FN-2] These papers were written with ability, and with the energy of men in earnest.
Sammons discovered it in the morning, with the fragments of papers scattered around it.
Rocheblave was sent a prisoner to Williamsburgh in Virginia, and with him were sent the papers taken from his portfolio.
FN] [FN] The Sexagenary, a collection of revolutionary papers connected with the border wars, edited by S.
As I find by the papers you are soon to sail for England, I despair of having the pleasure to pay my respects to you, but most sincerely wish you an agreeable voyage, and a happy sight of your family and friends.
FN] The despatches carried by Sitz were double, and it was fortunate that he had sufficient presence of mind to destroy the genuine, and deliver the delusivepapers to his savage captors.
FN] [FN] The only account of this affair which the author has discovered, was found accidentally among the papers of General Gansevoort, after the fourteenth chapter had been printed.
FN] [FN] This letter has been copied from the original draft, among the papers of General Clinton.
FN-2] This letter was recently found among the papers of General James Clinton.
In the papers everyone would read it; and they would get it straight--there would be no chance of error.
They had supplied him with some Socialist papers and pamphlets, and he spent most of the next day devouring these.
The fire gave a flicker just then, and the papers vanished.
He glanced at the lamp on the table to make sure that it was filled, and settled himself back to his papers with a sigh.
She talked until he was tired, and then she made his tea, and left him happy with the papers which she had brought from Witham.
If that's the case, then goodness knows if either the papers or the hidden chamber will ever be discovered.
She said Mr. Denny had heard a rumour which made him uneasy about our future, and that he wanted to find some letters and papers which he thought it possible my father might have stowed away in the secret place.
He tossed thepapers on to the stenographer's desk, took his feet from his own desk and went out to lunch.
Morgan made the proper notation on the papers that had accumulated in File A6754, and turned them over to the Audit Department.
The president put the papers on his desk and wrote a letter to Professor Gordon.
Please advise why consignment referred to in attached papers was refused domestic pet rates.
Duplicate copies of the bill of lading, manifest, Flannery's receipt for the package and several other pertinent papers were pinned to the letter, and they were passed to the head of the Tariff Department.
The head of the department looked at the papers again.
The English papers say they cannot see what interest the Russians and Japanese have in the Bering Sea dispute.
The Spaniards are very angry with us just now, and the Madrid papers publish statements which assert that there is no possibility of avoiding the war.
Louis opened a drawer, from which he took several papers covered with figures.
Profiting by the first impression produced by the Frenchmen, the count, without loss of a moment, had his papers put in order, and easily obtained his passports for the interior.
My papers are all regular, my grant is clearly and carefully registered.
Don Antonio had turned green; his small grey eyes, obstinately fixed on the papers the colonel toyed with, sparkled like live coals.
All the dailypapers heralded the coming of the inquisitors in big head lines, and the inhabitants of divedom began to quake in their shoes like fallen angels on the eve of judgment day.
The tables were covered with daily papers which are furnished free by the lodging house keepers, and I took one to while the time away.
I see the papers have not been moved: all is safe, but it was as well to frighten him a little (aside).
Papers scattered in every direction were buried with clothes and kit under a wreckage of building materials.
One lying wounded held some papers up, and said, "I am an American correspondent"; but unfortunately for him he had a rifle in his hand and it was hot.
Your second Letter I receivd a few days ago inclosing Copies of Papers from Spain.
The first two papers will be devoted to the past and prospective influence of Science upon Natural Religion, while the third will be devoted to the past and prospective influence of Science upon Revealed Religion[19].
The antecedents of thesepapers those who have read this Introduction will now be in a position to understand.
And at his death in the early summer of this year (1894), he left among his papers some notes, made mostly in the previous winter, for a work which he was intending to write on the fundamental questions of religion.
Betty, who always wrote her papers as soon as they were assigned, to get them off her mind, and who longed to know the secret of waiting serenely until the eleventh hour.
Then they would have his memory, and one could read on his tombstone how great a man he was, and the papers could praise him and speak of virtues that nothing but his death would ever have brought to light.
There are often advertisements seen in the daily papers and great rewards offered for lost pets,--dogs and cats.
By some mistake it was over a year since it had been written, and with other papers was found by her aunt when she opened her house after a long absence.
If we could read the papers and knew his name," she added, "probably we should read he had battered his wife's head with a shovel or killed his old father.
I have but to serve a few papers as you have these poor creatures, and the money you have looked upon as your own goes to charity.
I've looked through the papers you gave to Mr. Letterblair," he said at length.
He had formed his own opinion from the papers entrusted to him, and did not especially want to go into the matter with his senior partner.
Why, yes, sir," said Archer, who usually tossed off half a dozenpapers with his morning coffee.
The papers he had retired to read did not tell him much in fact; but they plunged him into an atmosphere in which he choked and spluttered.
Archer looked back to the President of the United States, and then down at his desk and at the papers scattered on it.
He did it sketchily, with casual tentativeness, so that when it was found among the papers there would be no suspicions.
They must be sought for through a large number of statepapers and a voluminous correspondence.
In his pockets will be found the papers proving conclusively that the Federals planned to wreck the American train.
At least, most of the papers half the time must be wrong, for you see pictures supposed to be marines landing at this or that place and they are almost always dressed as sailors.
Will those papers implicating Chamorra come into the Americans' hands in a perfectly natural way?
He often writes his rhymes on the clean side of cast-off labelled tea-papers which his mother brings from the shop, and then reads them to his astonished compeers with rapt delight.
Pengelly states in one of his papers that in the fifteen and a quarter years during which the excavation was in progress he visited Kent's Hole almost daily, and spent over the work, on an average, five hours a day.
In one of the quadrangles of the castle is a leaden statue of the knight with flowing wig, a roll of papers in one hand like the baton of a field-marshal, and with preternaturally short legs.
The ship's papers could not be found; they had been carried off when the crew deserted her, and it was strongly supposed that they were destroyed, as implicating Knill and Praed, of Trevetho.
The papers were not sent by post, but by private messengers, who were termed Sherborne men.
Prospectus, and they will be printed from Caslon type upon a paper light in weight and strong in texture, with a cover design in crimson and gold, a gilt top, end-papers from designs by Aubrey Beardsley and initials by Henry Ospovat.
All that is known of them has been gathered from the papers subsequently found.
To guide them, as Burnet admits in his Triennial Visitation Charge of 1704, they were furnished with a great collection of the books and papers in which the Dissenters had at different times set forth their demands.
At last she opened a writing-desk, and took out a roll of papersfastened by a tape.
And I turned over the papers and shook them, tossing them wildly about, to discover the letter, but in vain.
First of all, all my father's papersand effects were at Schloss Hunyadi, and some of these were all-essential to me.
No more can I explain why I put all mypapers together in such fashion that they could be thrown into the fire at once, without leaving any, the slightest, clew to trace me by.
Gilbert Byfield stood at his desk, looking down at it, and fingering the papers upon it in an aimless fashion.
Gilbert softly, as he seated himself on the edge of the table, and thrust some of his papers out of the way.
In and out, newsboys howling papers with headlines and pictures of the team thrust their wares before their eyes, while a pestiferous swarm of strange pedlers shrieked: "Get your colors here!
The next morning as he went to his eating-joint with Regan and Hungerford, the newsboy, who had his papers ready, gave them to him with a hesitating look.
They can be found distinctly stated and amply, often brilliantly, illustrated in his Lectures and Addresses, of which some have appeared in the architectural papers and some are still in manuscript.