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Example sentences for "objected"

Lexicographically close words:
obituary; obitum; obitus; object; objecte; objectification; objectified; objectifies; objectify; objectifying
  1. I answered yes for the party, and told him that we strongly objected to being shouted at, as he had shouted at us in the station.

  2. We objected to the place in which we were imprisoned, but otherwise had not much of which to complain.

  3. He was extremely suspicious of me, and objected strongly when I talked to the Germans, which I did at every opportunity.

  4. But," objected Mrs Smythe, "there is this affair with Karl.

  5. I shouldn't have objected to that idea so much," Denzil interposed in a tone of deep disgust.

  6. Lucien was on bad terms with his brother, who had objected to his marriage with Mme.

  7. She objected to any publicity on this occasion, and even promised her husband that, if he would alter his behavior to Mme.

  8. Fontanes had read “Les Templiers” to Bonaparte, who approved of some portions of the piece, but objected to others.

  9. There was one in the household, however, who at first objected to the whole proceeding.

  10. Tom Fool is a mighty coward,' objected the marquis.

  11. It has been objected that justice is honesty in the sense of Glaucon and Adeimantus, but is taken by Socrates to mean all virtue.

  12. She objected to Constance's attack of sciatica, as being a too permanent reproof of her carelessness as to doors.

  13. He had always objected to what he called "puffing," and for this reason would never hear of such a thing as a clearance sale.

  14. She had the desire to do something which she objected to doing.

  15. Then followed a period during which she objected to being constantly wakened up for this annoying immersion.

  16. She had benevolently ignored the satirical note in Sophia's first remark, but a strong instinct in her rose up and objected to further derision.

  17. She had mildly objected already to certain words; but 'exquisite' seemed to her silly; it seemed out of place; she considered that it would merely bring ridicule on her shop.

  18. But it's very sludgy up there," she objected with a pout.

  19. If the Presidential veto be objected to upon the ground that it checks and thwarts the popular will, upon the same principle the equality of representation of the States in the Senate should be stricken out of the Constitution.

  20. Nor can it be objected that we, on our part, would not listen to any reasonable terms of their suggestion; the Mexican Government refused all negotiation, and have made no proposition of any kind.

  21. No, I don't say quite that," objected Joe, thoughtfully.

  22. I am afraid you'll run into danger, alone in this barbarous crowd," objected Mr. Baldwin.

  23. Our revolvers wouldn't carry that far, sir," objected one of the deputy marshals.

  24. The maid is tied to the stake surrounded by a goodly assemblage of faggots; one monk reads, another flings a cross into her hands--as if the poor maid had objected to the cross!

  25. The former expression may be objected to on the ground that the conceptions 'heroes' and 'gods' are altogether too familiar to be extended beyond their specific meaning and applied to an entire age.

  26. A fanatic might have objected that it was unfitting that a tolerationist should give his support to the most intolerant clergy in Protestant Europe.

  27. When this constitution was complete it was shown to Cromwell, who objected to the royal title, and who seems also to have been unwilling to have anything to do with another violent dissolution.

  28. He merely asked that those who objected to them might be free to deliver their testimony in public.

  29. I am afraid we can't stay but a moment or two, dear," objected Mrs. Tolman.

  30. Oh, I don't want to take yours," objected the boy.

  31. Well, the ignorant orientals, who were a hundred times more superstitious, objected very vehemently.

  32. That would hardly be fair," Mr. Ackerman objected quickly, "for the steamboats did not start even with the railroads in this contest.

  33. But you said last night that if I would hurry to bed, to-day you would tell me about the Western railroads," objected Stephen.

  34. When the volume came he still objected to the policy, to the chapter on England, and to the cold treatment of Sixtus V.

  35. I have often heard objected to these fine ships the discomfort and difficulty attending toilet; but, for my own part, I did not discover these.

  36. On the other hand, it can be objected that I set out by giving evidences of a partiality which may cause my judgment to be questioned.

  37. What Mr. Hampden objected to, and would have resisted to the death, was the unconstitutional and despotic system which the levy of the ship-money represented.

  38. He objected to these words, and proposed an amendment, with an eloquence and an energy worthy of his best days, and with a front as seemingly fearless as though his fortunes were at the full.

  39. It is certain that she strongly objected to his being compared with Perkin Warbeck, or called a bastard.

  40. Maurice objected that he was not in any way a victim of hallucinations, that he had not been dreaming, that he had seen his guardian angel with his eyes and heard him with his ears.

  41. Arcade objected that it was difficult for him to satisfy such a demand.

  42. Bishop suggested that he should give them what money he had, and they would call again on the following Monday for the remainder of the price; but this was objected to, and Mr. Partridge again went away.

  43. My friends objected to the match, and I declined it at the time.

  44. Different practitioners adopted different modes of treatment, and it often happened that that which was deemed advisable by one was considered quite the contrary by others, and yet the practice objected to was the more successful.

  45. This step was strongly objected to by the Tycoon's Ministers, but the answer was complete: the Government's acknowledged incompetence had forced this measure of self-defence on the Legations.

  46. I don't know who you mean," objected Mr. Quimby.

  47. It may be objected that the German painters at the beginning of the sixteenth century succeeded in representing with perfect mastery these scenes of country life, as, for instance, Albrecht Durer, in his engraving of the Prodigal Son.

  48. I don't think we can blame him this time," objected the elder.

  49. I can do it better than you," objected Alma, firmly.

  50. It has been objected that their sound has too great a resemblance to steamers' whistles, and they are wasteful of power.

  51. But he objected that the revenues were monopolized by one church, to which only a fraction of the population belonged.

  52. Denison, were considered at a subsequent meeting of the council held on the 17th, and strongly objected to--the first as too adulatory, the second as too political.

  53. As the man was said to belong to a rich proprietor, the doctor objected unless his fee were assured.

  54. The Tories of 1837 were generally favourable to union, while many Reformers objected to it.

  55. Yet," objected Reulah, "it is lawful to hold the vinegar in the mouth provided you swallow it afterward.

  56. You are asking me to go ahead pretty much in the dark," objected Professor Bailey.

  57. To this it may be objected that nature may have endowed our body with a disposition to permit perspiration to issue easily.

  58. It may perhaps be objected that we have here indicated the properties of "being," but we have not described its nature.

  59. It may be objected that the unity which is in essence, in movement, and the remainder of the genera, is common to all of them, and that one might therefore identify unity with essence.

  60. It might be objected that number is not infinite in an absolute manner, but only (in a relative manner) in this sense, that it is always possible to add thereto.

  61. It might be objected that, though each of them exist in some subject, the one by virtue of its being a quality, and the other, of being a quantity, they themselves are not any the less species of essences.

  62. It might be objected that a man who was walking would certainly impress on the ground the trace of his steps, and would thereby perform an action.

  63. It may be objected that Intelligence might (well) contain the ideas of animals of a higher order.

  64. It may be objected that movement is an imperfect actualization.

  65. It may be objected that a color cannot be less large, and that it can only be less vivid.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "objected" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.