The native practitioners attribute its frequent occurrence to some peculiarity in the atmosphere acting upon the system in a manner they are as yet unable to explain.
As to their religion, they believe in a God, the creator and ruler of all things, though they have no form of worship: they also believe in the influence of an evil spirit, to whom they attribute any ill that befalls them.
Franklin and others attribute their success largely to reading it carefully in boyhood.
The Dalziels had clever pupils to whom they attribute most readily no little of their success; of these Harry Fenn and C.
So far as we are concerned here, the interest of the book lies solely in its illustrations, but the catalogue may not even record the fact that it contains any, much less attribute them to their author.
They have some knowledge of precious stones, and seem to attribute certain virtues to them.
To these stones some of the Indians attribute medicinal virtues.
When an epidemic is raging, the Goajiro Indians of Colombia attribute it to an evil spirit, it may be the prowling ghost of an enemy.
The Sulka of New Britain believe in a certain hostile spirit named Kot, to whose wrath they attribute earthquakes, thunder, and lightning.
In Bilaspore people attributecholera to a goddess who visits the afflicted family.
A chief who failed to catch a whale has been known to attribute his failure to a breach of chastity on the part of his men.
Thlinkeet Indians have been known to attribute stormy weather to the rash act of a girl who had combed her hair outside of the house.
While they will attributethe refusal to the influence of the creature who lives with you!
Drunkenness is the worst attribute of irregular soldiering upon five shillings a-day.
The predominant attribute of the Kaffir is vanity, an attribute which he possesses in common with all savages and most white men.
It is respectfully submitted that only an ungenerous criticism will attribute hypocrisy to this final testimony of his religious faith.
It was held to be an attribute of the sovereignty of Rome that she had the right to create or destroy religions.
Well may incomprehensibility be an attribute of deity when, even to holy and reverend fathers, God has been sometimes undistinguishable from a he-goat or a Devil.
Soul and mind with him are identified, and thought is the fundamental attribute of mind.
The great object of all this is no doubt, as the East Greenlanders said to Holm, 'to keep the dead from being angry;' whence we see what a powerful influence over this life they attribute to the departed.
But when he hears it time after time, and can find no man who produces the sound, it is inevitable that he should attribute it to invisible beings.
A dizziness from which the older men sometimes suffer, and which makes them unsteady in the kaiak, they attribute in large part to coffee.
She dressed and came down, but could neither eat nor talk, and in her pride was glad to attribute all to the cold, though protesting with over-eagerness that such indisposition was rare with her.
These canals are of such frequent occurrence that it is impossible to attribute them to accident; they are evidently made, at the cost of much labour, with the deliberate purpose of putting them to the use for which they are designed.
Yet, if this is the case, it becomes in my opinion simply impossible to attribute the fact to the operation of pure instinct.
To what cause, then, may we attribute the singularities of the cuckoo?
Following this principle, we are also entitled to attribute to fish the emotions conducive to play; for nothing can well be more expressive of sportive glee than many of their movements.
Those in America who are in the habit of playing first, second, and third fiddle to instinct will probablyattribute this seeming intelligence to that principle.
Nowadays we attribute the greatest importance to the morphology of the brain, to its histological structure, the marked development of certain regions, the determination not only of centers but of connections and associations between centers.
Invention is thus unduly limited when we attribute it to great inventors only.
In our opinion, if we may with any truthfulness attribute a creative power to animals, we must seek it elsewhere.
Generally speaking, we attributeonly a mediocre importance to a manifestation that might very well be the proper form of animal fancy.
Chance, in the narrow sense, is a fortunate occurrence stimulating invention: but to attribute to it the greater part, is a partial, erroneous view.
It is not unreasonable to attribute to them an anticipated representation of their architecture.
I was compelled toattribute this and his friendly disposition, which was seldom interrupted, chiefly to his great affection and love for my father.
Though his words rather smelt of the unbeliever and blasphemer, I preferred to attribute them to the sweet champagne he had drunk than to a real want of faith.
It seemed to me bordering on blasphemy to attribute to Chiniquy, a reformation which was so clearly the work of my merciful God.
I hope, however, that you will notattribute such lowmindedness, so contemptible an action, to me.
I think nothing so terrible as objects of misery, except one had the God-like attribute of being capable to redress them; and all the country villages of France shew nothing else.
But I attribute this to custom, and am very much inclined to believe, that an Indian, who had never tasted of either, would prefer their cookery to ours.
But Mallebranche had already taught that God is the "sole vision" of all of us; and therefore, if that theory be correct, she has failed to assign to the poet of the Fall any distinctive attribute which distinguishes him from other men.
When a variation is of the slightest use to a being, we cannot tell how much of it to attribute to the accumulative action of natural selection, and how much to the conditions of life.
We may safely attribute these structures to inheritance.
We may safely attribute the greater wildness of our large birds to this cause; for in uninhabited islands large birds are not more fearful than small; and the magpie, so wary in England, is tame in Norway, as is the hooded crow in Egypt.
When we look at the plants and bushes clothing an entangled bank, we are tempted to attribute their proportional numbers and kinds to what we call chance.
In the second place, we may sometimes attribute importance to characters which are really of very little importance, and which have originated from quite secondary causes, independently of natural selection.
As it is difficult to imagine that eyes, though useless, could be in any way injurious to animals living in darkness, I attribute their loss wholly to disuse.
No moles are found in the north of Scotland, or in Ireland, which some attribute to soil and climate; but they exist in other parts of Europe under similar circumstances.
If, therefore, we attribute the forms of organisms to the action of {167} external conditions, i.