This blade may be used both for cutting the bark and loosening it, thus overcoming the necessity of reversing the knife every time a bud is set.
The handle of the budding-knife usually runs into a thin bone scalpel at the end, and this portion is designed for the lifting or loosening of the bark on the stock.
The blade is curved so that the bark of the stub is drawn in when the knife is entering, thereby lessening the danger of loosening the bark.
They had no trouble in cutting the bark and in loosening the edges with their fingers.
While they were loosening them with stone hammers, the women were hunting for their stone knives.
Cutters are used also for loosening packed hard bottoms and some of them will dig into hard pan and even soft rock.
By loosening the hoisting chain the dipper is lowered to the ground, and by moving the handle forward the toothed cutting edge is made to bite into the ground or sand bank.
In some parts of the Highlands it was deemed enough that the bridegroom's left shoe should be without buckle or latchet, "to prevent witches from depriving him, on the nuptial night, of the power of loosening the virgin zone.
But the question of moral responsibility here emerges, and it is the possible loosening of this responsibility that so many of us dread.
Fermentation can usually be detected by the presence of bubbles of gas in the jar and a loosening of the sealed cover.
Bail top jars may be tested for perfect sealing by loosening the top bail, and lifting the jar by grasping its lid with the fingers.
Of the built-up wheels, the strong forged-iron-spoke wheel with steel tyres shows excellent results, and always gives due warning of loosening by indications at the tyre rivets.
The uneven surface would produce a series of blows every time a loaded truck passed along, loosening the pieces and rendering the repairs constant and expensive.
Many devices have been invented to prevent or check this loosening of the bolts; one of the methods, and a very simple one, consists of a plain steel bolt with a steel lock-nut, made as shown in Fig.
The unpleasant jarring sensation is annoying to the passengers, and has a straining, loosening effect on all the bolts and fastenings.
For the first time, the natives now listened to our entreaties, and loosening our bonds, greatly relieved us, enabling us to proceed on our way with renewed strength.
And, perhaps because I vaguely entertained some future hope of loosening his tongue in her regard, I now said nothing more concerning her, deeming that best.
And when at last she rose, first loosening and then twisting the black masses of her hair, it seemed to her that the form in the glass was that of another woman, treading another earth.
Lady Blanche, meanwhile, was loosening her daughter's dress, chafing her icy hands, or moaning over her in a delirium of terror.
His imagination reclothed her, loosening her hair, veiling her face, shrouding her in a robe of gold and saffron, slipping sandals on her feet and making her ankles tinkle with many bangles.
The trembling hands fumbled at the white linen kerchief, loosening the knot against her neck.
At first she moved her body about on the surface of the earth, loosening it and pushing it aside with all four legs, making a depression approximately two inches deep and large enough to accommodate her body.
The initiation of growth of the horny maxillary beak probably causes some loosening of the caruncle.
As his hand jumped to his gun the wrist was seized with a loosening twist, and the heel of Bulldog's open right hand caught him under the chin with a force that fair lifted him from his feet to drop on the back of his head.
There did not appear to be any looseningof the ice, so none of the ships made any effort to move.
Yes, you are on the minute," exclaimed the treasurer, picking up the bundle of papers and loosening the tape that bound them together.
In loosening the clothes at his neck, however, he perceived that his hand was shaking, and this made him aware that his heart also was beating unevenly.
As I bent, loosening the rope, I felt rather than perceived the presence of Madame upon the bank above.
Ay, that offers the only opening to get aboard unobserved," I replied, loosening as I spoke the slender rope coil from about my waist.
Must call it a day, Shanty," he said, loosening the straps that bound MacGregor's hands so the forearms were free while the upper arms remained bound tightly to his sides.
Andy, swinging his gun by the muzzle, and loosening a long hunting knife in his belt, awaited the bear's onslaught.
Loosening the clothing of the boys he soon found that no bones were broken.
A loosening and dissolving of old alliances that no longer correspond to all conditions is only in order when new constellations are attainable.
It is in this sense that I spoke of the possibility of the loosening and the dissolution of old unions which no longer satisfy all the conditions.