Thou lookedest on nothing save my weakness and disease; * And saidst 'Nor goes nor comes, or night or day, this sickly frame.
These cheered too, but their voices sounded strange and thin, and many, indeed, were too much overcome by weakness and emotion to be able to add their voices to the shouts.
But the English King was only too well aware of the real weakness of his army, and when the soldiers urged him to march directly upon the Holy City, he firmly refused.
The story of this attempt only serves to emphasise the weaknessand inefficiency of the leaders.
Returning to his couch, his great and increasing weakness warned him that the end was near.
So great was his weakness that he suffered me to carry him in my arms from the mansion of the Count of Auxerre, where I took leave of him, to the abbey of the Franciscans.
We were abroad a great part of the summer of 1901, and when we got back his weakness had returned with the cold and the damp and the fog.
The agitation and excitement did him no good, and in his weakness such small worries were magnified into grave troubles.
The journal explains that Whistler as a boy suffered from severe rheumatic attacks that added to the weakness of his heart, the eventual cause of his death.
The afternoons of sleep increased with the increasing weakness of his heart.
That weakness of the artistic temperament, la folie de la persécution, was deeply rooted in his nature.
With the late autumn his weakness developed into serious illness.
If, at that time, I had been much with her, I should, in the weakness of my desolation, have betrayed this.
It was on this very first day that I had the misfortune to throw her, though she was not subject to such weakness in general, into a state of violent consternation.
My aunt always excused any weakness of her own in my behalf, by transferring it in this way to my poor mother.
Thus the weakness of the demand for Council Bills in times of depression (and the strength of the demand for Government sterling drafts) partly depends on the action of the Exchange Banks.
The absence of the advice and experience, which the officers of a State Bank would possess, is a source of weakness to Government itself.
It may be added to complete the story, that in August and September 1909 there was a short period of weakness when it was again necessary to offer sterling bills in Calcutta.
His one weakness was of course well known but his profound knowledge of the law, and his unimpeachable integrity were still better known.
Aside from this surface weakness William Pressley was a most worthy young fellow; far more worthy to be Ruth's husband than any one else in that rough and thinly settled country.
And it is said that the greatest pain and danger from the plague is from weakness and cold.
He fainted from sheerweakness and inability to withstand so much excitement.
There was no one at hand to comply with his invitation, and presently the memory of his weakness wore off and Dick fell asleep.
The fact that Carthage, with her seven hundred thousand inhabitants, furnished so small a contingent of the fighting force of the republic, was in itself a proof of the weakness of the state.
These were pretty certain indications that we were all conscious of a pleasant weakness in the girl, and considered her not quite able to look after her own interests, or fight her battle with the world.
The size of the nestler is comic, and its tiny beseeching weakness is compensated perfectly by the happy patronizing look of the mother, who is a sort of high reposing Providence toward it.
But Priscilla's peculiar, charm, in a foot-race, was the weakness and irregularity with which she ran.
It is worse than weaknessto say, that as to public faith, our vote has already settled the question.
But she had a weakness for black furs and never used to wash her neck.
He abominates ragtime, and I have rather a weaknessfor it.
Servetus had forgotten that this book was written by Calvin when in the minority; that it was written in weakness to be forgotten in power; that it was produced by fear instead of principle.
For those to whom both the circumstances and the weakness of the enemy give courage, need not, I think, the additional assistance of words.
Now as for the Moors, you see their weakness surely and the place in which they have shut themselves up and are keeping guard, deprived of all the necessities of life.
When she had recognized the mistaken motives of her mother and the weakness of her father, she had been forced to rely upon her own judgment and self-command.
They feel and do not reason, and, depending upon men for protection and advice, the only effort they make is to give their weakness a graceful covering.
But "whether this arises from a physical or accidental weakness of faculties, time alone can determine.
Self-examination showed her where her weakness lay, and she resolved to conquer it.
However, I recovered my health; but a neglected cold, and continual inquietude during the last two months, have reduced me to a state of weakness I never before experienced.
The vulgar have a pertinent proverb, 'Too many cooks spoil the broth;' and let me remind you that when weakness claims indulgence, it seems to justify the despotism of strength.
