You try to holler but you kaint, counta the iron bit in your mouth, an you feel like somebody holdin you down.
He never looked roun no moren if I wan't there, an I cut my eyes roun to see if there is somebody I can holler to for help.
But when the militia started to guard the bridge, they would holler back to us to bring their knapsacks along when we came; for they wanted to go as bad as we did.
South the Dimocrisy holler to them uv the North, "Keep up yoor sperits!
From the mountin tops uv Maine, and the level pararies uv Illinoy, the remnants uv the Dimocrisy holler to us uv the South, "Be firm!
Job's cattle wuz slain by murrain and holler horn and sich, and, not livin near Noo York, the flesh thereof he cood not sell.
Why, I’d like to get where I could stretch an’ holler without disturbin’ the pensiveness of some dude in a dress suit.
H’Anglish let out a Siberian-wolf holler hisself, an’ I had to step in with the hatchet and kill the brute though I was most dead from laughin’.
Nowadays modest merit has to holler and yell and screech to make folks look at it.
Law, Mr. Sawyer, why didn't you hollerfor me ef you wanted anything?
He sure is a good spender when the orders come in, with a line of talk to make you holler for mercy.
I strove to hide my apprehensions under a holler veil of calmness and even hilarity; I give him catnip with a smile on my lip but deep forebodin' in my mind, and the same with thoroughwert.
I have hearn since that them mountains wuz holler and they keep beer and stimulants there, Id'no how true it is.
I had to comb dey hair an' dey would holler an' say I pulled.