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Example sentences for "ambition"

Lexicographically close words:
ambiguity; ambiguous; ambiguously; ambishun; ambit; ambitions; ambitious; ambitiously; ambivalence; ambivalent
  1. My spirits rise at once, my ambition is stimulated, and I desire his approval.

  2. Into a restaurant I wandered with part of the throng, and, with excitement and ambition for sauce, ate a good meal.

  3. It is a town of youthful contemporaries, stung with the American's ambition for independence and adventure, charmed by the gaiety of being boys and girls together, with an ever possible touch of romance which makes the hardest work seem easy.

  4. This pride and ambition has at least elevated her to neat clothes and a sprightliness of manner that is refreshing.

  5. Then no one took account of how much I did; the factory clock had a weighted pendulum; now ambition outdoes physical strength.

  6. Mars confers a sense of freedom, much ambition and executive ability, frankness, truthfulness, and scorn of consequence.

  7. I know the man, and his only ambition is the aggrandizement of his own precious self.

  8. A detective's ambition is to be, considered capable of jumping at conclusions, only the conclusions must always prove to be correct ones.

  9. The work, however, was not to his taste, and his ambition seems to have deserted him at a most inopportune time.

  10. He was sensitive to public opinion, and had no ambition to remain on the stage until he might possibly be hissed.

  11. In 1674 he returned to France, and the height of his ambition became realized.

  12. A life in the backwoods had been tried, and was found to be unsuited to the genius and ambition of a man like William Hume Blake.

  13. He was a clever, brilliant boy, however, and from his earliest years was animated by an honourable ambition to rise.

  14. The closing years of the last century were propitious for a young British soldier fired by an ambition to distinguish himself, and young Colborne had embraced precisely the career for which he was best fitted.

  15. So Samp kind of hitched up his ambition and took the slack out of his habits for a few months and went to the legislature.

  16. I, on the other side, Used no ambition to commend my deeds; The deeds themselves, though mute, spoke loud the doer.

  17. But the desire for higher command, greater power, and more unrestrained authority exhibits ambition inconsistent with due military subordination and good citizenship.

  18. Party ambition on the one hand, and timidity on the other, were the parents of these great follies.

  19. I replied in a way which aroused his ambition to accomplish what he had set out to do in coming to West Point, without regard to preference between farming and soldiering.

  20. I even indulged the ambition to work out the mathematical interpretation of all the phenomena of physical science, including electricity and magnetism.

  21. Hence I cheerfully relinquished in 1882 any reasonable ambition I may ever have had to command the army.

  22. It is a dangerous ambition in a republic.

  23. But in fact my ambition was then limited to fighting well and successfully with the single corps under my command.

  24. An ardent zeal for the propagation of the Christian faith was the leading feature of his character, and the object of his greatest ambition was to lead an army of crusaders against the infidels.

  25. Henry of Kalden, the old minister of Henry VI, was now his closest confidant, and under his direction it soon became Otto's ambition to continue the policy of the Hohenstaufen.

  26. Wikes and the letter-writer in Westminster are royalists, and severely censure the ambition and treason of Leicester, but, in the estimation of the chroniclers of Dunstable and of Waverly, he lived a saint and died a martyr.

  27. It was his ambition to break through the traditional limits that separated the church from the state, and to bind as many as he could of the kings of Europe to the papacy by ties of political vassalage.

  28. His chief ambition appears to have been the spread of his own renown, and this aim he sought to achieve in Palestine.

  29. The earl was now in reality possessed of more extensive authority than Henry had ever enjoyed; but he soon discovered that to retain the object of his ambition would require the exertion of all his powers.

  30. For his signal service, Kotuz had led Beibars to expect Aleppo; but, suspicion aroused of dangerous ambition on Beibars' part, he gave that leading capital to another.

  31. He had heard that Mr. Gough was also, and down deep in his heart the boy had an ambition to hear the man.

  32. In fact, his ambition reached higher than that: one of these days he meant to make one of his own with certain improvements!

  33. No doubt personal ambition played its part in forming his purpose, but party considerations swayed him most powerfully.

  34. There is no path of ambition open for me in a divided country.

  35. An experienced public servant had been set aside to gratify the ambition of a mere stripling.

  36. I see no path of ambition open in a bloody struggle for triumphs over my countrymen.

  37. Ambition and a buoyant optimism seemed likely to make Douglas more than ever a power in Democratic politics, when a personal bereavement changed the current of his life.

  38. The ambition of Judge Douglas had overshot the mark.

  39. In his compact, massive frame, were stored indomitable pluck and energy; and in his heart the spirit of ambition stirred mightily.

  40. He was only twenty years old, and he had not yet finished his academic course; but with the impatience of ambition he was reluctant to spend four more years in study before he could gain admission to the bar.

  41. It is not personal ambition that has induced me to take the stump this year.

  42. But what no artist could put upon canvas was the dramatic absence of resentment and defeated ambition in the one, and the patient teachableness and self-mastery of the other.

