
The new king immediately sent ambassadors to implore, or rather to purchase, the aid of the Franks, and nobly lavished, for the public safety, the riches which had been deposited in the palace of Pavia.
Nursing activities bring a nurse and patient into close physical proximity, but this in itself does not guarantee genuine intersubjectivity in which a man relates to another person as a "presence" rather than an object.
This is not to say that all instances of nursing are matters of life and death, but rather that every nursing act has to do with the quality of a person's living and dying.
Our shades can be cherished concepts, beliefs that guide us automatically rather than thoughtfully.
Today, the technocratic imperative infiltrates an ever-increasing number of our lived experiences; and it becomes more difficult to ignore or dismiss Habermas's analysis that all interests have become technical rather than human.
Her only rather loud, irrelevant, smiling expression was about her daughter who was a go-go dancer, had three children, and whom she had visited twice by bus in California.
Most times this was offered rather disparagingly although the nursing outcomes were most times successful.
I let my mind flow with his jumbled discourse trying to decipher what he was getting at rather than each specific rapidly mentioned issue.
Once the various views are expressed, they can be compared and contrasted, not for the purpose of accepting some and rejecting others butrather in the interest of clarifying each in relation to the other.
Considering the complexity of each man's being and becoming, it is surprising that we come to understand each other in community at all, rather than the reverse.
In identification one feels as if he were the other, rather than turning to the other and feeling with him.
Rather than ask the nurse, "What did you do in the nurse-patient situation?
Rather than emphasize the majority as holding sway, it recognizes that the unique contribution can possibly be the weightiest in meaning.
The art of nursing involves a skillful doing rather than a making.
The experienced master rather doubted if the charming apparition before him could produce such an intricate work as a fugue without receiving aid, so he gave her a new theme and requested her to write another fugue upon it.
Henry, she set an example to chivalry by going to the Crusades with that French king, and not in the capacity of wife, but rather as an Amazon warrior.
In Asia Minor, where she led the van during the march, she chose her route according to the beauty of the landscape rather than safety of position, and more than once brought the army into grave danger.
Born in 1810, of a family that was literary rather than musical, he had obtained some knowledge of the art with his father's consent.
She became well known as a pianist and singer, and among other works produced songs, piano sonatas, violin pieces, and even a concerto for piano, or rather harpsichord.
It is little wonder that under these conditions the female slaves would sing in a rather forced manner, if at all, and the women themselves would hardly indulge in the gentle art of composing music.
They are mostly delicate rather than forceful, with frequent ornaments and staccato passages that require a light and skilful touch.
Her favourite poets are Victor Hugo and Ella Wheeler Wilcox, a ratherstrange mixture.
This very interweaving led to a style of music that was extremely complex, affording chances for intellectual and mathematical skill rather than emotional fervour.
Her opera has received much praise, but the final verdict rates it as rather confused and undramatic, in spite of much good music in the score.
Her campaign was conducted on principles of pleasure rather than of strategy.
Rather than let the matter drop, Carreño herself took the baton, and carried the season to a successful close.
It was her beauty rather than her intellect that won the great honours which she attained; and a temple dedicated to her as Venus Lamia, as well as a signet upon which her portrait has been preserved, bear witness to this fact.
Illustration] The gaoler then fancying I would drop him another pistole rather than be let down into the hole, ordered me to be buried among the rest, which I resolved to endure rather than break bulk any more.
His wife died soon after their marriage, leaving Quevedo with fresh troubles, arising out of his satirical humour, or rather from his reputation for satire.
Being covetous, I said I would venture the like sum, and the hermit, rather than disoblige, consented, telling us he had about two hundred reals to buy oil for the lamp.
The head or tooth-ache were inconsiderable distempers; at last we said we had the gripes, believing, that rather than be at a penny charges, our master would apply no remedy.
The characters of the story, which seems rather to tell itself than to be told, are all such as were the common property of the comic writers of the period, but scarcely anywhere else are they found invested with so much of the breath of life.
