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Example sentences for "monkey"

Lexicographically close words:
monitresses; monk; monke; monkery; monkes; monkeyed; monkeying; monkeyish; monkeys; monkies
  1. They sat together and talked, and the woman told him all there was to be told, and Logi the Monkey listened in silence.

  2. There you will find a monkey that is wounded.

  3. Barnum made it out of the mermaid, but my fake has been the tailless ki-chu, the monkey that is so like a man that no alderman dare go near the cage for fear people think the ki-chu has escaped.

  4. Now Arachi did no manner of work whatever, save to walk through the village street at certain hours clad in a robe of monkey tails which he had borrowed from the brother of the king of the Isisi.

  5. He carried in his hand an enormous monkey wrench, on which his fingers were clasped in a restless grip.

  6. It was he who gave me the engraved monkey wrench that some of you were admiring before dinner.

  7. But he was more of an oddity than Hertford's beast of Gevaudan, and was dressed like Salvinio, the monkey my Lord Holland brought back from his last Italian tour.

  8. These comparisons brought them to a pitch of risible enjoyment amply sustained by the spectacle in the monkey cage, to which presently they turned.

  9. One man standing below held the ladder firmly in place, while another, small and lithe as a monkey and enjoying the task as a monkey might, ran up to the top that leaned against the window.

  10. Secretly I shook hands with myself, as the monkey must have done, when, with the catspaw, he had pulled the hot chestnuts out of the fire.

  11. As soon, however, as the monkey was rescued and before General Harlow's shirt front was dried, the lady began to speak.

  12. A monkey swung from a branch on to the slab, and sat there engaged in his toilet--a very imp of darkness.

  13. At their approach, the monkey fled with a gibbering squeak: and Roy loosened his hold.

  14. The "perfect handle" is a drop forged open end form provided with a wooden handle similar to that used on a monkey wrench in order to provide a better grip for the hand.

  15. A complete shop kit must necessarily include various sizes for Stillson and monkey wrenches, as no one size can be expected to handle the wide range of work the engine repairman must cope with.

  16. Ever since the socket wrench was invented it has been a popular form because it can be used in many places where the ordinary open end or monkey wrench cannot be applied owing to lack of room for the head of the wrench.

  17. The adjustable end wrenches can be used in many places where a monkey wrench cannot be fitted and where it will be difficult to use a wrench having a fixed opening.

  18. The various wrench types that differ from the more conventional monkey wrenches or those of the Stillson pattern are shown at Fig.

  19. You don't mean to say you object to operations upon a monkey for his own benefit, do you?

  20. As he looked, he recognized with a feeling of unspeakable aversion what it was of which the monkey reminded him.

  21. Well," he answered slowly, "the monkey has got facial distortions due to a slight local paralysis of the inhibitory nerves supplied to the buccal and pharyngeal muscles, with a tendency to end in tetanus.

  22. The monkey was acting in every respect precisely as he himself had acted.

  23. He seized the poker, made three strides to Jocko, who set up an ineffable cry of defiance, and with a single blow split the skull of the unhappy monkey in twain.

  24. Rama of India was blue, and certain of his monkey allies were green, like the fairies of England and Scotland.

  25. The interesting point is that at one period of my life I was a master of the monkey language.

  26. There are French monkeys who speak monkey French, African monkeys who talk the most barbarous kind of Zulu monkey patois, and Congo monkey slang, and so on.

  27. Do you mean to say that you could acquire the monkey accent?

  28. I don't think it is necessary for a man to make a monkey of himself just for the pleasure of mastering a language.

  29. Well, if you want an accident, just let me monkey with some of the works," laughed the jolly cadet.

  30. It's my machine, and I'm not going to let them aviary fellers monkey too much with it unless I'm on board.

  31. And see the Monkey sail through air," remarked the Lamb on Wheels.

  32. Calico Clown, and he tried to wink at the Monkey from behind a pile of building blocks.

  33. And she went away just before he did," said the Monkey on a Stick.

  34. Well, if you go on an ocean trip we may never see you again," said the Monkey on a Stick.

  35. Yes, he is the best jumper," agreed the Monkey and the Jack, who had jumped only to the end of the toy counter.

  36. Candy Rabbit, who stood next to a Monkey on a Stick.

  37. You must make the best of it," said the Monkey on a Stick.

  38. Let the Monkey on a Stick, the Jack in the Box and the Candy Rabbit have a jumping race!

  39. Well, you might have saved yourself the trouble," said the Monkey on a Stick.

  40. A monkey is nice, but he might pull the wool off my Lamb.

  41. The Bold Tin Soldier and his men soon cleared a place on the toy counter so that the Jack, the Monkey and the Rabbit would have plenty of room.

