On the following day Lord Melbourne informed the house that ministers had resolved to advise the queen to disallow of the whole ordinance.
But the Crown retains power to disallow the Law; and if such power be exercised at any time afterwards, the Law ceases to have operation from the date at which such disallowance is published in the Colony.
First, the Dominion Government might disallow the offending act.
This Act was then before Sir John's Cabinet and he was under strong pressure to disallow it.
Still another complained that the auditors would disallow the relief given to cases which require relief, while they never disallow sums paid incurred by leave of absence of officials.
But these two reasons are not sufficient to make me disallow them.
Now if you admit this, you disallow the Protagorean doctrine.
It is the express purpose of his doctrine to disallow the absolutely true and the absolutely false.
Before we deduce so weighty a conclusion from data so peculiar, we must obtain some assurance that no further insight will disallow the interpretation we have given.
They discourage and disallow some unworthy conceptions, and enlarge the scope of others.
Whatever the cause may have been she renounced all claim to relationship, and the lines were made to read as they at present stand: "Then let none disallow of these my straines Whilst English blood yet runs within my veines.
Do Thou That ownest the soul, Yet wilt grant control To another, nor disallow For a time, restrain me now!
Kiss me as if you entered gay My heart at some noonday, A bud that dares not disallow The claim, so all is rendered up, 60 And passively its shattered cup Over your head to sleep I bow.
But if her father disallow her in the day that he hears, none of her vows, or of her bonds with which she has bound her soul, shall stand: and Yahweh will forgive her, because her father disallowed her.
But if her husband disallow her in the day that he hears it, then he shall make void her vow which is on her, and the rash utterance of her lips, with which she has bound her soul: and Yahweh will forgive her.
We therefore disallow the proposal entirely: not, of course, because we suppose that so excellent and honourable a man as Dr.
But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth; not any of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall stand: and the Lord shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her.
These reasonings disallow all essence of every thing, and all necessity; for whatever is necessary, cannot be at once both thus and not thus (b.
Even after the death of Aristotle, the acute disputation of Stilpon suggested many problems, but yielded few solutions; and Menedemus went so far as to disallow negative propositions altogether.
Those who contend that both members of the Antiphasis are at once true disallow Essentia altogether, and the distinction between it and Accidens (p.
Though I disallow it as a natural, I admit it as an artificial, plea.
I wish he were, sir, his generous nature would not disallow them.
Kiss me as if you entered gay My heart at some noonday, A bud that dares not disallow The claim, so all is rendered up, And passively its shattered cup Over your head to sleep I bow.
What to remind him of, and avoid all claim of tender memory for the past, in view of the fact that he might disallow that past altogether!
Through these the preparations made For me to-day by her are stayed, For he is bound to disallow This promise by that earlier vow.
But the vows of a single woman, or of a wife, if the father of the one, or the husband of the other, disallow of them as soon as they know them, are to be of no force.
But if her father disallow her in the day that he heareth; not any of her vows or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand: and the Lord shall forgive her, because her father disallowed her.
Many divines disallow of festival days, and with the church, were free of them.
We art provoked to disallow of lawful things, and to condemn the doers as superstitious and popishly affected.
The former do not come into force until the expiration of forty days after a copy of them has been sent to the secretary of state, during which forty days the sovereign in council may disallow any by-law or part thereof.
Any owner of property or ratepayer may attend the audit and object to the accounts, and either on such objection or on his own motion the auditor may disallow any payment and surcharge the amount on the persons who made or authorized it.
In the circumstances, His Majesty’s Government had no alternative but to disallow the agreement as inconsistent with the policy which they had laid down.