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Example sentences for "obituary"

Lexicographically close words:
obispos; obit; obiter; obits; obituaries; obitum; obitus; object; objecte; objected
  1. A great many people liked Theodore Hook, but it was nearly impossible for any one to respect him; yet it was quite impossible for Lockhart, a political sympathiser and a personal friend, to treat him harshly in an obituary notice.

  2. See Main's and Pritchard's Preface to above, and Dunkin's Obituary Notices, p.

  3. I think it would be well for each of us occasionally to visualise his obituary "note.

  4. Many of us, just somebodies but nobodies in especial particular, do not have a separate head at all but go in a group into the feature "Obituary Notes.

  5. No young man, I should say, reads obituary notices.

  6. As this column lengthens the paragraphs shorten, until is reached what seems to me the most moving obituary of all, that most eloquent of the destiny of men.

  7. How much life it takes to make a very little obituary in the great city!

  8. A type of obituary which very likely is read rather generally in cities is that of slow growth and released from the newspaper-office "morgue" as occasion calls.

  9. In case we should miss one another to-day, let me say that it is impossible for me to undertake the obituary in "Nature.

  10. But as neither he nor Sir Joseph Hooker could at the moment undertake a regular obituary notice, this was entrusted to Professor Romanes, to whom the following letters were written.

  11. Lastly, he was thinking over the obituary notice of Darwin which he had undertaken to write for the Royal Society--though it did not appear till 1888--that on F.

  12. Because the reporters were both busy we called the stenographer, and had the Colonel's story taken down as he told it--to be rewritten into an obituary later.

  13. He is the president of the Old Settlers' Society, and once or twice a year he brings in an obituary which he has written for the family of some of the old-timers.

  14. There was Buzby--old Buzby, who went about from office to office leaving his obituary set up by his own hand, conveying the impression that at last the end had come to a misspent life.

  15. And the words of his obituary notice at once began to dance before his eyes.

  16. Footnote 1: The obituary was written by Mr. Felix King, but the two lines of poetry were composed by Miss Sara Ray.

  17. Never mind, we're going to have a real obituary about him in Our Magazine," whispered Cecily consolingly.

  18. Prospect of Flowers Andrew Marvell To Hartley Coleridge William Wordsworth To a Child of Quality Matthew Prior Ex Ore Infantium Francis Thompson Obituary Thomas William Parsons The Child's Heritage John G.

  19. In an obituary notice devoted to Koch a Belgian bacteriologist, M.

  20. It was while carrying this poem from one newspaper to another that you secured that bit of print upon the blank side of which yourself printed the obituary notice with which you savoured your revenge upon the woman who had disappointed you.

  21. Probably, but in pinning it to the cushion, it was the obituary notice that chanced to come uppermost.

  22. It was the recipe, then, and not the obituary notice which attracted your attention the night before?

  23. Titus Munson Coan, in an obituary sketch read before the Authors Club, said with reference to this part of his career that in the Evening Post office "he was a lion in a den of Daniels," and the figure of speech was altogether apt.

  24. News of his death would come and all the newspapers would print extended obituary articles.

  25. The following appreciation is from the obituary notice in The Observatory, January 1913, p.

  26. Mr. Sherlock has given examples of the method in a sympathetic obituary published (p.

  27. Samuel Butler Records and Memorials, a collection of obituary notices with a note by R.

  28. Samuel Butler," an obituary notice by Henry Festing Jones in the Eagle (December).

  29. The portrait which accompanies the obituary notice in the Art Journal is that of a very aged gentleman, with a grey beard and thick, white, bristly hair.

  30. This fact being duly heralded in the newspapers, they put the obituary notices back into their pigeonholes.

  31. She learned afterwards that long obituary notices were put in type in many of the newspaper offices.

  32. Like many other classes of newspaper stories, the obituary has developed a conventional form which is followed more or less rigidly by all the papers of the land.

  33. The obituary usually ends with a list of surviving relatives--especially children and very often the funeral arrangements are included.

  34. Very rightly, an obituary is handled with a sense of the sanctified character of its subject It offers no opportunity for fine writing or human interest; it simply gives the facts as briefly and impersonally as possible.

  35. This is the standard form of the obituary which is followed by most daily newspapers in fair-sized cities.

  36. Every obituary follows the same order and tells the same sort of facts about its subject.

  37. The story alluded to is not to be found in the obituary of the Gentleman's Magazine.

  38. The writers of that obituary had never heard of the story, or we may be sure they would have made use of it.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "obituary" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adventure; annals; arch; autobiography; biography; brass; bust; cairn; cenotaph; chronicle; chronology; column; confessions; cross; cup; diary; dismal; documentary; dolmen; feral; fortune; funeral; funereal; grave; gravestone; headstone; history; inscription; journal; legend; life; marker; mausoleum; memento; memoir; memorial; monolith; monument; mortuary; mound; mournful; necrology; obelisk; obituary; pillar; plaque; prize; profile; pyramid; record; reliquary; remembrance; resume; ribbon; sepulchral; shaft; shrine; stela; stone; story; stupa; tablet; testimonial; tomb; tombstone; tope; trophy