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Example sentences for "butter rolled"

  • As soon as they begin to boil pour in half a pint of cream, and stir in half an ounce of butter rolled in a little grated cracker.

  • Half an hour before the pepper-pot is done add four potatoes cut in pieces; when these are tender add two ounces of butter rolled in flour, and season the soup highly with cayenne pepper.

  • Put in the force-meat balls, and stew it slowly a quarter of an hour longer, adding some bits of butter rolled in flour to enrich the gravy.

  • Lay some bits of butter rolled in flour on the top of the layer.

  • Add a spoonful of butter rolled in flour, and some hard-boiled yolks of eggs crumbled fine.

  • Then put in the sliced fish in layers; seasoning each layer with a mixture of white ground ginger, cayenne pepper, and grated nutmeg; add some chopped parsley, and some bits of butter rolled in flour.

  • When this begins to boil stir in a good lump of butter rolled in flour; pepper and salt to taste, and stew gently five minutes.

  • Stew ten minutes in this; put in a good lump of butter rolled thickly in flour.

  • When tender, pour in enough milk to cover the corn, bring to a boil, and put in a tablespoonful of butter rolled in flour, and salt to taste.

  • Put the seasoning into a sauce-pan with the gravy, the juice of half a lemon, a piece of butter rolled in flour, and a little salt.

  • Take the sauce from the fire and set it on the stove, or on the hearth, and stir in (till it melts) a piece of butter rolled in flour, or a spoonful of olive oil.

  • Put into a sauce-pan a piece of butter rolled in flour, some salt, pepper, and one or two pickled cucumbers minced fine.

  • Half an hour before you take it up, put in through the hole in the centre of the crust some bits of butter rolled in flour, to thicken the gravy.

  • Wipe out your saucepan and put them on again, with a bit of butter rolled in flour and a wine-glass of cream or milk.

  • Lay on the top some bits of butter rolled in flour.

  • When the vegetables have boiled until almost tender, add a piece of butter rolled in flour, drop in some egg balls, and boil fifteen minutes more.

  • Pour into the bottom of the pan a little water, and add a jill of port wine, and a piece of butter rolled in flour.

  • Leave the gravy in the pot till you have thickened it with a piece of butter rolled in flour, and some chopped parsley.

  • Lay it on a stand or trivet in a deep dish or pan, and stick it over with bits of butter rolled in flour.

  • Add lumps of butter rolled in flour, dotting them all about the bacon.

  • Just before dinner, put in a glass of red wine and a lump of butter rolled in flour, and let it stew a little longer.

  • A lump of butter rolled in a little flour.

  • First shake some flour over the meat and stew it together; then put in the gravy or water, a good piece of butter rolled in a little flour, pepper and salt, and what runs from the head in the dish.

  • Add a tea-spoonful of lemon pickle, a large spoonful of browning, one of ketchup, and a little cayenne; thicken it with a bit of butter rolled in flour.

  • Pour the liquor from it, and keep the fish hot while you heat up the liquor with a good piece of butter rolled in flour, a tea-spoonful of mustard, a little cayenne, and a spoonful of soy.

  • Another way of making a good hodge podge, is to stew a knuckle of veal and a scrag of mutton, with some vegetables, adding a bit of butter rolled in flour.

  • Squeeze some lemon-juice upon them, and lay upon the breasts pieces of butter rolled in flour.

  • Strain the gravy and return to the fire, adding some small pieces of butter rolled in flour, the juice of a lemon and a little wine.

  • Keep hot while you add to the gravy, when you have strained it, pepper, a piece of butter rolled in flour, and two or three tablespoonfuls rich milk or cream.

  • Pour in the water in which the rabbit was boiled, when you have salted it and added some lumps of butter rolled in flour.

  • Put them in a stewpan, with an ounce of butter rolled in flour, half a gill of cream, and a little grated lemon-peel, if liked.

  • If not thick enough add a small piece of butter rolled in flour.

  • Take the desired quantity of strong beef gravy; add to it a few slices of veal fried in butter; take a piece of butter rolled in flour, and with it fry some sliced onion and thyme; when made brown, add it to the soup.

  • Add, towards the last, some bits of butter rolled in flour, and in five minutes afterwards the soup will be done.

  • Soup may be made in this manner, of chickens or rabbits, using always milk enriched with bits of butter rolled in flour and flavored with bits of cold ham.

  • Add a glass of port wine, a pinch of cloves and mace to the sauce and bits of butter rolled in flour.

  • Clean and season a goose and stuff with oysters well seasoned with salt, pepper, parsley, thyme and bits of butter rolled in fine bread-crumbs.

  • Then add two ounces of butter rolled in flour, and half a cup of cream.

  • Add a piece of butter rolled in brown flour.

  • Then add a quarter of a pound of butter rolled in flour, and a quarter of a glass of wine.

  • Thicken with a tablespoonful of butter rolled in flour, and pour over the fish.

  • Unwrap, and serve with sauce made of half a cupful each of milk and boiling water, thickened with two tablespoonfuls of butter rolled in flour.

  • Stir in a tablespoonful of butter rolled in flour, add one teaspoonful of sugar and two teaspoonfuls of grated onion.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "butter rolled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    absolute monarchy; butter and; butter over; butter sauce; butter size; butter them; buttered bread; buttered dish; buttered mould; buttered paper; buttered tins; buttered toast; clear proof; dorsal view; its base; often very; ordinary temperatures; prose literature; rest myself; sermon preached; silver penny; strongly marked; testify against; things around; verum etiam; your home