The anterooblique movement of the lower jaw is possible because of major architectural changes in the cranium and mandible.
In primitive geomyines that masticate food by a planing action, the temporal muscle also moves the mandible posteriorly and food is ground between the enamel plates when the lower jaw is retracted as well as when it is moved forward.
The name was based on an upper incisor bearing a single median sulcus and an associated lower jaw containing all of the cheek teeth from the Benson local fauna, Cochise County, Arizona.
Separated from subgenus Thomomys only on basis of sub-crescentic shaped molars (only jaw fragments and isolated teeth known), seemingly a primitive feature of the genus.
Further, marsupials, except for two kinds found in America, are confined to this long-isolated southern land.
Regnault's jaw had set; his eyes were wide and rigid.
His voice rattled on untiringly; already the old man saw how the muscles or the jaw were slack and the eyes moved loosely.
Mandy had her wish about being on the spot the first time that the parson's jaw squared itself at Deacon Strong.
The colour was leaving Douglas's face, and hisjaw was becoming very square.
But my blood ran chill as I sat, and his jaw fell suddenly in horror for a voice quavering and ghastly cried out from somewhere near by, "Mike Canlan!
Donoghue, his loose jaw hanging, his teeth biting on his lips, posted on ahead of us and suddenly he stopped, stood revealed against the blue peak of the mountain on whose ridge we now travelled, in an attitude that bespoke some discovery.
He listened with his head to one side and his loose jaw tightening and thrusting out.
If pressed for time, a more simple method of operating is to hold the head of the snake in the left hand, with the mouth open and the lower jaw directed downwards.
The palate and lower jaw are furnished with small hooked teeth, which are solid and non-venomous.
When a poisonous snake wishes to seize its prey, or strike an enemy, it raises its head, and depresses the lower and elevates the upper jaw in such a way that the fangs are directed straight forward.
The reptile being placed on its back, the lower jaw is removed with a pair of scissors; two strong pins or two tacks are thrust through the skull, in the median line, in order to keep the head from moving.
But the calf has in its upper jaw some rudiments of teeth which never are developed, and never play the part of teeth at all.
The jaw becomes covered up and preserved in the river silt, and thus it comes that we have such a curious circumstance as that of the lower jaws in the Stonesfield slates.
The jaw would thus be deposited immediately, while the rest of the body would float and drift away altogether, ultimately reaching the sea, and perhaps becoming destroyed.
Her jaw dropped and she started up, staring at me,--but no recognition came to her.
The father’s jaw must have dropped at this, for he was so astonished that he had nothing more to say.
The Rommany chi And the Rommany chal Shall jawtasaulor To drab the bawlor, And dook the gry Of the farming rye.
The smith stood at a short distance, seeming to enjoy the irritation of the animal, and showing, in a remarkable manner, a huge fang, which projected from the under jaw of a very wry mouth.
His face was a little pale, but his jaw was square and he held a scout whistle in one hand.
Dale brought his teeth down hard and his jaw squared.
His jaw squared in a way that boded ill for the volatile Courtlandt if this should prove to be one of his familiar escapades.
His bead-black eyes flashed and his jaw stood out, as it always did when he was vexed.
He dropped the barrow and stared, and his jaw dropped and then closed up again.
She heard him out with her little eyes on his face and her darning dropped and her jaw dropped also, as if she'd been struck dead.
If nothing more were required, the command of these boats might be as safely intrusted to any of the foremast men, who, like the bulldogs of our country, will thrust their heads into the lion's jaw with perfect indifference.
The barn-door and the jaw were separated by a line strait as a nail.
Unprepared, Samuel took the blow neatly on the jaw and sprawled full length into the cobblestone gutter.
If you could run your hand along Samuel Meredith's jaw you'd feel a lump.
The tall watchdog's jaw set a little harder as he waited the effect.
Of the odd pair, one's thin face was partly covered by stubby, blond hair, while the other's jaw was masked by a growth of unmistakable red.
His square, massive jaw pressed his protruding lips against his curled moustache.
The operator's jawworked spasmodically for a moment.