It is, of course, a disappointment to us to have this serious flawin your flying ability revealed.
There was a flaw that needed some genius to find it.
The boy spread his ideas gingerly before these two experienced old heads, fearing the laugh over some ridiculous flaw that his reasoning might have passed up.
Has the foolish boy at last been brought to see a flaw in his idol of clay?
Parkins and Slow declare they can find no flaw in the certificate of his birth; and--is not every man at liberty to claim his own?
This temperamental flaw does not affect the winsomeness of his letters, unless to add to it.
Nevertheless the books are here, in spite of every defect in national discipline, every flaw in national character; and they deserve the closest attention from all those who are trying to understand the American mind.
On the other hand, if the second case supposed were the true one, what had been the flaw in her reputation?
Either his mother's birth had been low, or his mother's reputation was damaged by some hidden flaw with which Mrs. Catherick and Sir Percival were both privately acquainted?
It was a stumble on the threshold at starting--it was a flaw in the evidence which told fatally against us.
The flaw in this conception, operating alone, is a certain rigidity and barrenness.
The Queen had been most charming, full of gratitude, and perfectly reasonable in her requests, and yet there was some flaw in the gratification of both, even while neither thought the disappointment would go very hard with their son.
The summer morning filled the room with light, and revealed no flaw in their young comeliness.
The flaw in Trenholme's comfortable theory was that he had forgotten that the large double door, which opened from the baggage room to the railway track, was barred on the inside.
Then, again, it will be in the leafy frame for a favorite picture; then again in a vase, the grouping of branches and tints in such perfect taste, that the most trained artistic eye could find no flaw or blemish.
I like to see the flushed pressman sliding the damp newspapers from the "form" without a flaw or a wrinkle.
It must be either some fatal flaw in his character, or else a powerful restraint imposed from without.
As you suggest, it may be a fatal flaw in the marble, but we don't know this.
At any moment a fatal flaw in the union might be discovered or for money invented, when pro salute animarum a separation of the parties would be enforced.
So tangled was the casuistry respecting marriage, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, that it might be said that, for a sufficient consideration, a canonical flaw could be found in almost any marriage.
Then, there is a flawin the title as you suspected!
You may be sure that if there is the slightest flaw in the title, I shall return your cheque.
He could find noflaw in it or in any of the records at the court house.
If there should by chance be any flaw in the title, he would make it good.
He knew every run and flaw of the tide, and how it gets piled in the narrows by a very heavy storm, and runs back in the eddy which had saved so many lives there.
I remember to have expected fully that the next flaw of air would come, like a heavy sigh, from the south–west.
The old man long had known that the flaw in Bull Garnetʼs armour was the thought of his dear boy, Bob.
A flaw of warm air from the north had set in; a lower warp which shot through and threaded the cold south–eastern woof.
It even carried a certain conviction with it, and the lookers-on felt the impossibility of suggesting any such flaw by their own manner.
Her manner committed her to no recognition of a shadow of a flaw in the character of her companion.
Number Five said she did n't want a diamond with a flaw in it, and that she did want to see how a diamond would burn.
There remained a flaw in their liberalism, for liberty apart from belief is liberty with a good deal of the substance taken out of it.
Droz admits that there is a flawin the philosophy of his title-page.
He rapidly sketched out for them, in words as simple as he could make them, his theory that a flaw in the rock on which the foundations rested had developed and let the skyscraper sink, not downward, but into the Fourth Dimension.
We're going back a little faster than we were, and the flaw seems to be a deeper one than I thought.
It looks like a fault or a flaw in the rock the building rests on.
I am determined that while I am a visitor in your house no one shall be able to pick a flaw in your conduct.
The woman who trifles with a strong man's heart has a flaw in her nature which will work out her own destruction in time.
There wasn't a flaw in the whole scheme, my dear, and its chief merit was its beautiful simplicity.
She had tried to feel that the flaw in her idol did not exist.
He recollected all the precautions he had used; he could scarcely find a flaw in the process; and he cursed that blind and malicious power which delighted to cross his most deep-laid schemes.
Surface, fly all insunder, with a pretty brisk noise; whereas neither before nor after the inner Surface had been thus scratcht, did there appear any flaw or crack.
The bending of them in any part where they before appear'd cleer, would all flaw them, and make them look white.
He works all his life against perpetual friction, because no one had the foresight or insight to discern that this was the flaw in his machinery.
The human mechanism is complicated, and a very slightflaw sets it all wrong.
It is therefore of course important that there shall be no flaw in the insulator, and in order to protect it from strain and violence, it is covered with a strong guard or sheathing.
You couldn't put your finger on the flaw in his energy, but you knew it was there.
If he can't prove you innocent, he'll find a flaw in the law or the indictment or somethin'.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flaw" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.