The sedentary life to which they are condemned weakens them, and then their weakness is accepted as an inherent, instead of an artificial, quality.
I am a strange compound of weakness and resolution.
She attributes their weakness to the systems of education which have aimed at making them alluring mistresses rather than rational wives, and taught them to crave love, instead of exacting respect.
But, indeed, her depression and weakness were so great, that she looked at all things, as if through a glass, darkly.
The worst of it is that the artificial delicacy of constitution thus produced is the cause of a corresponding weakness of mind; and women are in actual fact fair defects in creation, as they have been called.
And these robust eaters allow themselves to die of hunger or digestive troubles because of a drop of syrup, the lightest food imaginable, suited to the weakness of extreme youth and a feast for the adult besides!
That she does not defend herself to better purpose, when she falls into her enemy's clutches, is due to her ignorance of fencing and not to the weakness of her weapon.
Is it weakness of intellect, Birdie," I cried, "Or a rather tough worm In your little inside?
The node caused by vocal weakness or abuse of the natural powers, however, displays an exasperating, and sometimes puzzling, affinity for particular portions of the vocal cords.
The result is the same--a perceptible weakness on the lower notes, the great qualities of the voice lying in the middle and head registers, especially in the latter.
This answers the cry of every artist's heart, especially that of the vocal artist, teacher and student: How can I prevent disease and weakness of the vocal machinery?
I want to see more women with the moral courage to brave the odium of being old maids rather than the pitiful weakness to become loveless wives.
Yet the weakness of his position lay just in the fact that he was not ultimately responsible.
He owed his education chiefly to his own exertions, and was preparing himself to enter Harvard College when he was compelled to interrupt his studies from a weaknessin his eyesight.
These early years were invaluable, not only as giving him experience of practical affairs but as affording him an insight into the strength andweakness of the Prussian system.
The People are strong but the Government is weak," he declares; and he attributes the cause of weakness to the transference of power from the nobility to the people, and to a succession of three weak princes.
It may come in the quiet of our own chamber, or amidst the confusion and excitement of some dread accident by land or sea; it may be heralded by long sickness or old age, and accompanied by much weakness and bodily suffering.
It must have been past four o'clock in the morning when I asked her to lie down again, but she refused; the spell had been broken, the weakness gone, and she said she should go to bed.
This weakness and inclination in any woman places her at the mercy of a man who will spend his money; and though I did not then see the advantages of money as plainly as I see it now, I instinctively used it.
But I have told of this weaknessmore than once before, I think.
In the increasing weakness of old age, which gave rise to many well-grounded grievances, he could not maintain the independence of the royal power, with the re-establishment of which he had begun his reign.
While Bacon was defending the ideal mission of the monarchy, he had the weakness to identify himself too closely with the accidental form which authority just at that particular moment took.
The occasion was afforded by the weakness of this sovereign, who allowed his favourite, the Gascon Gaveston, a disastrous influence on affairs.
Was it from weakness and connivance, or was it from policy?
That the First Minister and favourite allowed his intimate friend to fall is a proof of the weakness of the highest authority, which moreover ought itself to have attacked abuses of this kind.
It was then through no mere weakness on King James's part that he conceded power to a favourite.
Out of weakness he is made strong, waxes valiant in fight, and turns to flight the armies of the aliens.
Its very weakness and weariness is an additional argument for her care and love, and draws her heart closer than ever to the bed of the tiny sufferer!
There was a touch of unexpected weakness in her voice and a look of pain in her eyes which was not unlike what Mrs. Bunker had seen and pitied in Marion.
Neither was it tactful to recall a sentiment which might have been a weakness of which she was ashamed.
That would seem to be a weakness of the Lane family," said Uncle Sylvester grimly, with a return of his former carelessness.
But here the Deity which protects feminine weakness intervened with the usual miracle.
Nothing that she had done could modify that claim--the terrible claim ofweakness upon the strength which has misled it.
Weakness is the predominating symptom," went on the doctor.
Somehow, almost overnight it seemed, a new strength had come to her, a strength which her step-mother's weakness felt and resented.
If the doctor saw his wife's weakness of character it is probable that it did not interfere with his love for her.
Henri was tall, strongly built, and carried himself royally; but there was a strange mixture of courage and weakness in his countenance.