We paid respect to all we met, taking off our hats to the men, though we had rather have taken their cloaks; to the women we bowed low, because they are fond of respect and proud of being honoured.
One would almost imagine that she had never had a childhood or a girlhood, but was rather a direct creation of metropolitan society.
But it was not the preference of strong, true, womanly choice; it was rather the half-defiant aspect with which forbidden fruit might be regarded.
Graydon had always prided himself on his loyalty as an escort; and as long as he was devoted, the neglect of other young men was welcomed rather than regretted; for, except toward him, all her old shyness still existed.
The official whom he accosted had been rather cold and shy of late, but when he received the securities he grew perceptibly urbane.
To prevent this she would rather die, and she felt so weak and despairing that she thought and almost hoped she would die.
Your place seems rather lonely,' I said to him, 'but you evidently know how to find society in books.
She was also right in thinking that this inability would rather help than hinder her cause.
To Madge, however, it would always remain a method of expression rather than a science or an art, and the old professor at last learned to recognize her limitations.
She would have died rather than have her secret known on earth, but she had not feared to breathe it to one on the threshold of heaven.
You kindly sent me books, some of which were rather realistic.
He is asking after Madge rather often, it seems to me.
And thereon resolve that you will yourself endeavour to promote the growing of the green wood, rather than of the black.
Rather a daring robbery committed on the Westminster Bank yesterday,' I answers.
I'd rather you came and opened it yourself, sir," I says.
His education on board the 'Susan Pride' and others had, I take it, gone back rather than forward.
Then abjure such silly pride Cast the ragged thing aside-- Let your mongrel "English" slide Rather than the Gaelic.
But we'll leave this doubtful concert And its harem-scarem tones, Meant to drown the voice appealing In the dying Christian's groans; And examine rather closer Into troubles of our own.
And she replied, rather proudly-- "I wished to show you that I could distinguish between old and new friends.
Rather he hung back--as if something mysteriously sacred surrounded her.
By-and-bye he knew rather than saw that they were returning.
He was sitting rather side-ways, to permit of his addressing an occasional remark to the young gentleman who was driving: no doubt that was why Maisrie was allowed to remain silent.
But suddenly he stopped: his attention had been caught by a window, or rather a series of windows, containing all sorts of Scotch articles and stuffs.
Wouldn't that look rather like undue haste in seizing a dead man's effects?
According to your own showing, if your father refused to acknowledge this marriage--if he declared he would have nothing further to do with you--you would find yourself in rather desperate straits.
At the same moment there came out of the gloom a rather shabby-looking person.
Of course the correspondence wasrather jocosely conducted.
And if you ever meet with this big fellow, I hope you will kill him, rather than become his subjects.
For he is a king, or rather a despotic emperor; he holds complete control over his subjects and compels them to do whatever he wishes.
When your passions are inflamed, and a common gratification is at hand, would you ratherbe consumed with desire than possess it?
Or should not I rather suppose, that all the world are to see my faults; secure, and cautious [never to err] but with hope of being pardoned?
The false modesty of fools conceals ulcers [rather than have them cured].
Who does notrather [celebrate] thee, Father Bacchus, and thee, comely Venus?
Just at the commencement of this month (November) we experienced three or four warm hazy days, that proved rather close and oppressive.
One night in particular, when we felt the air rather too cool for sleeping on the ground, my brother and I, with three of the settlers, solicited permission of a Canadian farmer to lie on the floor of his kitchen.
To keep them out of the house we light little heaps of damp chips, the smoke of which drives them away; but this remedy is not entirely effectual, and is of itselfrather an annoyance.
We were rather entertained by the behaviour of a young Scotchman, the engineer of the steamer, on my husband addressing him with regard to the management of the engine.
The passage across the Bay of Fundy, and through the Bason of Minas, is said to be rather dangerous, owing to the rapid tides, the rocky shores, and the fogs which prevail on these coasts.
Educated, or rather reared, in this land of impiety and infidelity, his ideas of the Deity and of his attributes were little calculated to elevate his views from the miseries of this world to the felicities of another and a better.