  43. From long and intimate acquaintance with the negro's character, my people know that the Phillips negro luncheon stimulates not the negro's ambition and endeavour to improve himself as it tickles and arouses his vanity.

  44. In the fires that scorched his spirit, personal and political ambition shrivelled into a cinder and was entirely consumed.

  45. She seemed to him to fit perfectly into all the plans which his ambition had made for the future.

  46. When a young man has birth and character and strong ambition it is safe to predict for him a brilliant career; and, when The Girl comes into his life, a romance out of the ordinary.

  47. Not that overweening ambition made him crave continuance in his exalted office and sicken at the thought of denial.

  48. But my heart is too keenly set on realizing this ambition for me to omit to enlist any favourable influence.

  49. I go not to escape the consequences of any crime or wrong-doing, but to gratify my ambition alone.

  50. An expression of satisfaction overspread his face, and a fire of ambition sparkled in his eye.

  51. Papa is ambitious, but his ambition no longer centers in himself, but in his children.

  52. They were all radicals, full of ambition to make a name for themselves, and all intent on elevating society out of the ruts into which it had fallen.

  53. She intuitively knew that he was seething in discontent, and with prophetic vision she knew that his restless power and his ambition would yet make him a marked figure in the world of letters or politics, or both.

  54. This coldness on the part of the public shot an atrabilarian tint through the ambition of our poet, and the fond hope of a success in literature faded from his mind.

  55. If I were a man, my ambition would be limitless.

  56. What was Don Guzman de Silvestre and his ambition to me?

  57. I could not help wondering whether he had ever felt the ambition he spoke of.

  58. From what I gathered when ashore, and also from what you have told me, I have come to the conclusion that whatever Don Silvestre's ambition may be, he has lost his hold upon Equinata.

  59. Do you remember that night when we stood together in the balcony of the Opera House, and talked of ambition and of what a man might rise to?

  60. The ambition of the people to advance themselves individually in the social scale will necessarily lead to a high value being set upon those advanced positions, and will tend to make them the fulcrum from which the country is governed.

  61. But Mercy was a statesman above every thing, and, feeling secure of being able to guide the queen, he desired to instill into her mind an ambition to govern the king.

  62. Unluckily, his character was too well known in his native district; and the Nobles, unwilling to countenance the ambition of one who had obtained so evil a notoriety, rejected him.

  63. Speaking of this very proposal, he says: "La Fayette himself did not disguise his ambition for a protectorate under Louis XVI.

  64. My youth and inexperience admonish me to express myself doubtfully; but I think myself safe in agreeing with you, that this is scarcely the best way to establish that universal Church to which the ambition of the Puritans aspires.

  65. Since that time we have the instance of the Crimean War, entered into to check the ambition of Russia.

  66. Even in his earliest pictures, we trace the ambition of the artist to ennoble and to enlarge the national manner.

  67. It was very seldom they inserted histories, it being sufficient for the ambition of those times to give a representation of our Lady upon a throne, surrounded with a number of saints, such as the devotion of each was supposed to require.

  68. He was extremely harsh with Paris Bordone, and even entered into decided hostility against him, an artist who burned with an ambition to resemble him.

  69. Well, and a noble ambition too, upon my word--if you can achieve your object.

  70. And to win the kindly feeling of their subordinates must surely be the noble ambition of both?

  71. And indeed it were not easy to find any nobler ambition than this, or aught ignobler than its opposite.

  72. If, indeed, with this to distinguish you from the rest of the world you venture to concern yourself with state affairs, it would not surprise me but that you might reach the goal of your ambition easily.

  73. Then they arrived at the scene of Braddock's defeat, where the same duty was done for the dead, a sad reminder of the folly of arrogance and ambition in commanders.

  74. Our girls are as full of ambition for their careers as our boys.

  75. It is obviously important that not only the good but also the indifferent and poor workmen should be able to cherish the ambition of rising.

  76. Perseus had no ambition to take this golden harvest.

  77. One day Bellerophon made up his mind to drive Pegasus to the gates of the gods in the sky which was too great an ambition for a mortal who had received no invitation as yet from the dwellers on Mount Olympus.

  78. A whirlwind of alien ugliness and foul smells and incessant roar and the deathless ambition of young Jews to know Ibsen and syndicalism.

  79. But on the cold December Saturday when his elevation was due he glanced out of a window, and farewell all ambition as a packer.

  80. Life is just a little old checker game played by the alfalfa contingent at the country store unless you've got an ambition that's too big to ever quite lasso it.

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ambition" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aim; ambition; animus; aspiration; basis; calling; catch; cause; climbing; consideration; counsel; desideratum; design; desire; determination; drive; eagerness; effect; enterprise; function; goal; ground; hope; idea; ideal; initiative; inspiration; intent; intention; lodestar; lodestone; lust; magnanimity; magnet; mainspring; matter; meaning; mind; motive; objective; plan; plum; point; principle; prize; project; proposal; prospectus; purpose; push; reason; resolution; resolve; sake; score; source; spring; striving; study; temptation; trophy; view; vocation; way; will