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Example sentences for "tail"

Lexicographically close words:
tahsil; tai; taich; taient; taik; tailboard; taile; tailed; tailes; tailing
  1. I dared not turn my head, for I had still to guard myself against the traitor Von Reuss's attack, but with the tail of my eye I could see two or three men rise from behind bushes and rocks, and come running as fast as they could towards us.

  2. Presently the clamorous rabble turned tail suddenly and poured through the door out upon the pathway, quicker than water through a tide-race in the fulness of the ebb.

  3. There is very little money at the tail of anything in this town.

  4. A dilapidated and very much distressed mule, his ears erect and his tail askance, galloped down the road into Tenallytown, making a noise so hideous that the quiet inhabitants ran out in a state of great alarm.

  5. A distressed cow came bellowing into this town just at daylight, with her head and tail erect, and driving the pickets before her.

  6. In the five adult Axolotls which I possessed for a short time, and of which two were at least four years old, the gills were much shrivelled, but the aquatic tail and dorsal crest were unchanged.

  7. This sort of limitation is in no way equivalent to that purely external kind which, for instance, manifests itself in such a manner as to prevent the indefinite lengthening of the tail feathers of the Bird of Paradise.

  8. The crest may, however, also disappear, and the tail become shortened without these changes being due to a transformation into Amblystoma, as will be shown further on.

  9. The apparatus used is known as the tail extractor.

  10. The hide is then forcibly removed from the tail and the buttocks by pulling it downward (Fig.

  11. The girl saw a smeary-aproned young butcher slip up behind the old man and drop a pig's tail into one of the pockets of his flapping duster.

  12. He is parshal to water and aks like hed swallowed a toy balloon that keeps him from sinking the best he can do is to sink his head straight down but his tail fethers is always above water.

  13. He moved quite slowly now, so there was no difficulty in keeping up with him; but his tail was so slimy and slippery that they could not keep hold of it; moreover it wriggled dreadfully whenever they tried to seize it.

  14. At that moment the gorge opened out again into the woods, and the tail gave them the slip; for it disappeared in a crevice of the rock where there was no room for a boy to follow it.

  15. Off he went, round and round the trunk, and then suddenly, with a great spring and his tail spread out for a sail, he alighted on Hansi's tree.

  16. Miss Bushy Tail has promised to be my partner for the Polonaise," he said.

  17. The children stared with wide-open eyes at this mysterious old tin: they could not make head or tail of it, of the tin I mean.

  18. Especially our friend and his sweetheart Miss Bushy Tail distinguished themselves by the elegance of their steps.

  19. No I don't think he had, he was quietly dressed in his brown fur suit, with a white tail to the coat," said Gretel.

  20. Some sage advisers say, "Hit a snake on the tail and he will die.

  21. Boys will also nip off the end of their tail to prevent them from stinging, and leave them in this maimed condition.

  22. The bushy tail is their chief beauty, and it is scarcely ever at rest.

  23. The monster was covered with scales, and had a long tail and huge unnatural wings, beside fearful jaws that poured out smoke and flame whenever they opened.

  24. Do you suppose a wicked, ravenous dragon with a heathen tail is going to care whether it is Christmas Eve or not?

  25. Little Whelpdale, freezing in his shirt-tail under the bed, was crying piteously upon all Saints to forget about his sins and deliver him.

  26. Illustration] PETER'S NEW COAT Perhaps you never heard how Mr. Mink lost his tail in the woods, and how Jimmy Rabbit found it and wore it until Mr. Mink came along and took the tail away from him.

  27. But at the fall of the leaf, when his tail falleth, he will mourn and hide himself in corners, till his tail come again as it was.

  28. Sometimes it was made into a pie, at one end of which the head appeared above the crust in all its plumage, with the beak richly gilt; at the other end the tail was displayed.

  29. The circulars were gotten into the enemy's lines by various devices, chief among which was, by flying kits at night when the wind blew in the right direction, to the tail of which the circulars were attached.

  30. If the head of Lee's army is at Martinsburg, and the tail of it on the plank road between Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, the animal must be very slim somewhere.

  31. He keeps glancing at it over his shoulder to see if it is not looking better than yesterday, while the staring eyes of the old tail are in the bushes all about.

  32. But the dog, perceiving the nature of the commodity, drew back with a look of deep reproach, rose precipitately, and with a drooping tail went out skulkingly into the wet gray day.

  33. The dog wagged his tail and pressed against her, looking up and claiming her notice.

  34. The horse went well, without changing its pace, nor shambling; it had a free action, held its tail high, and covered the ground well.

  35. He usually sat with his cropped tail curled up under him, scowling and twitching at times, and he never smiled.

  36. Finally, he took his tail between his legs, and ran away home, and never would face a gun all his life again.

  37. And as we gang by we will rap, And drink to the luck o' the bigging; For the bride has her tap in her lap, And the bridegroom his tail in his rigging.

