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Example sentences for "dignified"

Lexicographically close words:
digna; digne; dignes; digni; dignidad; dignifiedly; dignifies; dignify; dignifying; dignitaries
  1. He conformed to the more modern style of clerk of an important parish, a dignified official who attended the vicar and performed his duties on Sunday, occupying the clerk's desk.

  2. Wagner's latest creation which brings the circle of his works in a beautiful climax to a dignified close, has achieved a success such as the most intimate adherents of the master could not well desire fuller or grander.

  3. Even Bellini's "Norma," under the influence of such impressions, gained a nobler tone and more dignified form than is really inherent in the music.

  4. His noble-minded king had, in November of 1870, uttered the words of deliverance to the other German princes, which finally gave us again a dignified and honorable existence as a nation, by creating the German empire.

  5. But he had no heart to offer any one, and met all these advances with quiet but dignified courtesy.

  6. The young man was, perhaps, twenty-three or twenty-four years of age, though at first his dignified bearing might lead one to imagine him to be even older than that.

  7. In this dignified appeal the chief was joined by Bishop Selwyn, Archdeacon Maunsell, and Chief Justice Martin in the colony, and by the Wesleyan Mission Committee in England, who employed the searching pen of Dr.

  8. It asserts no principle, and is remarkable only for the fact that it reflects in dignified terms the spirit of justice and equity in which its promoters desired to approach the Maori people.

  9. Mr. Busby laid off a portion of his property on the bank of the Waitangi River as a township, which he dignified by the name of Victoria.

  10. We expect to wait," said Paige, with a dignified glance at her sister.

  11. It's more dignified than sliding into it on your back, clutching a handful of lace petticoat.

  12. I cannot say NO worldly pride mingled in the chief's contempt for the distiller's money; his righteous soul was not yet clear of its inherited judgments as to what is dignified and what is not.

  13. The highlands would have made Scotland great with the greatness of men dignified by high-hearted contentment, and strong with the strength of men who could do without!

  14. When the breakfast was over, I looked with a fearless smile at the calm face of Heliobas, which appeared nobler and more dignified than ever with that slight touch of sadness upon it, and said softly: "The eight days are accomplished!

  15. The tear of manly sensibility was in every eye; and not a word was articulated to interrupt the dignified silence and the tenderness of the scene.

  16. Fortunately, the President and Senate awaited the issue with a calm and dignified bearing; and, on the organization of the House, the former communicated his annual Message.

  17. In figure, Lord Chatham was eminently dignified and commanding.

  18. When she has once been impregnated the female animal angrily rejects the caresses she had welcomed so coquettishly before, and even in Man the place of the father at the birth of his child is not a notably dignified or comfortable one.

  19. They are, however, unquestionably the best, and, in their origin, the most dignified and expressive words.

  20. But the superior class of Roman prostitutes, the bonæ mulieres, had no such dignified position as the Greek hetairæ.

  21. So superior to human exigencies seemed these dignified men, that the subject of lavatory accommodation for young women, mewed up from 9 to 1 and from 2 to 5.

  22. I feel very strongly that the only comfortable and dignified way to meet this difficulty is to have a regular chain of clubs, on the principle of the Three Arts Club.

  23. In discoursing with these, however strenuous he might appear, he seems never to have departed from a calm, modest, and yet dignified and even friendly demeanour.

  24. Many sublime thoughts seemed to rush in upon him at once at the sight of these, some of which he expressed with observations becoming a great and a dignified mind.

  25. It struck me that an application from a little committee in England to the National Assembly of France was not a dignified measure, nor was it likely to have weight with such a body.

  26. William Pitt, and the right honourable Charles James Fox, for their virtuous and dignified co-operation in the same cause.

  27. He knew how to be agreeable and dignified at the same time.

  28. He resumed his grave, dignified air, in order to salute with a wave of his hand the phantom that had just appeared before him.

  29. The look of the Tower towards it is much more dignified than the theatrical river-front, but worse than this even is the histrionic modern bridge which spans the Thames there as at the bottom of a stage.

  30. Life, I felt, would be sensibly dignified if one could spend some months of every year of it in a mansion looking down into the leafy tops of those squares.

  31. His person was strong and robust: his manners rustic, not clownish; a sort of dignified plainness and simplicity, which received part of its effect perhaps from one's knowledge of his extraordinary talents.

  32. But Thomas Thynne, Viscount Weymouth, though not a nonjuror, did himself honour by offering to the most virtuous of the nonjurors a tranquil and dignified asylum in the princely mansion of Longleat.

  33. William addressed to them a speech remarkable even among all the remarkable speeches in which his own high thoughts and purposes were expressed in the dignified and judicious language of Somers.

  34. In a short and dignified speech, which was speedily circulated throughout Europe, he set forth the necessity of firm union and strenuous exertion.

  35. His speeches have perished; but his State papers remain, and are models of terse, luminous, and dignified eloquence.

  36. Not one of them has been able to turn up anything that could be dignified by the term clue, as I believe you detectives call it.

  37. At Chailly, we saw the Virgin Mary looking out of a round hole in the wall, and not at all more dignified in her appearance than the well-known hero of Coventry.

  38. They all agreed in this opinion, and seemed to prefer Miss O'Neill to her dignified and splendid rival: those who consider acting as a science, however, will not coincide with them.

  39. We met two friars, whose picturesque and really dignified appearance formed a great contrast to the demure, fanatical, formal-looking priests, whom we had hitherto seen in all quarters of the town.

  40. The surgeon sat in dignified composure on his horse, his thin body erect and his head elevated with the indignation of one conscious of having been unjustly treated.

  41. He stalked into the room, and giving a stiff nod with his head, took the chair offered him by the black, in dignified silence.

  42. Jane made him a dignified courtesy, her resentment, after the lapse of twenty years, rising fresh at sight of the man who had behaved so badly to her sister.

  43. Between these extremes he thought there was a place where artistic spirit might be displayed in a dignified and beautiful style.

  44. Emma de Sainte-Croix, rather than endure the neglect and infidelities of her husband, lives in dignified retirement with her mother-in-law.

  45. I have been shown to-night how noble, how dignified and how easy it was.

  46. Oh, no, I shall take my departure in a very composed and dignified manner.

  47. Love to me, if it is genuine, and loyalty to the cause for which his father gave his life, should lead him to the dignified submission of the conquered and away from all association with the conquerors that can be avoided.

  48. There were few to whom I could have told them: to Old Rogers I felt that it was right and natural and dignified to tell the story even of my love's victory.

  49. For, although some might think it the more dignified way, I could not take it as a matter of course that he would be at church.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dignified" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aristocratic; ceremonial; ceremonious; courtly; decent; decorous; dignified; distinguished; elegant; elevated; eminent; exalted; formal; gallant; grand; grave; imposing; inspiring; kingly; ladylike; lofty; lordly; magisterial; majestic; measured; moving; noble; poised; prestigious; princely; proper; proud; queenly; refined; regal; reserved; respectable; royal; sedate; seemly; serious; sober; solemn; staid; state; stately; statuesque; steady; sublime; venerable; weighty; worthy