An instance of this latter state is afforded by that debilitywhich is the consequence of intoxication.
This is owing to the general excitement produced by the pain, which removes the great torpor and debility which preceded the fit; and from the inability to take exercise or food, the excitability accumulates again.
Hence no bland and nutritive chyle is conveyed into the blood; whence emaciation and general debility must follow; and the patient will at last die, as it is said, of a broken heart.
Indeed this debility often occurs to those whose minds have been all their life actively engaged in business, but who have at last retired to enjoy themselves, without having a cultivated mind fit for retirement.
But though we do meet with instances of indirect debility arising from this source, it must be confessed that they much oftener arise from the use of very different stimulants.
Such patients complain of general and progressive debility of their psychic activities.
Maurice had been reduced to the most perilous state of debility by the relapse which had interrupted his convalescence.
Again, "I am the victim of miscellany--miscellany of designs, vast debilityand procrastination.
And in writing to Carlyle, he says:-- "You are of the Anakirn and know nothing of the debility and postponement of the blonde constitution.
York Self Cure Free Nervous Debility Lost Manhood Weakness and Decay A favorite prescription of a noted specialist (now retired).
Wight states that the leaves and tops are useful in nervous troubles resulting from debility and that a decoction of them makes a good fomentation for phagedenic ulcers.
The infusion seems to be efficacious in fevers accompanied by debility and suppression of the function of the skin.
All the plants are used to prepare aromatic baths for cases of atrophy and debility in children (Waitz) and for the treatment of rheumatism and paralysis.
Weary hours of debility brought wiser thoughts to Samson also; and when he recovered his strength, he never again misused it by abusing his companions.
Multiplied years and debility of body admonish me to retire from active life as much as may be, but my interest in the work has not abated.
Like his successful antagonist, the waterman of the mask betrayed none of the debility which usually succeeds great bodily exertion.
Should there be much debility in the convalescence, half a teaspoonful of stee wine, given twice a day in a little barley-water, will be found sufficient for all the purposes of a tonic.
This design I was prevented from accomplishing by illness, being attacked with a violent sciatic complaint, accompanied with great debility in the right side, which obliged me to return as soon as possible.
The station is low, and in summer is said to be very hot and unhealthy; a circumstance which, joined to the indolence and poverty of the inhabitants, may sufficiently account for the general appearance of debility observable among them.
A general debilityseemed to prevail among the females, which I imputed to the want of better food and more exercise: they confine themselves principally to the sedentary employments of sewing, or making lace.
An almost universal debility prevails among them, which is partly attributable to their abstemious living, but chiefly to want of exercise, and to the frequent warm-bathings in which they indulge.
In those former days most women were in good health, debility and disease being the exception.
These drinks are a most extensive cause of much of the nervous debility and suffering endured by American women; and relinquishing them, would save an immense amount of such suffering.
The debility of childhood, the lassitude of domestics, and the ill-health of families, are often caused by neglecting to provide a supply of pure air.
If a person should bathe in warm water every day, debility would inevitably follow; for the frequent application of the stimulus of heat, like all other stimulants, eventually causes relaxation and weakness.
In cases of extra physical exertions, or the debility of disease, or a decayed constitution, more than this is required.
If we look abroad upon society, we shall find innumerable examples of mental and nervous debility from this cause.
In consequence, there is a morbid excitability of the nervous, and a debility of the muscular system, which make all exertion irksome and wearisome.
This process of increasing debility and increasing craving for the stimulus that removes it, often goes to such an extreme that the passion is perfectly uncontrollable, and mind and body perish under this baleful habit.
These have caused so much discord and debility that Italy has become the prey not only of powerful barbarians, but also of every assailant.
The moral and political debility which proved the real source of the ruin of Florence is accounted for in different ways by the historians of the siege.
In the child of a delicate and feeble habit, much out of health, whose general debility is dependent on some organic disease, sea bathing is not only improper, but dangerous.
This manner of living is quite common amongst beginners, and soon leads to debility and sometimes to scurvy.
Bitters and tonics were now occasionally prescribed, but his debility gradually increased, and he died some time afterwards; but the dropsy never returned.
He was so much relieved as to be able to come down stairs and to walk about, but his want of appetite and jaundice continuing, and his debility increasing, he died in about two months.
The debilityof age and dropsical legs had long oppressed him.
Tonics, as we know, have the power of communicating health and strength in debility produced by various causes, and also of arresting the progress of intermittent fever.
One of these diseases is the debility which is consequent upon Typhoid and other fevers.
In simple debility a want of a similar nature probably exists.
By improving the condition of the blood, it appears similar in action to Tonics; but it is not a true Tonic, for neither in debility nor in Ague is it of any service, unless there is at the same time Anaemia.
Debility depends on a want in the blood, and not on any active morbid process; and there are circumstances which render it likely that Ague may be curable by the supply of a similar want.
Firstly, they are of use in simple debility and in atonic dyspepsia.
This produces a paleness of all the tissues, an inactivity of the muscular fibre, an impairment of all the animal functions, and a general languor and debility of the whole frame.
It seems then thatDebility is to be attributed generally to the state of the blood; and is to be cured by improving it.
It is well known that progressive muscular debility is an accompaniment of old age.
At a still greater age, as may be seen occasionally in parrots, the general debility of the body reveals itself in the attitude, in the condition of the feathers, and in the swelling of the joints.
Whatever degree of exhaustion or debility her wan aspect betrayed, she still softly put off all persuasion to seek repose until the church clock had duly tolled midday.
The debility of the animal is great without the stupefaction or evidence of cerebral trouble, which is constant with such grave constitutional phenomena in influenza or severe pneumonia.
In whatever system of organs the lead is mostly deposited there we have the symptoms of nervous debilitymost manifest.
Small and often-repeated physics are also to be avoided, as they produce debility and great depression of the system and predispose to this disorder.
Old age and debility weaken the tissues and the force of the circulation, especially in the veins, and retard the movement of the blood.
The exhaustion of the sire by too frequent service, entailing debility of the offspring and disease of the fetus or of its envelopes, must be recognized as a further cause.
As the disease nearly always is the result of endocarditis, the iodid of potassium and general tonics, sometimes stimulants, when general debility supervenes, may be of temporary benefit.
Uremic poisoning is usually preceded by dropsy of the limbs or abdomen; a peculiar, fetid breath is often noticed; then drowsiness, attacks of diarrhea, and general debility ensue.
In cases of great debility associated with a low grade of fever, stimulants and tonics, and nitro-muriatic acid as an antiseptic, may be beneficial.
The ears and cannons are often as hot as the rest of the body, but are sometimes cold, which denotes a debility in the circulation and irregular distribution of the blood.
The amenorrhœa, or a retarded menstruation in young girls, is oftener the result of a general debility than of a disease of either the womb or ovaries.
In ancient times and until quite recently, it was considered as a distinct disease, attributed to constitutional debility or an indication of impure blood; these theories are now entirely discarded.
If there is great debility and impoverishment of the blood, then I would advise prescription No.
If the hemorrhage is the result of general debility from protracted nursing, the child must be weaned, and recipe No.