Very soon I was the only target for the men in the blockhouse, and they shot at me for sheer amusement.
The fellow in our front furnished such a tempting target that one of our men fired, and the Federal dropped from his horse.
For three afternoons of the week a part of each company went out for target practice.
Haverick, the horse-dealer--the man who owned the dog I shot while we were at target practice.
The woman went on her way slowly, and the target practice was resumed.
The raft became thetarget for the hottest kind of fire, and as the ferrying had to be done by the soldiers pulling along the rope stretched from shore to shore, the passage was as slow as it was dangerous.
Many were the times that the members of his staff urged him not to make a target of himself.
The aviators, however, are still intent on picking out their target (probably a factory which manufactures war material) and have not yet entered the barrage.
As an alternative target to Frankfort they were given the Burbach Hutte Works at Saarbrucken.
The Huns in charge of the anti-aircraft defences stationed about the target direct huge beams of numerous searchlights toward the sky and an intense barrage is put up above and around the target by the Hun batteries.
The plane passes over thetarget and turns on a steep "bank," while the aviators watch for the burst of the bombs.
Held in the beams of the enemy's searchlights and plainly visible against the dark clouds above, Jock's plane was an easytarget for the Hun gunners.
Here all the plans for the raid are made, the courses figured and marked on individual charts, the photographs or plans of targets studied and the best methods of approaching the target discussed.
The submarine awash presented too big a target broadside on.
Luck more than good management had enabled him to hit a target the thickness of a lead pencil on a dark night, with only the flicker of a match to assist his aim.
But the distance was great, the target elusive, and Dade's bullets sang futilely.
The slope up which he had just driven the horses was likewise free from obstruction, so that if his enemy was behind any of the rocks he was doomed to stay there or offer himself as a target for Calumet's pistol.
Others who succeeded them, it is true, were less sure, their bullets striking in the different circles that surrounded the centre of the target without touching it.
A shout from the target announced the truth of this assertion.
The potato was thrown in the usual manner, the rifle was discharged, but the flying target was untouched.
The first stir between the lines becomes the target for both sides.
When they came to land, the natives in great companies stood to resist them, shaking their lances, and threatening them, and some were so daring as to wade into the sea, holding a target in one hand and a lance in the other.
Then cut a hinge-strip out of a piece of dress lining, and either tack or glue one-half of it to block B and the other half to the target support A.
Figure 214 shows how the target should be hinged in place to the horizontal strip A.
When Shooting=, stand 3 or 4 feet away from thetarget box.
The right position for the box is upon its side so its open top forms the front of the target box (Fig.
He set up his gun in an exposed position and opened fire on the advancing Germans, choosing for his target the point of the attack which most immediately menaced the battery of field-guns.
He refused to be accompanied the second time, knowing that as soon as he left the trench he would become the target for the excellent shooting that had already put Payne and Rogerson out of action.
The Highlandmen are pretty men For target and claymore, But yet they are but naked men To face the cannon's roar.
Tell Ensign Maccombich to pick out a handsome target from among mine.
The dirk and the target lie sordid with dust, The bloodless claymore is but redden'd with rust; On the hill or the glen if a gun should appear, It is only to war with the heath-cock or deer.
Errors were corrected and the order to fire again given, the targetmeanwhile being quite out of sight of the battery commander.
But his temperament was eminently self-contained, and on the whole he was an elusive target for the witticisms of his friends.
We're going to have a match at a targetbehind the pines.
But that intense bombardment of the trench almost certainly meant the launching of another British attack, and then the machine-guns would find their target struggling again across their sights and under their streaming fire.
The machine-guns below him ceased, and the Corporal concluded that their target had gone for the moment.
This also was true, and since a man crawling down a steep and narrow stair made a target impossible for anyone shooting up the tunnel to miss, the Lieutenant began to wish himself out of the job.
For a quarter of an hour, nay, for an eternity, I was the target of the jeers, the contempt, and the scorn of the rabble that publicly abused me in the most disgraceful manner!
Ah, I shall be the target of general envy, for there is no lady in Vienna worthy of being compared with you.
Electric-Lamp Reflector for a Target [Illustration] An ordinary 1-lb.
When the caster can drop the line on the target lightly and with reasonable accuracy, he may feel justified in lengthening his cast.
The point being so small, it can be used in the house for shooting at a paper target pinned to the wall without injury to the plaster or woodwork.
The light is projected upon the target while the marksman's eyes are shielded.
Fritz would observe these little parties very easily by reason of the fact that the timber would invariably show above the top of the trench as they came up and would make us the target for a little more T.
This village was a popular target with our artillery, and soon after these British soldiers had been placed in the cage it was shelled badly by the English gunners.
The steam from their upright boilers provided an excellent target for Fritz and they were shelled consistently, but nevertheless the Canucks accomplished the work successfully.
As this crossroad was a favorite target for the Hun we would often speculate on the size of the crater it would make when hit.
The hedge here afforded a very useful target for the enemy, and they succeeded in planting many heavy minenwerfers around and in our sap.
This mill was a favorite target with the Hun, and therefore not a popular rendezvous for us.
The journey is then resumed, and much relief is felt when at last the ground over a nasty dip is traversed without mishap, as this is known to be a favourite target for hostile gunners.
Sniping was sometimes indulged in, but a target rarely presented itself for the simple reason that the enemy was hardly ever in his front line trenches during daylight.
The pieces being duly registered, the Battery is now ready for any emergency, and theoretically we can engage any target in our arc of fire.
The great concentration of guns and the few suitable localities for placing them in action added to our difficulties, and we were thus rendered an easy target for the hostile counter batteries.
Still clutching his companion, Samson obeyed, and they saw Jessica now lying upon her back, sighting upward and backward over her head a small, white object that had been placed in the target where the tack had been.
Sorry it's so dusk, but any gent what doubt's is free to walk up to the target and look where the ball strikes.
They offered her all their possessions, including pistols and bowie knives, at peaceful Sobrante more useful for target practice and pruning vines than their original purposes.
My friendlessness aroused no pity in your hearts; I was only an unresisting target at which to throw a convenient stone.
Without it she's as helpless as though her hands were shackled and left a target for every one who chooses to throw a stone at her.
To be an object of ridicule, the target of somebody's wit, appeared to be her lot.
The inspector will gradually approach the target, focusing the glass until he reaches the most distant point from the target where the uniform field ceases and the black and white intervals appear distinct and defined.
Definition: In determining the definition of the glass expressed in units (seconds) a target will be provided with a number of lines one-tenth inch thick with one-tenth inch spaces between them drawn on a piece of heavy white paper.
At a certain distance this target will appear uniformly gray when viewed through the glass.
Whate'er it bodes, henceforward will I bear Upon mytarget three fair shining suns.
Why, thou Mars, I tell the We have a power on foot, and I had purpose Once more to hew thy target from thy brawn, Or lose mine arm for't.
Deploy them before coming within range of musketry; for infantry in compact order is a good target for the enemy.
This was known to be honeycombed with deep dug-outs and galleries and was therefore a frequent target for our heavy howitzers.
Our men were delighted at the perfect target they presented on the skyline, and rat-tat-tatted merrily in reply to the Hun swish.