It remains to be seen if evolutionary principles will throw at least an equal light on the progress of humanity in the historical period.
If humanity shared at first a common patrimony, why have the savages remained savages, and the barbarians barbaric?
The first effect of the Ice-Age on this primitive humanity would be to lead to a beginning of the development of racial characters.
The future of humanity cannot be seen even darkly, as in a glass.
The masses of brick which inclosed the toilers within the mills puffed off tremulous heat-waves and suggested that humanity must be baking in those gigantic ovens.
If one Walker Farr had understood it at all and had been able to explain it to himself, he would have penetrated the mystery of the dynamics of love--the great gift to humanity that God has not seen fit to expose in its inner workings.
For four hundred miles there is hardly a sign that humanityexists on the earth's face, only rocks and endless woods of scrubby pine, and the occasional strange gleam of water, and night and the wind.
Diligently she did this, and with grave face, never visible to the objects of her devotion, I suppose, but certainly very happy; the most persistent lover of humanity I have ever seen.
Banked and covered as it was in the ashes of the after years, there was the old living spark of humanity in David Drennen.
Before darkness came MacLeod's Settlement, seething with restless humanity for a few hours, was again pouring itself out into the wilderness in many erratic streams.
The air of the chart-room was thick with guilt and falsehood braving the discovery, defying simple right, common decency, all humanity of feeling, every scruple of conduct.
There is nothing incompatible between humanity and a warrior's soul.
Good or evil purpose, Humanityhas to pay the price.
The superior attributes of humanity, according to him, come from without; here, then, amongst the component parts of humanity is something divine.
Sociality, for the supposed law of which final development Comte worshipped humanity and Clotilde--but disowned immortality and God.
Two hours a day, divided into three private services, were to be spent in the adoration of Humanity under the form of a living or dead woman.
And there was a groan uttered from universal humanity for something to save it from the utter exhaustion of sensuality hard by suffering, of moral, social, and political degradation.
Yet there is one thing worse than a world without a sun--you know what I mean--Humanity without a GOD.
Humanity is (as Comte thought) a higher degree of animality.
Every one must feel that there is that in the writings of St. Paul which is distasteful to the common humanity of the world.
From the moment hostilities were brought to a close; Gonsalvo displayed such generous sympathy for his late enemies, and such humanity in relieving them, as to reflect more honor on his character than all his victories.
This was, indeed, partly owing to the humanity of Isabella, who interfered, as we have seen, to prevent the compulsory exaction of Indian labor.
There is more than cleverness; there is original talent, and a good deal of humanity besides.
The whole effect of the play is distinctly Molieresque; it has something of the largehumanity of the master.
As an act of humanity and simple justice, I would impress upon those who keep such little pets how important a thing it is to keep them supplied with toys.
But He was cradled as a little child, that men might revere humanity for the sake of Him who had graced it; that they, thinking on Him, might be good to one another and to all little children.
The object of Man, as of Humanity, is happiness, and, to attain it, Humanity has a law which it must carry out.
Now the object of Humanity cannot be to avoid sufferings by annihilation, since suffering is the result of activity.
Of woman, who ought to be his aid in the movement ofhumanity toward liberty, he makes, in the name of his pleasures, not an aid, but an enemy.
Chastity and celibacy, it is urged, cannot constitute the ideal of humanity, because chastity would annihilate the race which strove to realize it, and humanity cannot set up as its ideal its own annihilation.
Humanity then will have carried out the law, and will have no further reason to exist.
They say that Humanity should annihilate itself to avoid its sufferings, that its object should be to destroy itself.
The fungus thus often comes to the rescue of afflicted humanity in regulating the undue increase of insect pests.
He seems to think that the only alternative to the attitude of Dean Swift towards humanity is the attitude of persons who, "feigning a bland and general love of abtract humanity .
He warmed into humanity in his friendships and in his defence of the house of Walpole; but if he descended from his mantelpiece, it was more likely to be in order to feed a squirrel than to save an empire.
