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Example sentences for "remonstrate"

Lexicographically close words:
remodelling; remonetization; remonstrance; remonstrances; remonstrants; remonstrated; remonstrates; remonstrating; remonstrative; remontant
  1. Even when greatly annoyed by a larger bird, she never failed to stand upon the defensive, open her mouth, and sometimes remonstrate in low, gentle talk.

  2. I know they would not let me have it," she continued as I attempted to remonstrate with her, "but I am determined not to die choking.

  3. Holly often interspersed her conversation with various quotations and wise reflections; but the idea of listening at key-holes quite shocked my sense of honor, and I endeavored to remonstrate with her upon the practice.

  4. In this respect, Saul shared the feeling that constrained Moses to shrink back when he was appointed to deliver Israel from Egypt, and that constrained Jeremiah to remonstrate when he was appointed a prophet unto the nations.

  5. He it was to whom the affront had been given; He, if any, it was that had cause to remonstrate and complain.

  6. He went off laughing, and protesting that he had no idea that I had taken up the rôle of a charitable charwoman, and that the vicar would remonstrate with me on the subject.

  7. You can't have really come here to remonstrate with me in a Christian spirit for performing an act of Christianity?

  8. I descended to the lower regions to remonstrate with and hurry Martin, and found, as I feared, that his former evil habits had returned upon him.

  9. This unseemly, scandalous hilarity of her husband, the wife appeared to faintly remonstrate against.

  10. I did not remonstrate or try to make her alter her decision.

  11. About the same time a deputation of persons arrived from the province of Brittany to remonstrate against the establishment of the Cour Pleniere, and those the archbishop sent to the Bastille.

  12. A Mr. Oxnard came to remonstrate with me on behalf of the beet sugar industry of the West.

  13. Smurthwaite could not remonstrate against the individual offenses of Joseph F.

  14. My brothers and I felt that the questions had been needlessly offensive, and after an indignant discussion of the matter, I undertook to remonstrate personally with Mr. Dickson.

  15. Henry, in order to prevent this alternate revolution of concessions and encroachments, sent William, then archbishop of Canterbury, to remonstrate with the court of Rome against those abuses, and to assert the liberties of the English church.

  16. Sidenote] The inhabitants of Colleton county remonstrate against it.

  17. The inhabitants of Colleton county remonstrate against it.

  18. To argue or remonstrate would only be rude.

  19. I was better able to remonstrate with him, because I had taken no part in the contest which I had witnessed, further than placing myself between them when his rage seemed to have robbed him of reason.

  20. I did not fail again and again to remonstrate on behalf of my mother--for the scene which I have described to you became an endless one; but perceiving at length that representation added only fuel to the fire, I desisted.

  21. Henry, in order to prevent this alternate revolution of concessions and encroachments, sent William, then Archbishop of Canterbury, to remonstrate with the court of Rome against those abuses, and to assert the liberties of the English church.

  22. Shnisky replied angrily, and Ivan requested his dogs to remonstrate with the prince, which they did by tearing him limb from limb.

  23. One of them, however, took courage to remonstrate with him, and did so with good effect.

  24. We see men taking up with evil habits, evil companions, or evil opinions; we are bound to remonstrate with them and endeavor to warn them timeously.

  25. He would speak to her, would treat her with courtesy, and the quiet familiarity of an older relative--and more, actually remonstrate with her conduct whenever he thought it wrong.

  26. This ecclesiastic had come to the Netherlands ostensibly to confer with the Prince of Orange upon the affairs of his principality, to remonstrate with Count Culemburg, and to take measures for the reformation of the clergy.

  27. Their increasing passion quite terrified us; and Mrs. Mirvan was beginning to remonstrate with the Captain, when we were all silenced by what follows.

  28. I spoke afterwards to Mrs. Mirvan with the openness which her kindness encourages, and begged her to remonstrate with him upon the cruelty of tormenting Madame Duval so causelessly.

  29. Ellerton was an old servant, and he ventured to remonstrate before carrying out this order.

  30. Evelyn used to remonstrate with him for his lavishness, not knowing that Mr. Huntingdon had prompted the gift.

  31. I should like to have a talk with Mrs. St. Clair; indeed, I think it my duty as a minister to remonstrate with a young wife when she has left her husband.

  32. Parteiling, the commissary of police, came to remonstrate with the clergyman.

  33. Some rigid persons, unable to reconcile this frank and genial sociability with the crucifying life of penance and prayer and unremitting service of the poor and the sick which Amelie led, ventured to remonstrate with her on the subject.

  34. One day, venturing to remonstrate with the regent on his loose mode of life, his habitual drunkenness, etc.

  35. If a woman ventures to remonstrate at such extravagant lewdness, the reply is, "Well, now, be silent.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remonstrate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    admonish; argue; beef; bitch; boggle; boycott; caution; challenge; charge; complain; confront; damn; daunt; demonstrate; demur; disapprove; dispute; dissent; dissuade; encourage; enjoin; except; exhort; expostulate; front; holler; howl; incite; induce; insist; intimidate; kick; march; move; object; oppose; persuade; picket; preach; prompt; protest; rally; remonstrate; revolt; scruple; squawk; stand; strike; urge; warn; withstand