Thus among all strictly communal animals there is a specialization or differentiation of individuals accompanying the division of labor.
And hand in hand with this increasing complexity of structure goes ever-increasing complexity or specialization of function.
But such a specialization of study should be made only after the zoologist has acquired a knowledge of the principal or fundamental facts in all the other branches of zoology.
The extremely diverse life-habits of the various kinds among them have led to much modification and to great specialization of structure.
The specialization of sight awakens curiosity to examine objects with greater minuteness and guides the hands to more precise and skilled movements.
The cultivation of the powers of the hand reacts upon the further growth and specialization of the brain; thus the brain and the erect attitude react upon each other.
Owing to the growth of specialization in modern life, this argument, despite Carlyle, has not attained much popularity.
Yet one hesitates to make specialization in reform the gauge of a poet's merit.
What degree of specialization is indicated by the fact that the cells may exchange positions and functions?
How does their greaterspecialization show in their work?
The technical expression for this specializationof cells, giving them different functions, is "division of labor.
And the basis of this specialization society was: "The aptitude groups are the true races of mankind.
The direction of evolution is toward specializationand Man is no exception, but with the difference that his is the one species that creates its own environment in which to specialize.
I mean, after all, 'Specialization is the goal of civilization,' right?
After all, 'Specialization is the goal of civilization,' you know.
As a result of these conditions, there is lack of specialization and poor development of large scale production which means a lack of the necessary prerequisites for successful production.
The amalgamation of the mills will make it possible to carry out gradually this specialization and utilize its results.
Possibly, high specialization along certain lines of life rendered them unadaptable to new conditions, and they passed away because of this lack.
As the races of Europe by specialization along certain lines became inadaptable to new conditions and passed away to give place to others, so it appears that this was characteristic of the civilization of America.
With man, as with the lower animals, the rate of advance and of specialization increases as higher and higher grades of development are reached.
If it be admitted that Soma is merely the Aryan specialization of Ea and Osiris, as I have claimed, Sayce's association of Ea with the antelope is corroborated, even if it is not explained.
But the process of specialization and differentiation might even involve a change of sex.
In spite of her high specialization in certain directions the Greek goddess of love retains in greater measure than any of her sisters some of the most primitive associations of her original parent.
The specializationof the sciences, the almost daily birth of a new science, is a logical necessity--not a mere historical episode.
It is an illustration of the value of specialization that as a rule she commands lower wages for her services than does a maid who fills any one alone of the functions the general housework servant performs.
From time to time this specialization has increased until now we have as many strains of inheritance as there are groups of useful characteristics known to be hereditary.
Our men are highly specialized, and once outside the walls of Berlin they will find things so different that this very specialization will prove a handicap.
We have bred and trained our race into specialization and stupidity.
This is due in part to specialization by financial houses in given lines of investment; in part to the common employment of certain eminent engineering firms; and in part to relations with certain leading equipment companies.
On the other side--inferior women blasted and withered by their specialization in the emotional life of youth!
But, in our present civilization, specialization has become so far advanced that the physical laborer is seldom qualified for mental work, and the mental worker has almost neglected manual training.
But due to the inexorable shrinkage only the most important problems now could command mind-action and each unit had been forced to forsake specialization for multi-purpose endeavors.
Not that specialization isn't a marvelous blessing, he hastily added, in case the disciplinary corps might be scanning his bank.
If the war has taught us anything beyond a doubt, it is that specialization must never be such a differentiation as shall infringe upon the common ground of human nature.
Specialization must be made the reverse side, as it were, of a social process in which at every point coördination is also provided for.
The whole problem of specialization comes up, and indeed all questions of social education in one form or another.
Man by reason of his intelligence and his capacities for specialization and the great number of his desires tends to prey upon his own kind.
More important to-day than any further education in the direction of specialization of life in America is the securing of a strong cohesion throughout society by means of common interests and moods.
Specialization and an intense interest in occupations that bring individual distinction and large financial returns have certainly taken precedence over the more fundamental and common activities and interests.
Must we not, then, make the education of instincts and feelings, and the control of the basic moods, rather than the development and stimulation of specialization and differentiation our first and chief concern?
This results partly from a wholesome desire to have general knowledge before special knowledge, and is partly a rebound from the specialization of labor to which the workingman is subjected.
Fortunately they have not reached a point of specialization where their values are open to question.
The specialization which characterizes the work of the students upon entrance to the Norwegian university brings their study within much narrower limits than that of our ordinary juniors in college.
This plan necessitates less duplication and at the same time affords quite as adequate facilities for whatever specialization the different courses represent.
A certain amount of specialization is common among our students during the later years of their college education, but it covers a wider range than in Norway and the greater portion of it is reserved for post graduate courses.
Specialization in phases of a single subject in lower schools nearly always means waste of energy, scattering of forces, and disappointment in the end.
Whatever the work to follow completion of the gymnasium, the different courses prepare for the narrower specialization which characterizes life's activities and all their university study.
Trade and commerce, machinery and manufacture, and all the processes of civilization involve specialization in the apprehension of series as such.
This change of plan is carried out through the specialization of some organ, sense, or habit, to such a degree as to make practically a new type of the organism.
This social process, like all others, having been in masculine hands, we may find in it the same marks of one-sided Specialization so visible in our previous studies.
What is required in organized society is the specialization of the individual, the development of special talents, not always of immediate benefit to the man himself, but of ultimate benefit to society.
This process clearly indicates very highspecialization on the part of germ-cells.
For these reasons it is necessary to make the later years of the curriculum nearly wholly technical, which makes specialization possible, if it does not invite it.
Some opponents of specialization claim that the more general the engineering training, the easier to obtain employment after graduation; but this is not in harmony with the facts.
Within reasonable limits specializationhas little or nothing to do with the result; and under certain conditions, as previously stated, specialization helps rather than hinders intellectual development.
It is frequently claimed that the undergraduate is incapable of wisely choosing a specialty, and that hence specialization should come after a four-year course,--i.
Many of those who have discussedspecialization seem to assume that the only, or at least the chief, purpose of an engineering education is to give technical information, and that specialization is synonymous with superficiality.
It is claimed that specializationshould be postponed to a fifth year.
Specialization in engineering curricula is a natural outgrowth of the evolution of engineering knowledge, and is in harmony with sound principles of teaching.
The arguments against specialization have been more widely and more earnestly presented than those in favor of specialization.
This has made possiblespecialization along any one of a number of lines.
For the teaching profession the study of some one line and specialization in a particular field seem to be a necessity.