  42. We have Calico Clowns, Candy Rabbits, a Monkey on a Stick, and a Lamb on Wheels, and lots of things.

  43. I should think it would," the Monkey stated.

  44. The listening monkey cocked its ear a little higher at this, and Moses, who had at first raised his flat nose indignantly in the air, gradually lowered it, while a benignant smile supplanted indignation.

  45. The monkey was a tame orang-utan, youthful but large.

  46. After stowing the cargo the party returned to the upper cavern, leaving the monkey to guard the canoe.

  47. In this haven of rest the monkey heaved a sigh of profound contentment, folded his hands on his bosom, and meekly went to sleep.

  48. Twice did that little monkey make a desperate resolution to jump, and twice did its little heart fail as it measured the distance between the branches and glanced at the abyss below.

  49. The other idea was that he was destined to possess a negro servant with a consequent and unavoidable monkey attendant!

  50. You see, I came to Borneo for zee express purpose of obtaining zee great man-monkey and vatching his habits.

  51. Nigel sat down with a tendency to laugh, for at that moment he chanced to glance at the rafters above, where he saw a small anxious-faced monkey gazing down at him.

  52. At this the monkey turned its other ear as if to make quite sure that it heard aright.

  53. Bec de Lievre had to acknowledge that the monkey did know him.

  54. The monkey awoke and crept into his breast, but he hardly regarded it.

  55. About a year after the trial a man with crafty, foxy eyes came wandering through Perigueux, with a monkey on his shoulder.

  56. An' you are a monkey from monkey-land," he said.

  57. You knaw I don' like no monkey beeshnesh.

  58. I ain't get ekshitet at ull; but vot'sh de used a makin' monkey beesnesh?

  59. You are a monkey you'self," she returned with a playful pout.

  60. He really wondered what the game of Monkey Eggleston could be.

  61. Monkey Eggleston; for that worthy was hardly in possession of enough breath to more than whisper.

  62. Of course the fellow had friends not so far away, and the chances were he was even now heading toward the place where Monkey knew they would be waiting to hear his report.

  63. Of course, then, this was Monkey Eggleston.

  64. It was a question whether Monkey had intentionally led him into a set trap, or his coming upon the balance of the crowd might be looked on as an accident.

  65. Paul also knew that it was perhaps a very unwise move on his part, this chasing so madly after Monkey Eggleston.

  66. Either Monkey had been given a jolt in his last tumble that knocked the breath completely out of his body; or else he was "playing 'possum" in order to deceive his pursuer.

  67. Evidently Monkey was entertaining a little hope that after all it may have been his comrade who had chased after him so persistently.

  68. Monkey Eggleston must not get clear, if it could possibly be avoided.

  69. First tell me what Monkey Eggleston threw into the fire, that made such a flash," Paul insisted, turning to Wallace.

  70. Sometimes the pet monkey is discerned behind the looped-back curtains of taffetas.

  71. There, doctor," he said; "did you ever see so much of the monkey in a boy before?

  72. Sometimes they brought us some mangoes or "monkey plums" and then would follow some great bartering.

  73. Issues of one or two hardtack and a thin slice of bacon for a twenty-four hours ration were common, and some of the boys supplemented their menu with mangoes and "monkey plumes.

  74. She reminded him of a cream-tinted monkey in the maddest of steeplechases.

  75. Then why not end the monkey work, as you call it?

  76. That the right method would 've got him six months ago, without all this monkey work!

  77. And some of the boys is calling me Sammy Boy and trying to make a monkey out of me but the smart Alex that's doing it isn't none of them going along on this raid and that's just what a man would expect from them.

  78. Alcock and his friends because they was the ones that expected to do all the laughing but instead of that I made a monkey out of them.

  79. He said he would drop by in a few days again and see if I had something wrote up for him but I will half to tell him I have been to busy to monkey with it.

  80. There was a heaven of love and a world of indecision in the monkey eyes, but not a trace of fear when the beloved child suddenly twisted the sari from about the sleek head and pock-marked face and shook her violently by the shoulder.

  81. A monster that could eat whirlpools alive wasn't anything for a skiff to monkey with the business end of.

  82. A monkey at one end of the line and a log of wood at the other would have made the only combination calculated to get by that way.

  83. I suppose I can climb the bars like a monkey and into this upper monkey coffin but it wonOt happen right away.

  84. So, he and his brown suited thugs got the cold stare from beginning to the end when I sealed myself up in my monkey coffin.

  85. I dreamed I saw him abusing a harmless, overworked and underfed little monkey on the streets of New York.

  86. The monkey wouldn't climb up to the window of my apartment to collect nickels for the vilest hand-organ music a man ever heard, even in a nightmare.

  87. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "monkey" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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