It often happens in the aesthetic experience that feelings are not objectified alone, but carry with them the idea of the self--I come to feel myself as joyous or despairing in the sounds.
For in art, ideas, like feelings, are objectified in sensation.
Finally our own reactions to an objectified emotion may interfere with the emotion.
It is experience held in a delightful, highly organized sensuous medium, and objectified there for communication and reflection.
The extent to which the idea of the self thus follows the objectified feelings depends largely upon the amount of their reverberation throughout the organism.
In music, the most elusive moods, by being embodied in ordered sounds, remain no longer subterranean, but are objectified and lifted into clearness.
For, in order to be aesthetic, feelings must be not merely stimulated by, but objectified in, the sense medium, where they can be mastered and known.
Becoming who they are, the writer and reader project themselves in the reading through a process of dual reciprocal constitution, changing when circumstances change, objectified in the forms through which literature is acknowledged.
Since it was objectified in language, it took on the semblance of rules.
We do catch a glimpse of something, but this does not appear to the mind as objectified and formed.
Those same ideas, of which real things are, as philosophy shows, the imperfect copies, reappear in art objectified as ideas, and therefore in their perfection.
It represented immediate, sensible, objectified knowledge; while Religion filled the second place, as representative consciousness with adoration, which is an element foreign to art alone.
It is this "other" quality, operative andobjectified in His experience within our world, which gives Him the absoluteness which makes Him indispensable and precious.
The Venus de Medici has scarcely any personality at all; she is chiefly objectified desire!
Nor are we willing either to say with Santayana that all our sense of the beauty of the world is merely pleasure objectified and that we can infer no eternal Beauty from it.
Sensibility, objectified in the nerves, is Man's chief characteristic, and constitutes what is properly human in him.
Irritability, objectified in the muscular tissue, constitutes the chief characteristic of Animals and the animal element in Man.
The faculty of reproduction, objectified in the cellular tissue of plants, constitutes the chief characteristic of plants and the vegetative element in Man.
This part is itself the objectified will to know (the will to know having entered into representation), since the will needs knowledge to attain its own ends.
Plato objectified the concept, or rather he posited an object as the basis of the concept, and raised it out of this world of shadows to an intelligible world of realities on which the world of particulars depends.
The personal attitude towards an object, based on sentiments objectified in it, and the aesthetic attitude are two different things.
What would objectified reason be without will and feeling?
It leads us to the living, subjective God, for He is simply subjectivity objectified or personality universalized--He is more than a mere idea, and He is will rather than reason.
The belief associated with the original taboo, according to which a demonic power concealed in the object avenges the touching of it or its forbidden use by bewitching the offender was still an entirely objectified fear.
The objects of Nature are objectified, externalized--materialized states of Divine consciousness, or Divine thoughts objectified by the Divine will.
According to this the external world is the objectified modes, not of the mind of the observer, but of the mind of God.
Therefore by taking this we really take the powers of his body from the will objectified in it, to make them subject to the will objectified in another body.
Not only the actions of the body, but the whole body itself is, as we have shown above, phenomenon of the will, objectified will, concrete will.
It may be objectified and examined especially at a time of injustice from without, and even at the time of an obvious act of injustice by the state which usually results in civil strife.
A legend or tradition that is objectified in an old willow, in a monastery, or in a garden, is likely to die out gradually with the destruction of its object.
They are objectified in the Christological heresies.
Sensation invested itself in form and color and radiance, and what his imagination dared, it objectified in some sublimated and magic way.
That portion of a man's soul which he has not alienated and objectified is open only to those who know him otherwise than by his works and do not estimate him by his public attributions.
The complex reactions of man's soul had been objectified together with those visual and tactile sensations which, reduced to a mathematical baldness, now furnish terms to natural science.
To ask why such feelings are objectified would be to betray a wholly sophisticated view of experience and its articulation.
Notice further that, in attributing to the vague and (so to speak) objectified consciousness of a universal reason the first revelation of Divinity, we assume absolutely nothing concerning even the reality or non-reality of God.
We naturally fail, under these circumstances, to separate the pleasure from the other objectified feelings.
The tone of our consciousness is raised by the foretaste of a success; and this heightened pleasure is objectified in the present image, since the associated image to which the satisfaction properly belongs often fails to become distinct.
But this subdued and objectified terror is what is commonly regarded as the essence of the sublime, and so great an authority as Aristotle would seem to countenance some such definition.
This is a beauty dependent on reverie, fancy, andobjectified emotion.
If impressions are painful, they are objectified with difficulty; the perception of a thing is therefore, under normal circumstances, when the senses are not fatigued, rather agreeable than disagreeable.
It is true that this contagiousness is not peculiar to religious forces; those belonging to magic have the same property; yet it is evident that they do not correspond to objectified social sentiments.
In fact, these are, on the one hand, entirely psychical; they are made up exclusively of objectified ideas and sentiments.
So it is not properly called a delirium, for the ideas thus objectified are well founded, not in the nature of the material things upon which they settle themselves, but in the nature of society.
Our analysis of facts has already enabled us to see that the prototype of the idea of force was the mana, wakan, orenda, the totemic principle or any of the various names given to collective force objectified and projected into things.
It ordinarily seems that they should have a human character only when they are conceived under human forms;[1305] but even the most impersonal and the most anonymous are nothing else than objectified sentiments.
Through the structure we present to ourselves the function; it appears laid out before us, spread forth in detail--objectified in a word.
During this period, when the work of the imagination, instead of merely becoming fixed in books, tends to become objectified in acts, we find many failures and some successes.
The action of the body is the objectified act of will.
Only in man is the Idea objectified in the individual character as such.
The ideal woman whom all mankind loves and reverences as Virgin, Mother, and Saint, is objectified by concentrating in Mary of Nazareth all possible feminine grace, beauty, and purity.
Another woman, whose title to rule was far stronger than that of Irene, appeared to claim the throne.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "objectified" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.