It was a conflict between a lion and a troop of jackals, whereof the issue was never in doubt as long as lethal weapons were wanting.
So the titanic struggle went on, in perfect silence as far as we were concerned, because, even had there been any noise, our distance from the scene of conflict would not have permitted us to hear it.
A very large sperm whale was locked in deadly conflict with a cuttle-fish or squid, almost as large as himself, whose interminable tentacles seemed to enlace the whole of his great body.
The conflict ceased, the sea resumed its placid calm, and nothing remained to tell of the fight but a strong odour of fish, as of a bank of seaweed left by the tide in the blazing sun.
Martha, who seems to have been agitated by a great conflict of feelings, very improperly exclaimed against this proceeding; and alleged, that as he had been interred four days, the corpse must have become offensive.
In the hour of previous conflict he intimated that this was the tragical but necessary design of his coming into the world.
Despair indeed on both sides--even at this hour when the merest incident might yet turn the issue of this world-conflict one way or the other.
Austria had already declared her intention of renewing the conflictand so had Prussia.
Her enthusiasm, her trust, her loyalty ended the conflict in Clyffurde's mind far more effectually than any sober reasoning could have done.
The protraction of the conflict on the part of the South would [240] have been impossible but for the admirable management and realization of their resources by those benighted slaves.
Britain, in her conflict with France for supremacy in the West Indies, did not disdain the aid of the sable arms that struck together with those of Britons for the trophies that furnished the motives for those epic contests.
But he, that they might know of what consequence the presence and appearance of a wise commander is in time of conflict and danger, ordered them to stand still.
About the extent to which the belligerent governments developed their air forces after the outbreak of war there was during the continuance of that conflict great reticence maintained by all of them.
Whatever the outcome of the giganticconflict may be, no one will claim that any of these devices had contributed greatly to the result.
Interminable as the conflict by which it is now racked seems, and endless as appear the resources of the nations participating in it, the time must come when victory or sheer exhaustion shall compel peace.
At the higher altitudes it was unnecessary and in conflict with other airplanes it proved worthless, because in a battle in the air the shots of the enemy are more likely to come from above or at least from levels in the same plane.
It is a weird combination of stillness and havoc, the Verdun conflict viewed from the sky.
Such sporadic dashes into the arena of conflict as the one made by the German High Fleet, bringing on the Battle of Jutland, had but little bearing on the progress of the war.
The shadow of conflict and of displacement greater than any which mankind has known since Attila and his Huns were stayed at Châlons, is visibly impending over the world.
The Religious Storm Center To the conflict of political interests is added the rivalry of religious sentiment.
Between the two scenes spreads out the panorama of six thousand years of conflict with sin.
Though the conflict went on for years before the Goths were rooted up, this defeat of 538 was a crucial hour in their history.
What Comes with Armageddon Whatever ambitions or aims may be the impelling motives when the gathering to the great conflict comes, one thing is certain: Armageddon is to bring triumph and world dominion to no earthly power.
The conflict raged back and forth till the coming of the Romans.
As the race of armaments went forward on a scale never before thought of, statesmen and writers began to make use of the word "Armageddon" to describe the conflict that they saw was inevitable.
Held closer to reality by financial worry and the hostages of wife and children, the conflict within him was heightened.
Throughout Melville’s long life his warring and untamed desires were in violentconflict with his physical and spiritual environment.
The conflict might have been renewed had not Morsinia risen from her cushion, and approached them.
He staggered up the hill from the landing to the barracks with the cry of conflict ringing through his soul.
It was difficult for the tribunals to abandon the formulas which flattered their vanity and a second command was necessary, issued in 1783, on the occasion of a prolongedconflict of the Valencia tribunal with the alcalde of Consentaina.
Yet the greatest source of conflict lay in the exclusive jurisdiction which it sought to establish over all who were connected with it, not only between themselves but between them and the rest of the community.
How futile this was is apparent from a conflict which occurred during the sitting of the commission.
A conflict caused by one of these local notaries in 1609 amply justified the murmurs of the prelates.
It is evident that all criminal judges lived in an atmosphere of dread lest at any moment the honest discharge of their functions might precipitate them into a disastrous conflict with the tribunal.
In this conflict the one hundred Kurus were badly worsted, while the five Pandavs scored a brilliant triumph.
This frightful conflict lasted eighteen days, the battle always stopping at sunset, to enable the combatants to recover their strength.
The distress of this rustic maid so excites her shepherd brothers that they fall upon the Trojans, who, of course, defend themselves, and thus the conflict begins.
