Gif hwa on Cyninges hirede gefeohte tholige thaet lifes, buton se Cyning him gearian wille: si quis in regia dimicat, perdat vitam, nisi rex hoc illi condonare velit.
Ne cepdh nan man deorwyrdhra reafa buton for ydelum gylpe, sodhlice thaet he sy toforan odhrum mannum thurh his glencge geteald.
There was some one; and he is dead," Buton answered.
Buton and I will go before you, and our friends here will follow you.
When we rode into the village ten minutes later, the Committee, awed by the credentials which Buton carried, accepted his explanation at once, and raised no further objection to my journey.
They let us pass in after an altercation; I am of the Committee, and so is Buton there.
The smith was stripped to his shirt, and with his great leather apron round him, and his bare, blackened arms, looked like the Buton of six months ago.
Nevertheless, I was preparing to read him a lesson when, to my astonishment, Buton intervened.
I thought of her, not of Buton or Doury, the Committee or the Cure, the heat or the dull road.
Buton had tried every method of shoeing, but without success.
Then it had seemed an outrageous thing that Buton should stand by and listen.
It is to Father Benoit and to Buton here, that your thanks are really due, M.
He followed with a light, and the three men, of whom Butonwas one, pressed in after him.
I caughtButon by the breast of his coat and shook him--shook him savagely.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buton" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.