If he had been a plain country gentleman with no wider opportunities for mischief, he would at least have bullied his footmen and cheated his steward.
Lord Althorp, taken by surprise, acted upon the impulse of the moment, which in his case was a feeling of reluctance to throw over poor Mr. Hill to be bullied by O'Connell and his redoubtable tail.
He dreaded to abandon his mother to the father who bullied them both.
Mr. Mellows, as hard as his own ware, did not believe in the theatre and could not be bullied or wept into paying for tickets.
Since I met our friend I have learnt a fact about him, which makes me view him in a somewhat different light, I have discovered that he was bullied at school.
Well, it may be said that the least we can do is to give posthumous honour to those whom we bullied and derided in their lifetime.
Once he confided these to his friend, the little doctor, and was thoroughly bullied by him for his foolishness.
There were moments when he positivelybullied old Mr. Bannister.
For some years Attila bullied Theodosius as he chose.
Attila bullied the Emperor Theodosius II and sacked and raided almost to the walls of Constantinople, but that city remained intact.
His share of the money, too, the greater part of which Thornton had bulliedout of him, was gone.
In his life he had fought for his tribe, even if he had bullied it.
Strong emperors like Justinian had bulliedthe Popes and obliged them to come to Constantinople; weak emperors had annoyed them ineffectively.
He bullied Ravenna and Constantinople for ten years.
But she hasn't bullied me; she hasn't wheedled me," he said.
He had, helpless, seen his fragile, shrinking mother hatefully bullied and abused or more hatefully caressed.
Clearly, they had decided that he was possessed of no supernatural powers and could now be bullied with impunity.
Then there was a mad frolic in which she bullied and roughed her brothers as in the forgotten days before the master with the low voice and the hand that never struck her, took her away in his canoe.
If there is any discrepancy between my vision and my action, I am not going to be bullied out of my life and out of living my life the way I want to, by the way I look.
Is it worth while to us, to the crowd, to all classes of us, to have our world turned upside down so that we can be bulliedon it by one set of men instead of being bullied on it by another?
Why should two hundred boys who want to be men be bullied into being babies by twenty infants who can scare a school government into rules, i.
It was hung on a chair to warm before the fire, otherwise he would have bullied and blustered.
If the fire were rather low he bullied about that; he grumbled about his dinner; if the children made a chatter he shouted at them in a way that made their mother's blood boil, and made them hate him.
And when the mean-looking elderly man bullied or ordered the boy about, Arthur was furious.
The man, a common fellow, made jokes with them, tried to swindle them, and bullied them.
All this was not what disturbed her; for after all she had only lied to Bastable, bullied him, threatened him, bluffed as to her intentions: she had been perfectly businesslike.
She had brought this man to his knees by threats; she had vulgarly bullied him by holding exposure over his head; she had behaved like a tragedy queen.
When Jerry snarled and growled, wild-dog snarled and growled back and strutted and bullied around him, him to persuasion of the blacks could induce but no sink his teeth into Jerry.
As Jerry lay off to one side where she had forgotten him, the wild-dog he had bullied on the Arangi came up and sniffed at him.
But it was contrary to wild-dog's nature to attack an enemy that could not move, even if the enemy was Jerry who had so often bullied him and rolled him on the deck.
But I am surprised to find you on the stage, being bullied by Mr Miller.
You want to have the poor girl frightened and bullied into marrying you.
Scoundrel," said he, "do you think I am to be bullied by your audacious threats?
Even in the Five Towns a public meeting is seldom bullied as Councillor Barlow hadbullied that meeting.
At last his lonely mother bullied his father into recalling him from the Western wilds.
She demanded a job for Eddie andbullied Jabez into making him a bookkeeper, at a salary of forty-five dollars a month.
They bullied him--they talked him down, demurring mildly, but firmly.
Why, it's a pity you can't bebullied into some sense and decency.
Does he think he's grand, when he's bullied a sensitive creature, ten times as sensitive as himself?
Because I said I was going to be married tomorrow, and he bullied me.
No,--she only said she didn't want to be bullied into answering.
Said she didn't want to be bullied into answering.
While he vexed and insulted the officers, they bullied and tyrannised over the men.
The same tongue that bullied from the bench, when witnesses were perverse or counsel unruly, could flatter with such melodious affectation of sincerity, that he was known as a most delightful companion.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bullied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.