We interfere not with the wife or daughter who is happy in the strong protection thrown around her by a father or husband, but it is cowardice for such to throw obstacles in the way of those who need help.
And for your cowardice and your wretched lusts your name among all but your ignorant dupes shall become a hissing and a scorn.
Deep within he was angry at himself, for he was not speaking with words of fire as he had meant to; he was feeling a shameful cowardice in the presence of the Prophet.
The Burgundians taunted the Huns with their weakness and cowardice until they ventured into the hall and were cut down by Hagan and his desperate men.
Your Pollio led me to Christianity," said Statius, "but my cowardice caused me long to conceal it.
Tancred, stung by the taunts ofcowardice for his former failure to keep his appointment, fought bitterly.
With an oath Foote drew his revolver, saying he had enough of such cowardice and would save him the trouble.
We find there is a current belief that it was cowardice and fear of this one rapid that caused these men to separate from the party.
The mind must be strong that resolutely forms its own principles; for a kind of intellectual cowardice prevails which makes many men shrink from the task, or only do it by halves.
How it all happened I will tell you in a few words, lest you should think that cowardice overcame me at the last moment, that I regretted to leave this life, and persuaded myself that after all it was the best.
Think you that defeat was owing wholly to cowardice of the soldiers?
While these events had been taking place in the North, Henda had given Abu Sofian little peace, urging him every day to pay the dues of blood-revenge for her relatives, and taunting him with cowardice in his long delay.
What if he had given back before them, not because she had willed it, not because she had looked at him, not in compliance with her wishes; but in face of the odds against him, and by virtue of some streak of cowardice latent in his nature?
The sweat of cowardice drenched his limp and nerveless limbs, his face turned still yellower, his eyes winked in anticipation of the terrible blow he expected to receive, while his great arms were raised instinctively to ward it off.
He had found at last what he was looking for, one of those stamped papers, riddled with memoranda and words erased and interlined, into which the unfeeling law sometimes crowds so muchcowardice and falsehood.
Notwithstanding, in case of such a manifest ignorance or cowardice as exceeds all ordinary example, 'tis but reason to take it for a sufficient proof of treachery and malice, and for such to be punished.
The same moralcowardice extends downwards as well as upwards.
But moral cowardice is exhibited quite as much in public as in private life.
I felt then, and all along felt, that there was an intellectual cowardice in not finding a basis in reason for my belief, and a moral cowardice in not avowing that basis.
It is thus that mutual cowardice keeps us in peace.
The letter of Judge Lilly is significant as an admission of the cowardice of the entire population.
Judge Lilly probably accepted the trembling cowardice of a few as the criterion by which to measure the manhood of an entire county.
The evil rule only because of the cowardice of those who obey them; this is juster than if it were otherwise.
I felt then, and all along felt, that there was an intellectual cowardice in not having a basis in reason for my belief, and a moral cowardice in not avowing that basis.
Cowardice and pessimism will avail on our death-beds no more than wealth or stuffed birds of paradise.
Better never be rich, then," cried Forester, "if cowardice be the first lesson it teaches.
Well, well, there are new discoveries made every day; some men succeed better in life by the practice ofcowardice than others ever did, or ever will do, by the exercise of valor.
Doth Ignorance these wretched mortals lead From Truth's own way!
Upon the mountain's height The storm-winds wreak their spite: The shifting sands disdain Their burden to sustain.
Now, tell me, since thou doubtest not that God governs the world, dost thou perceive by what means He rules it?
What is inevitable comes to us from God, no matter how many hands it passes through; but submission to unnecessary evils is cowardice or laziness; and extolling of the evil as good is sheer ignorance, or perversity, or servility.
For very similar conduct he was now deposed and sentenced to degradation and perpetual imprisonment, on the charge of cowardice and lack of judgment.
It was now Portugal’s time for vengeance, and it was visited principally on the worthless governor to whose cowardice the disaster was due.