She was not altogetherconvinced that Lancelot Vane was insensible to Sally's undoubted attractions.
The hubbub was ended, and not altogether to the satisfaction of the hackney coachman judging by the way he banged his door.
He was altogether a different Lancelot from the bedraggled, woe-begone, haggard young man whom she had found in the last stage of misery two hours ago.
Altogether a respectable, well-dressed widow, but evidently not a lady.
And altogether I paid pretty dear for my monthly fourpenny piece, in the shape of these abominable fancies.
I began to feel pretty desperate at this, for I felt altogether helpless; and yet, by an odd train of circumstances, it was indeed through me that safety came.
She had urged taking her cousins with her, but Auntie Jean knew this would bealtogether too much responsibility for so old a lady to have, since she herself could not leave Marbury.
You can see for yourself that our young friend is altogether charming," whispered Madame de Nointel, behind the shelter of her fan, and indicating Zibeline.
This time the verdict was altogether favorable, with no mention of the possibility of any aggravating circumstances.
The field was altogether different when Edward Bok entered it in 1889.
Therefore, no reader can possibly know where I was in earnest and where I was joking; or whether I was jokingaltogether or in earnest altogether.
Now it is altogether too comfortable for us of the big ships; the destroyers and patrols get all the fun while we hang about here in harbour or put up a stately and entirely innocuous parade of the North Sea.
He had never served an apprenticeship in a submarine catcher and the sea business in small sporting craft was altogether new to him.
We have been altogetherlacking in preparation in a strict military sense.
Notwithstanding all that had happened, she had never been able to tear Jupillon's image altogether from her heart: its roots were still imbedded there.
My dear, I am really afraid you are not altogether enjoying yourself?
Lavinia was about replying to her honoured parent that she might as well have dispensed with her looks altogether then, when Bella rose and said, 'Good night, dear Ma.
The foreign gentleman begged to be pardoned, but did not altogether understand.
They are perfectly new to me, and may be founded altogether on your own imagination.
I alone know that it must be altogether false, and that you must know it to be altogether false.
Contradictory things to wish,' said Bella, 'but my life and fortunes are so contradictory altogether that what can I expect myself to be!
This time Georgiana accompanied her ejaculations with taps of her feet upon the floor, and was altogether in quite a desperate condition.
With an air of not minding Eugene at all, he feels that the subject is not altogether a safe one in that connexion.
It is another of my miseries that I cannot speak to you or speak of you without stumbling at every syllable, unless I let the check go altogether and run mad.
Our entry into the country was not altogether fortunate, because while yet in the train we managed to get into trouble with the guard over a window which he insisted on shutting when we wanted it open.
Shepherds with lanterns went about on the downs at night dodging the lanterns about in various ways which did not seem altogether necessary for finding sheep.
Affeton Castle has been for many years altogether in ruins, but in the middle of the last century Sir George Stucley roofed over the old gate-house and made it habitable as a shooting-box.
This part of the coast was naturally a happy hunting-ground for smugglers, and was not altogether innocent of wreckers.
Risdon concludes his account of the twins by saying that they died together; but this is not altogether accurate, for, about a week after the death of Nicholas, Andrew with three hundred soldiers set sail from Berwick for Havre.
The chill obstruction never to the end Was altogether thawed in Shimei's heart To make him childlike placable and mild.
The waking dreams of Shimei, in his chains And darkness, were not altogether those Foreshadowed by the soldier bitterly To him--dreams of foreboding and despair Only; that Roman had not learned that Jew.
God is not altogether such, I know, As we are; yet are we too somewhat such As He, for in God's image were we made.
Thou hast not altogether missed thy mark In coming hither now, although I thus Seem to let Shimei for the present slip.
I shall not wonder if He take away The pain, almost--or altogether even.
The piece altogether is comparatively worthless in design, and is very indifferently engraved.
It is a small folio consisting altogether of a hundred and one leaves of paper of good quality, moderately thick and white, and in which the water-mark is an ox's head.