The oaks that grow on this high bank are rather larger and more flourishing than those in the valleys and more fertile portions of the soil.
This cataract, or rather succession of cataracts, forms what is called THE FALLS OF ST.
Be not you, reader, of those who sit in the seat of the scornful, but the rather of those who at the last day will sing, Rev.
We are confident, I say, and well pleasedrather to be absent from the body, and present with the Lord.
Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh, who corrected us, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?
Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection under the Father of spirits and live?
Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh who corrected us, and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits and live?
But I'd rather not be in open water when a squall hits this barge.
It wasn't exactly opposite the house, being designed so that gunners in the blind would shoot diagonally across the creek and downstream, rather than near the house itself.
Italy; rather everything that would enable her to become once more the mistress of the world.
In this Pierre divined the end of a nation, or rather the slumber of a nation in which democracy has not yet awakened.
Rather than have that he will kill you on the day when I am free to be your wife!
For my part, I justify this encouragement of smiling rather than tearful children; I do not wish to pay for tears anywhere but upon the stage; but I am prepared to deal largely in the opposite commodity.
And though I think I would rather die elsewhere, yet in my heart of hearts I long to be buried among good Scots clods.
In the same way, I suspect love is rather too violent a passion to make, in all cases, a good domestic sentiment.
The sentimental old maid is a commonplace of the novelists; and he must be rather a poor sort of human being, to be sure, who can look on at this pretty madness without indulgence and sympathy.
It seems as if certain sorts of follies, like certain sorts of grain, were natural to the soil rather than to the race that holds and tills it for the moment.
He is practically incommoded by the generosity of his feelings, smiles much when he is alone, and develops a habit of looking rather blankly upon the moon and stars.
Captain Douglas of the Royal Oak, when the Dutch fired his vessel in the Thames, sent his men ashore, but was burned along with her himself rather than desert his post without orders.
To be deeply interested in the accidents of our existence, to enjoy keenly the mixed tenure of human experience, rather leads a man to disregard precautions, and risk his neck against a straw.
We boast too often manners that are parochial rather than universal; that, like a country wine, will not bear transportation for a hundred miles, nor from the parlour to the kitchen.
He would rather be houseless than denied a pass-key; rather go without food than partake of a stalled ox in stiff, respectable society; rather be shot out of hand than direct his life according to the dictates of the world.
They were inrather marked contrast to the emigrants I had met on board ship while crossing the Atlantic.
No, I'd rather not," and nothing Joe could say would induce his chum to accompany him.
Look here, Joe, your father went away rather suddenly, it seems, but you mustn't think anything about that.
It will be a rather tame life after the excitement we have had out here.
With a rathertrembling voice Joe asked for information about Mr. Duncan.
I'd rather tell you, as long as you're his chum, and if you can keep a secret.
I want to get a good wreck scene," he said, "and that is going to be rather hard.
Well, failure number one," said Joe, as they took a carriage back to San Diego, it being rather late.
The nonsensical talk served to raise the spirits of those who had been ratherplunged in gloom ever since the wreck.
I told him you might be along soon," and he turned to introduce a rather shiftless-looking cowboy who sauntered up.
I was rather put to my wits' end to see how I was to please all these people with nothing at hand to aid me.
This with other influences, brought about a sentiment in composers as well as singers favoring vocal declamation, rather than singing in the sense in which that word was understood by the great tenor.
The rain was of short duration, however, and we rather enjoyed the cooling effect.
After trying in vain to get a pure tone, I told her I'd rather not teach her as I had no knowledge of how to relieve her of this defect which could not be allowed in a perfect singer.
I determined to pay all of Mr. Blake's indebtedness, rather than there should be a blot upon his name or honor, and also for the sake of his two sons who had their lives to live.
For, temporarily at least, he had forgotten Billy, or rather he believed that the boy must by this time have returned to Sunrise camp.
For Ralph was extraordinarily good looking--rather too much so to be desirable in a man, according to some ideas.
Sorry my surprise for this evening has not developed, or rather that it has developed in an unexpected fashion," she began, speaking enigmatically and shrugging her shoulders, half chagrined and half pleased.
