There's a difference between a girl making a fool of herself and being made a victim of, isn't there?
You thought you were a made man when you learned that the girl you had tricked once had fallen a victim to your second deception.
It was a letter from Rosalie's aunt, introducing Zephyrin Lacour, who had fallen a victim to the conscription, "in spite of two masses having been said by his reverence.
Your attitude toward the genuine kleptomaniac is precisely ours toward the victim of atavism, an attitude of compassion and firm but gentle restraint.
I had to admit that, if I were indeed the victim of a practical joke, its authors had chosen an admirable agent for carrying out their imposition.
Could it be that I was the victim of some sort of conspiracy?
And now, as Garthwaite turned the lantern, they saw that on this soft carpet there was a great slur--the murderer had evidently dragged his victim some yards across the pine needles before depositing him behind the rock.
Now what can we infer from that but that the murderer actually stopped by his victim to examine the papers?
Again--does anybody of sense believe that a man of Harborough's evident ability would have murdered his victim so clumsily as to leave a direct clue behind him?
It is a remarkable fact that amidst all these scenes of violent abuse there should be but one man who maintained implicit trust in the good faith of his worst enemies--Dreyfus himself--the victim of this most abominable conspiracy.
This was called "sending a man to heaven," and the unfortunate victim could not possibly find out who was responsible for the "joke.
What refuge is there for the victim who is oppressed with the feeling that there are a thousand new books he ought to read, while life is only long enough for him to attempt to read a hundred?
Tom rained cuffs upon the head and its shield, saying no word: the victim received each blow with a beseeching, "Please, Marse Tom!
She was merely his chattel now, his convenience, his dog, his cringing and helpless slave, the humble and unresisting victimof his capricious temper and vicious nature.
He maintained the gaze until the victim of it had become satisfactorily pallid with terror, then he said: "What does the old rip want with me?
The unfortunate victim screamed lustily several times, dabbed wildly at the parts affected with a little yellow rag which suddenly appeared from nowhere, and then ran, sobbing, from the room.
When the call for more meat came from the 'kitchen,' the noosed end of this rope was lowered over the head of the victimnext in order, and he was pushed over the brink of the hole, the fall usually breaking his neck.
My pigskin puttees were about the only things I had on that did not remain, wholly or in part, in the embrace of the thorns, but my own scratches were quickly forgotten at the sight of the other victim of the charge.
He realized that it was a legacy of a former age, that it was not a product of present and individual responsibility, that it was a national fault not a private one, that the slave holder was the victim of the system not the cause.
Jack always "treated" his victim when he thought he had been too hard upon him.
It will make its victim a miserable, drivelling slave, to be continually lashed and scourged into the doing of its low and wretched promptings.
There never was a man who desired, or expected, to become a victim to intemperance.
Where the illness is unsuspected, patience with its victim soon turns to gall.
Birds of all kinds were attached to the victim to break his fall, and, if he reached the sea uninjured, there was a fleet of little boats ready to carry him to other shores.
He'll imagine me the victim of some dreadful reverse of fortune.
The utter inexperience of Gabriella, joined to the delicacy of her probity, made her not more frequently the dupe of the artifices of those with whom she had to deal, than the victim of her own scruples.
She remained for some minutes immovable, incapable either to think of her danger, or to form any plan for her preservation; and wholly absorbed by the image which this sight presented to her fears, of some victim to murderous rapacity.
Then waiting until he approaches his ambush within a few feet, whiz flies the home-drawn arrow, never failing at such close quarters to bring the victim to the ground.
To have fled from a man thus wounded and disarmed, or to have suffered his victim to escape, would have tarnished his fame for ever.
Caffre sprang upon his victimand bore him to the ground.
And she dragged her passivevictim deeper into the vault.
Now it is a little strange, his warmest followers being witness, that such an advocate of truth should have become the willing victim of falsehood, the ready and eager martyr of the worst form of falsehood--perjury.
The murderer feels at his throat a knife, And gasps, as his victim gasped, for life!
Then Wolfe would give him a quarter or more, and the trailer would go back to his post opposite Case's tenement, and wait for another victim to issue forth, and for the signal from No.
They enclose a letter which is to serve theirvictim as a mark of identification or credential when he comes on to purchase.
The victim was dimly conscious that he was being laughed at, but comically uncertain about the best means of reprisal.
On this the poor old victim brightened up and said with a cheerful smile, "Ah yes, sir; I know that right enough.
The victim of ill-fortune and prisoner of despair who breaks the jail of life to escape fate's malice leaves a dark tendency in the blood of his offspring, which again and again proves the terrible power of an inherited weakness.
The man and his victim swung in a half-circle and crashed to the floor.
I cannot help thinking sometimes that he is the victim of some secret sorrow.
In brief, we decided I was to show to the public a case of heart disease, ignored by its victim and only recognized among the characters about her by the doctor.
I played the part of two announcements; I walked out clear from the hip, like a boy--and I became the utility man of the company, and the tormented victim of the yellow breeches.
In the denunciation of the adventurer as a murderer and a personator of his ownvictim my passion rose to a perfect fury.
She died almost at once, without recovering consciousness, the third victim of the incomprehensible tragedy.
Supper, funeral procession, preparations, the setting up of the ladder, the binding of the victim and then .
They raised the victim to her feet and then, keeping her upright, hauled at the rope.
She is given to him as a miraculous victimwhich he can destroy .
Extenuated by pain, the victim was in her death-agony.
They had laid their victim at the foot of the oak which had had its lower branches removed.
In a very low voice, she said: "No matter where the rescue comes from, so long as it comes in time and so long as my son is not the victim of those dreadful creatures!
They had set Vorski down at the foot of the tree on which his last victim had died.
The last heart-beats of the sacred victim sacrificed to the gods are marking the supreme seconds.
We tried to dress it for him, but he seemed quite mad and kept rambling on, 'I'm the first victim .
They will be provided on condition that the twenty-nine inhabitants of Sarek--we shall see presently that Vorski has his thirtieth victim handy--consent to stay on the island and await their destruction.
I've always been brought up to believe that some day a prince of Almain would appear at Sarek, one Vorski, who would slay his thirty victims and to whom I was to make an agreed signal when his thirtieth victim had breathed her last.
Look here, at what time did your thirtieth victim breathe her last?
Certain gleams of light had flashed upon her mind since she had understood that Stephane was a prisoner, no doubt like Francois, therefore a victim of the enemy; and all sorts of vague suppositions flitted through her brain.
That night the victim was screaming with pain, and the doctor next day spoke of an operation.
The bully and his victim never quite forget their first relations.
I adjure thee"--but the voice was silent and the mighty power still chained its victim to the spot.