From the manners of the republic a custom had been ingrafted into the monarchy of Rome altogether unsuitable to that mode of government.
If we take in the conquests of Charlemagne, it was also very near as extensive as formerly; though its constitution was altogether different, as being entirely on the Northern model of government.
Yet was it not altogether so imperfect as to have no punishment adequate to those great delinquencies which tend entirely to overturn a state, public robbery, murder of the lord.
The Druids, even in Gaul, where they were notaltogether ignorant of the use of letters, in order to preserve their knowledge in greater respect, committed none of their precepts to writing.
They were altogether unskilful either in improving their victories or repairing their defeats.
Neither, indeed, can anything be done, even in this, without invention; but it is obvious that this invention is of a kind altogether different from the former.
The order of succession had already been broken; the absence of Duke Robert, and the concurrence of many circumstances altogether resembling those which had been so favorable to the late monarch, incited him to a similar attempt.
The juncture was altogether favorable to his design.
The clergy also took advantage of the badness of his title to establish one altogether as ill founded.
For raising this sum, the first taxation, the most heavy and general that was ever known in England, proved altogether insufficient.
In this enterprise nothing but difficulties presented themselves: his revenue was scanty, and his subjects altogether unskilled in maritime affairs, either as to the construction or the navigation of ships.
But he left them their mountains, their arms, and their liberty: a policy, perhaps, not altogether worthy of so able a commander.
Fortunately, it had not been altogetherwashed away, for, as it was, large quantities of water had got down and damaged everything in the forecastle.
Continued efforts were made among Cicero's friends at Rome to bring him back, with which he was not altogether contented.
The Gaul or Gallia of which Cæsar speaks when, in the opening words of his Commentary, he tells us that it was divided into three parts, was altogether beyond the Roman province which was assigned to him.
The glory was kept not altogether for Rome, but for Romans.
But though Verres loved these trinkets, it was notaltogether for himself that he sought them.
The salt of their republican theory was not as yet altogether washed out from their practice.
The old lord, when he was collecting his papers for his autobiography, had altogether forgotten his Voltaire, and thought that he had composed the story!
But in that, though the variety of the pursuit and its greatness charmed me altogether, yet it seemed to me that the very essence of judicial conclusion was altogether suppressed.
Reading it again subsequently, I added another note, "The language altogether different from that of his ordinary letters.
The aristocracy of Rome was altogether on the side of Verres, as was natural.
Today Lisa is altogether in 'Marathon,'" Bob whispered to Erika.
For when Matthew Fottner was punished with solitary confinement for the second time, he resolved to serve no longer in the army and to give up altogether his purpose of reenlisting.
Although the real responsibility lay upon the bailiff and the housekeeper, she would not altogetherlet go of the helm.
Such writers as Sohnrey and Frenssen have not altogether escaped the danger.
It seemed that in this firmly organized body of his the eyes were not altogether obedient.
Nor could the fugitives altogether escape the neighbourhood of the French patrols, so closely were they posted to the castle.
They were not allowed to repair their shattered temples, and were deprived of a proper number of pastors; so thataltogether they were in an evil case.
He was not only altogether determinate in declining to use the money for himself, or share it with Jem, in order to secure his silence, but refused to show him the purse, although he offered to advertise it.
William listened to the words of the stranger with an emotion altogether new to him; he had heard such words before, but now they were invested with a new meaning.
Bitter was his grief; and altogether at a loss how to proceed, for a moment he was tempted to resolve never again to face his unkind guardian, and seek another home, no matter where; he believed he could not be worse off.
Acting on his benefactor's very sensible advice, he had not allowed his mind to dwell upon those mysterious things which were altogether outside his humble sphere.
She reached her finger in and touched their silky little backs; she watched them snuggle down tight and tighter together and she altogether forgot about Bob and egg-hunting and Grandmother and everything, she was so delighted.
Altogether Mary Jane thought she had the most fun during that visit of any visit she had ever made!
His head, arms, legs, trunk, were altogether loose as if they contained no bones or only broken ones.
I am thine, altogether thine, O my country, my mother!