Of course, Billy was a youthful and rather ignorant socialist, but for those reasons he was perhaps the more enthusiastic.
To others it appears as a divine monument of God, revealing the mystery of creation rather than inspiring terror.
After all, it was rather good fun to have something definite to do, instead of idling all one's time.
There is something I want to ask you, Ralph, though now that I have the chance I had much rather not.
It is rather hard luck to have had to stay and hear this much of your conversation.
I wakened to find you gone, and after waiting an hour for you to come back I thought, or rather I could not think, what had become of you.
Ralph Marshall did not see Billy Webster, but, as he had rather a fashion of remaining alone, this did not mean that he had actually vanished from camp.
She was of medium height and slender, with broad shoulders and narrow hips; although Peggy was sixteen, she still suggested in the carriage of her head and body the vitality and grace of a boy rather than a girl.
It was easier for him to do the thing he wished and take the consequences, rather than argue and explain.
Then they beheld an extremely pretty, rather plump woman, with rose-colored cheeks and grey in her brown hair, riding astride a burro.
The girl's face cleared, and Dan noticed that she had a rather care-worn look which her words had just explained.
Thank you, I would rather not be troublesome," the new girl answered.
Come to think of it he was rather less a part of the proceedings than the young men in the cheering section behind him.
Pat went to Harvard, but he failed to make the football team although he remained on the squad as a rather remotely removed substitute quarterback.
And as he boasted he lookedrather longingly at the fattest arm of the fattest newspaper correspondent.
Now that the memory was not so painful he rather wanted to keep it alive.
Even if I knew Pat could be the greatest singer in the world I'd rather have him a newspaperman.
Margaret was unmistakably a fool, but Peter thought her rather an appealing one.
This led to the creation of a rather amusing game.
He is rather a delicate piece of thinking machinery and it has been the custom to guard him a little from the bumps of the game.
If Peter had been a lover ratherthan a husband he would still have been insensitive to Chopin.
Perhaps he did not exactly turn, but was rather tugged about without will of his own.
Often he took a blow in the face ratherthan bother to stop for an instant from swinging his own short arms at the brown belly in front of him.
I got rather interested and thought some about going out for the Glee Club, but I knew Mr. Twice would raise the dickens if I didn't play football.
Of course he would rather that it had been any vessel afloat except the Espagne haunted by the ghost of what was probably by now a dead submarine.
I have experimented with carbonate of lithia as an accelerator, and I have obtained with itrather favorable results.
Chemists agree that the operation is more effectual by bringing sulphurous acid in contact with sirupsrather than juices; it is in the sirups that the coloring pigments are found.
So-called temperance drinks are all of them very nasty stuff, besides containing a large percentage of alcohol; rather than swallow these one had better not change his habits.
As for the arms and hands, they project slightly and are ratheroutlined than sculptured.
Then the bishop offered their treasures to the citizens, but they said, that they would give those gifts to the Immortal King, who had so powerfully saved them, much rather than to the mortal murderer.
They unanimously answered, "We desire to die purely with our lord, rather than to live impurely with you.
The apostle answered, "I am Christ's servant, and I shall rather wish than dread the triumph of his cross.
If it be right that we should pray to devils rather than to the Almighty God, judge which is worthy of that honour, he who is made, or he who created all things.
Have now quiet and peace, and hinder not my martyrdom, but rather prepare yourselves, as God's soldiers, that ye with fearless mind may overcome all threats and bodily torments by patience.
He lived in the monastery rather from necessity than for bettering.
Be rather ready, that through transitory tribulation ye may come to the eternal joy, where ye will ever rejoice, blooming and reigning with Christ.
Lawrence said, "Weep not, but rather be silent and rejoice, for I go to God's glory.
Then said Lawrence, "O ye unblessed, understand ye not that your glowing embers cause no heat to my body, but rather cooling?
Nor do we deny the eternal resurrection of the blessed Mary, though for caution, preserving our belief, it befits us that we rather hope it, than rashly assert what is unknown without any danger.