  38. There is money to be made in the Ostrich business, for the wing and tail plumes of this bird are as popular to-day for human adornment as they were in the {165} days of Sheerkohf, the gorgeous lion of the mountain.

  39. The long tail feathers of Pheasants have been much in demand by the millinery trade during the past ten years.

  40. Its thin tail was always between its extremely thin legs, as though it lived in a perpetual condition of wrong-doing, and were in constant dread of deserved punishment.

  41. I got a glance of one o' them out of the tail of my eye, creeping round the rocks.

  42. There was a touch of sad uncertainty in the wag of the tail with which Pup received this remark.

  43. Sure this shape must have lost his tail somehow.

  44. Bremner paused, and Pup wagged his tail interrogatively, as though to say, "What then?

  45. Anglice, the head of the sow to the tail of the pig.

  46. And I say, that I have so little desire to be there, that if my horse's head were over the Border, I would not give his tail the trouble of following.

  47. The MacGregors verify this account of the feud by appealing to a proverb current amongst them, execrating the hour (Mult dhu an Carbail ghil) that the black wedder with the white tail was ever lambed.

  48. A gray squirrel came hopping along, tail twitching, and deliberately climbed up the seat where she was sitting, squatting beside her, paws drooping in dumb appeal.

  49. This body met to determine whether the crook in a certain bulldog's tail was natural or had been produced artificially.

  50. We stood on the Threshold and looked out upon the World preparatory to going forth, seizing it by the tail and snapping its head off for our own delectation.

  51. The sly puss went out quickly enough, but I was as sharp as she, and trod on the tail of her dress so that she could not shut the door after her.

  52. My mother is an obstinate old woman who had rather be whipped at the cart-tail than call herself my governess.

  53. Tail short, not above six inches long, obtuse, white, concealed between the haunches.

  54. The habit of the insect is that of an Ichneumon, and it much resembles a Hornet, being of a yellowish colour, with a small sharp point at its tail curved forwards.

  55. From that fin to the tail three inches and five lines.

  56. It was however of a distinct genus from the proper Ephemera, having the wings inclining downwards, not erect, the tail with two bristles instead of three, and the antennae bent near the extremity.

  57. Near the shore grew the Naked Horse-tail (Equisetum hyemale), having a shoot springing from its root on each side.

  58. From the tail fin to the anal one, one inch, two lines.

  59. The wings and tail were not yet come to their full growth, but their quill feathers were blackish, with roundish red-brown spots.

  60. The tail is of a brick-colour, and forked.

  61. Length of the tail one inch and four lines; its diameter at the base seven lines.

  62. The great Dragon Fly with two flat lobes at its tail (Libellula forcipata), and another species with blue wings (L.

  63. Once the boys had the thrill of seeing a bird of paradise, with its glorious plumage and wonderful tail feathers, flash across their path.

  64. On the part of the crocodile the battle was simply a series of leaps and wild tail threshings in an effort to dislodge his nimble foe.

  65. The forequarters of a goat with fish-tail is the traditional form for this sign handed on from the Roman Zodiac.

  66. The ball at the apex was three feet across and the weathercock four feet from bill to tail and three feet six inches across the wings.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tail" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acknowledgment; adherent; aeroplane; affix; aft; after; afterpart; airplane; appendage; appendix; arm; ass; attendant; back; backward; behind; bibliography; bough; boundary; braid; branch; breech; brush; buff; bum; butt; buttocks; can; catchword; caudal; chase; cheek; coda; codicil; coil; colophon; commentary; conclusive; contents; courtier; dedication; definitive; dependent; determinative; disciple; dock; dog; drapery; errata; extreme; extremity; fan; fantail; farthest; final; flap; flunky; flyleaf; folio; follow; follower; following; hand; head; heel; henchman; hind; hindmost; hound; imprint; index; infix; inscription; interpolation; introduction; joint; knot; last; leaf; leg; limb; limit; limiting; link; lobe; makeup; marginalia; member; nose; note; offshoot; organ; page; parasite; partisan; parts; pendant; pigtail; pinion; plait; point; polar; pole; posterior; postern; postscript; preface; prefix; public; pursue; pursuer; queue; ramification; rear; rearward; recto; retrograde; reverse; rider; runner; satellite; scion; seat; sectary; shadow; signature; smell; spray; sprig; spur; stalk; stern; stub; stump; subtitle; successor; suffix; supporter; switch; tail; tendril; terminal; text; tip; title; toady; topknot; trace; track; trail; trailer; train; truckle; tush; twig; twist; ultimate; verso; votary; wake; wing

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    tail black; tail blackish; tail dark; tail deer; tail feathers; tail long; tail short; tail very; tail white; tailed deer; tailed eagle; tailed godwit; tailed grouse; tailed hawk; tailed sheep; tailed shrew