The Jews were accused of clipping the coins of the realm, demanding one hundred per cent.
We know not why we come and go Into this world of joy and woe, But this we know that every hour Is clipping off our pride and power.
To see, think and act was always the way of William, and as the horse rushed by with wagon and girls, nearly clipping our legs off, the Bard made a leap for the tail board of the vehicle and landed in the midst of the frightened girls.
On it was pasted a short newspaper clipping and above the clipping was written in the principal's minute writing: "Thought you'd like to see this.
Pouqueville, who have been guilty between them of sadly clipping the Sultan's Turkish.
Look at this," he called, picking up a clipping from a newspaper which had been laid there for his attention.
The clipping which is from the local page of the paper reads: "Thomas Van Dorn, son of the late General Nicholas Van Dorn of Schenectady, New York, has located in Harvey for the practice of law and his advertising card appears elsewhere.
And upon a paper whereon the clippingis pasted is this in Mary Adams's hand: "The famous Van Dorn baby!
Footnote 2: Let us read Mary Adams's clipping and note on the arrival of young Thomas Van Dorn in Harvey.
The first whom Kennedy selected from the advertisements in the clipping described himself as "Hata, the Veiled Prophet, born with a double veil, educated in occult mysteries and Hindu philosophy in Egypt and India.
Craig pulled out a clipping from a newspaper, and we crowded about him to look at it.
There was also in her pocketbook a newspaper clipping bearing the advertisements of several clairvoyants," he went on.
He sat up aloft, his shoulders square, his little legs clipping his mount, a Napoleon of the saddle, pondering apparently the great things of life and death.
The mare, fresh as the old horse was failing, came along in front of the Grand Stand, clipping the grass with that swift, rhythmical stroke of hers and little fretful snatch at the reins, neat and swift and strong as a startled deer.
And then he yede to the third pavilion and found Sir Gawaine lying in bed with his Lady Ettard, and eitherclipping other in arms, and when he saw that his heart well-nigh brast for sorrow, and said: Alas!
There is some difference in the view held as to whether close clipping is preferable, but the balance of authority is in favor of reasonably close clipping.
Each clipping during the season, of course, cuts down weeds and prevents them from making seed.
Such clippingwill also have the effect of securing more uniformity in the ripening of the seed.
In crops that are not grazed, it may be necessary to use the scythe in clipping back weeds and in cutting off any stray heads of timothy that may be pushing up toward maturity.
The clipping back of the alfalfa plants is helpful, rather than hurtful.
The mulch thus made through clipping back the plants is in many instances quite helpful to them, because of the check which it gives to the escape of ground moisture.
The former may be prevented from seeding by clipping back frequently, while the latter remain in the soil, increase from year to year, and injure the plants by crowding.
Honorable Robert Luce in a very carefully prepared address then discussed, under the title, "The clippingbureau and the library," the internal working of the clipping bureau which bears his name.
Where it is regarded as necessary, the magazines are expurgated by clipping out certain articles.
Probably few librarians have realized the enormous volume of detail handled by the large clipping bureau in the course of a day's work.
In the general discussion which followed, the questions of paper forclipping mounts, adhesives, and preservatives, were touched upon.
The employment of the clipping bureau is a step in the line of efficiency.
Mr. Luce in his paper has carefully brought home that fact and urged that many users of material from clipping bureaus, and among them librarians, had never learned how to correctly judge results of clipping-bureau service.
Franklin Crowell of the Wall Street Journal, his paper upon the "Clipping methods of the Wall Street Journal library" was read by title.
An earnest plea was made for co-operation on the part of the librarians ordering material from the clipping bureau.
In another we find a very yellow newspaper clipping of the "Song of the Shirt.
A clippingfrom the Winnipeg Free Press, however, states that "the second shipment, which arrived on Dec.
Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News gives further details in a clipping from the Montreal Herald, dated "Ottawa, Jan.
We find from a newspaper clipping that the cost of manufacture of these stamps was 45 cents per thousand.
The shepherds began to think him a rich man, and close clipping might have become the fashion but for a strange thing which happened to his flock.
Kind didn't like these doings, but Clutch always tried to persuade him that close clipping was good for the sheep, and Kind always tried to make him think he had got all the wool.
Just a clipping from a newspaper telling of Goyle's wonderful mind-reading.
The government itself had to resort to clipping in one of its most desperate straits; and at last people would only take payment by weight of gold or silver.
And they ceased not from kissing and clipping and cricketing and carousing until the day began to wane.
Thou hast doubtless passed the night clipping and kissing and dalliance from dusk to dawn.
I see now why you have been clipping your words so oddly, but--" He stopped abruptly, and Graham could see his gesture.
The old man said something about clipping his words, and made him repeat this a third time.
Smitherton finished pasting a clipping into the blank place in a type-written page and rose slowly.
To consider a method for clipping Burton's claws," he announced with decisive brevity.
Mechanically I re-read the clipping Will had thrust into my hand by way of preparing me for what followed.
He folded the clipping and rattled it between his fingers.
Then he looked at me, drumming with his fingers over the spot where the clipping lay.
He took the clipping from my fingers and replaced it in his wallet.
Johnson skinned his hand slowly and cautiously, covering his cards with his hands, clipping one edge lightly so that the opposite edges were slightly separated, and peering between them.
Will it shock some old retired officers to hear that authority, the highest authority, abolished the clipping of horses that year in Flanders?
Horse-clipping was once a sacred institution, with its fixed dates and ritual, in the Army.
That year in Flanders horse-clipping was abolished, and the horses became wild and woolly but withal happy.
And he handed the clipping to the Secretary of War.