But, perhaps, a prophecy of Utopia is itself one of the greatest achievements of which humanity is capable.
The Assyrians felt that they were now called to play their part on the side of Humanity and Christendom; and as soon as the call came definitely they braved all the risks that it involved.
When they are made known, humanity will tremble in contemplating its handiwork.
They have isolated themselves from humanity by their inability to realize the feelings of others.
The history of humanity is the history of Idols and of their successive reigns; and as humanity grows older the power of the Idol seems to wax greater and more destructive.
The destinies of humanity will rise superior to those of all the nations.
But was it not still more tried when it was entrusted to the fishermen of Judea by him whom humanity pretends to honor still--with its lips more than with its heart?
How friends and enemies are drawn together in the face of common suffering which the efforts of all humanity would hardly suffice to alleviate!
Let the conscience of humanity hear and accept their complaint!
Its peaceful work, its impartial knowledge of the actual facts in the belligerent countries, contribute to modify the hatred which wild stories have exasperated, and to reveal what remains of humanity in the most envenomed enemy.
Idols, the history ofhumanity is the history of, 108.
Humanity is a symphony of great collective souls, 54.
Is there no end to this bloody and puerile sport, in which the partners change about from century to century--no end, until the whole of humanity is exhausted thereby?
Enhaloed by a mild, warm glow, From all humanity apart, She hears old footsteps wandering slow Through the lone chambers of her heart.
Blake, as evidently as Shelley, did in all innocence believe that ameliorated humanity would be soon qualified to start afresh on these new terms after the saving advent of French and American revolutions.
I sing According to the Inspiration of the Poetic Genius Who is the Eternal all-protecting divineHumanity To whom be Glory and Power and Dominion evermore.
Thou art a man; God is no more; Thine own humanity learn to adore, For that is my spirit of life.
That the fit should survive is the genetic law of nature, and it has been strictly obeyed by biology and humanity when these sciences have adhered to, and have been under the jurisdiction of the natural law.
In our glowing spirit of humanity we cry out to raise up "the submerged tenth.
Colonel Byrd endeavored to dissuade them, for his humanity was shocked by the scenes at Ruddell's.
The blow of disseverance had fallen; war could no longer subserve a useful purpose; humanity and sound policy counseled peace.
Illustration: 9271] This act has been cited a hundred times as evidence against the claims to the exercise of uniform humanity on the part of the patriots, and magnified into a foul murder, justified by no plea of public expediency.
From a boy, I became a man, judging more accurately of humanity than a year's ordinary experience would have enabled me to do.
The apostle of disinterested love, his soul was inspired and thrilled with contemplating the glories of redemption, and the triumphs of grace over the ruins of humanity The Lectures contained in this volume are devoted to his favorite theme.
It makes even the lowest in the scale of humanity such an absolute sovereign within his own spiritual boundaries, so perfectly secure, if he please, against all foreign intervention.
The germs of humanity in its totality exist in the young being.
But the individual become the organ of humanity acquires a lasting worth, and his individuality possesses an inviolable sanctity.
The gaps they left were to be filled up by other means--by the slow processes by which God in nature and humanity evolves the best that is possible for the present with something that forestalls the future.
We must remind ourselves of the successive waves of humanity which had overspread England in past ages, leaving traces of each like less evident geologic [Pg172] strata.
Alas for poor humanity that lends itself so readily to wrongdoing, and even hopes to win heaven by making this earth a place of bloodshed and treachery.
It is disheartening in these days of splendid progress, when we had hoped that war was for ever banished from the world, to find that humanity has yet to endure the old horrors once more.
In addition to mineral treasures she had wealth to bestow in the shape of healing plants, whose benefits were greater to sufferinghumanity than tons of gold and silver.
Brotherly love was exercised by setting at liberty all bondsmen: thus showing that all men are equal in the eyes of the the Lord; and humanity was promoted by the care which was taken of the poor and the stranger.