Well, she soon got up her flesh again, and grew so plump, and rosy, and white, that the Queen and her scrawny chip of a daughter turned blue and yellow for spite.
The King had said he would give many, many dollars to the man who could fell the oak, but no one was man enough for that, for as soon as ever one chip of the oak's trunk flew off, two grew in its stead.
It is very easy to give Blue Chip the proper heat if care is used in making up the fire.
This saves compound, and causes a more gradual diffusion of the carbon between the case and the core, and is very desirable condition, inasmuch as abrupt cases are inclined to chip out.
The high heat is the important thing in hardening Blue Chip tools.
Chip has taken a special interest in Harlem, and one school in particular near Morningside Park.
Rangel also likes to talk about Chip Carter, the president's son, who is involved in a project called City in Schools, designed to upgrade the neighborhoods outside certain schools.
I am confident that with Chip Carter's help, and with my help, Morningside Park will soon show some improvements.
The township line was marked through the woods by four blazes on each tree, placed in the form of a diamond, a chip being cut out at each angles of the diamond.
I remember that I wore a nightgown of pale blue lustring, with a chip hat trimmed with ribands of the same colour.
She wore a dress of printed Irish muslin, with a black gauze cloak and a chip hat, trimmed with pale lilac ribbons; she was tall, and had a very pleasing countenance.
I wore a gown of light brown lustring with close round cuffs (it was then the fashion to wear long ruffles); my hair was without powder, and my head adorned with a plain round cap and a white chip hat, without any ornaments whatever.
But bone china is very strong, and does not chip as does a more brittle variety.
They stand the heat and at the same time are less liable to break or chip the goods than are containers of any other material.
The old hound at the chip pile blinked lazily and raised his head, then dropped it and slumbered again.
Judith took the pocket-knife from the mantel, and going to the window tossed it to her cousin Wade Turrentine, who was shaping an axe helve at the chip pile.
They left the doors open, the candles flaring, and nobody to guard but the toothless old hound who slept and snored on the chip pile.
Judith sank lower in her splint-bottomed chair, looking fixedly above the flaxen heads at her knees, out through the open door, across the chip pile, and away to the bannered splendours of the autumn slopes.
Miss Pillbody's establishment would open, and an angel would dazzle upon his sight, with a music book in her hand instead of a harp, and a jaunty little chipbonnet on her head instead of a golden crown.
Drive a sharp bargain, and show yourself a chip of the old block.
It was set against the spot where the force was needed, and a blow struck in the crotch of the limb caused the chip to fly.
The church was borne along like a chip on the tide.
He played while they hafted long narrow flakes for knives, but when they began to chip spearheads, he came and watched them at their work.
Make a collection of stones which you canchip or flake.
At the very moment, one of the men supporting him moved--the pick had dislodged a heavy chip of granite; in falling it struck his crouching supporter on the head.
All that he could do was to chip away a few inches on each side of the window, so as to enlarge the space sufficiently to admit of the passage of his shoulders.
It would take long to chipthe stone away as he had seen masons do.
In a few minutes the trees around her were ringing with chip cheer!
Frequently there were from three to nine tanagers perched in full view, occasionally calling chip cheer!
But great-stepuncle James could never have been mistaken for anything but a chip of the early nineteenth century flicked by the hammer of Fate into the twentieth.
Louis and he would often amuse themselves with shooting at a mark, which they would chip on the bark of a tree, even Catharine was a tolerable archeress with the long-bow, and the hut was now seldom without game of one kind or other.
If "smitten," she would throw the chip at him with a pleasant smile, and then nothing was wanting but the service of the priest to bind the marriage tie.
If he liked her appearance he tossed a chip into her lap.
If, however, the young brave was not a man to her liking, the chip would be tossed aside with a frown, and he would then be obliged to seek elsewhere.
He punched buttons and a printed chip of plastic extruded from a slot on the desk top.
He pressed my finger into the still-soft surface of the plastic, indelibly recording the print; waited a moment for it to harden, then laid the chip in the slot of a pneumatic tube.
To chip a flint in this way must have required a skilful and well-practised hand.
Chip after chip must fall from vain desires, And the sharp corners of my discontent Be rounded into symmetry, and lent Great harmony by faith that never tires.
When her grandmother removed his head all of those chocolate chip cookies that she baked were there.
An emotional neediness could have rushed her back to motherhood and attempts at freshly burnt chocolate chip cookies.
Now, our John was by nature a good solid chip of the old Anglo-Saxon block; and, if there was any thing that he had no special affinity for, it was for French things.
Illustration: Galleries and chipcocoons of the deodar weevil.
Pupal cells are excavated in the sapwood, and a chip cocoon is constructed from the excelsior-like material removed during the cells' construction.
At maturity, larvae usually construct a chip cocoon in a chamber cut into the wood, and pupate in the cocoon.
The V-chip requirement is part of the important telecommunications bill now pending in this Congress.
To make the V-chip work, I challenge the broadcast industry to do what movies have done--to identify your programming in ways that help parents to protect their children.
I call on Congress to pass the requirement for a V-chip in TV sets so that parents can screen out programs they believe are inappropriate for their children.