After touching upon events which occurred there in mythological ages, Vasco relates how Portugal, under Viriagus, resisted the Roman conquerors, and what a long conflict his country later sustained against the Moors.
Meantime Ulysses has also come into conflict with the town-beggar (Irus), a lusty youth, who challenges him to fight.
Suddenly realizing that the conflict between them is about to begin, Satan hastens back to Hades to take counsel with his crew.
Pallas is thoughtful wisdom, justice, and moderation, which alone can allay the conflict of reason and passion.
Wist thou what conflict thou must soon contend in To proffer speech and full defence for Sparta?
He has delineated the conflict of passions and motives; but for the most part not immediately as such, but as already metamorphosed into a contest of principles.
This was a just retaliation: to fall in open conflict would have been too honourable a death for Aegisthus.
He wishes to show that the conflict of good and evil in this world can only take place by the permission of Providence, which converts the curse that individual mortals draw down on their heads into a blessing to others.
Approaching the scene with as little noise as possible, they heard the sound of blows; and, though the night was dark, perceived a sort of tumultuous conflict on the very spot which the conspirators had possessed.
Our faculties were for some minutes suspended by a conflict of grief and joy.
But the passion had taken too deep a root in his heart to be so easily extirpated; his absence from the dear object increased the impatience of his love: the intestine conflict between that and gratitude deprived him of his rest and appetite.
General Lee himself overlooked the scene of conflict from a hill near the old Blandford Cemetery, and well do I remember the sad expression of his face as we passed him in returning to our quarters.
This provision of the law, being afterwards thought to be in conflict with that clause of the Constitution which requires the judges of the Supreme Court to be elected by the General Assembly, was repealed.
If he had armed himself for defense, expecting a conflict with the prisoner, he would have summoned his aid and kept it at his heels ready for the encounter.
Then the States were fresh from the conflict of the Revolutionary war.
The following winter was spent quietly, both armies preparing for the great conflict that was soon to begin at the Wilderness.
The blade no more be raised aloft, In conflict fierce and wild.
And early the next morning, we were called to arms again, Unmindful of the wounded and unmindful of the slain, The struggle was renewed, and ten thousand men were killed; This was the second conflict of the famous Shiloh Hill.
You perceive at once that here was a very pretty ground for conflict between the two men, after the ecclesiastical battle had been called off.
In the end this internal conflict centred about Leviathan; but in the beginning I believe that it was of an ecclesiastical nature.
Well, you can see from this how the great Leviathan conflict began.
Never at any time did he betray a doubt that all this chaotic conflict would end.
Caesar came into conflict with the Belgae when he was campaigning for the conquest of Gaul in 57 B.
Picture the possibilities of conflict and jealousy among a people otherwise closely allied, with the same government, and with daily interchange of interests.
In all the conflict of methods, this basic mechanical idea has never been attacked.
As the empirical knowledge is correct, and the mechanical idea a complete mistake, conflict between the two is inevitable.
Modern methods of instruction in singing can be understood only by following out this idea of conflict between known facts and accepted, though erroneous, scientific doctrines.
I tremble for you but upon supposing what may be the consequence of a conflict upon this occasion.
Internal conflictover the proper way to reform the ailing banking system continues.
Until the end of World War I, it was closely tied to Austria, but the economic devastation caused by that conflict forced Liechtenstein to enter into a customs and monetary union with Switzerland.
Tens of thousands have died in an ethnic conflict that continues to fester.
The question of education did not rise while the conflict lasted.
It is evident that a great conflict is taking place to the northwest of Washington, and its issue must have a great effect on the state of affairs.
The conflict is no longer between the men, but between the motors that drive the men, and the men tend to succumb to their own motive forces.
Friends interposed their aid to avert a calamity, and at last he stood face to face with the great conflict between honor and domestic peace.
Within her bosom raged the conflict which finally undermined her health.
Each candidate had his friends freely distributed through the crowd, and it needed but a few angry interruptions or insinuating rejoinders from one speaker to another to bring on a conflict between their friends.
No S is P" is adopted for E to avoid conflict with a form of common speech, in which All S is not P conveys the meaning of the Particular Negative.
In this word we have an instance of the frequent conflict between the words of common speech and logical terminology.
It is in the clash or conflict of impressions that knowledge emerges: every item of knowledge has its illuminating foil, by which it is revealed, over against which it is defined.
Thirdly, they should fight as little as possible; it being their object to fight when pursued and interfered with by small parties of Spaniards, but to avoid conflict with large bodies.
Then, with his arms erect, he began to move along the benches of the canoe, towards the conflict which was raging on either side.