For other's weal availed on high, Mine will not all be lost in air, But waft thy name beyond the sky.
Come weal or woe, I am my lady's knight And in her service every ill withstand; Love is my Lord in all the world's despite And holdeth in the hollow of his hand My day and night.
So closely is the course of nature, and with it the weal or woe of the people, dependent on the minutest act or gesture of the king's representative.
In woe and weal To be a helpmate swears the bride.
The nature of the case and the weal of the people demand harmonious action in such matters.
Teaching is a social factor; with it are bound up the weal and woe of others.
Even though they be done in scientific form, injuries to the common weal remain injuries, and they do not change into something else by being committed in scientific form.
Thus they pledged love and faith to each other, for weal or woe.
During these troublous months in Phoebe's life matters pregnant with momentous issues for weal or woe were progressing in the careers of others who are playing their parts in this domestic drama.
To the weal and the woe of the nations I do not seal my breast, Tho' my Motherland is dearer To me than all the rest.
The very first use which we make of our newly-recovered property is to show our gratitude to her who in weal or woe has never forsaken our house.
Architects of your own weal or woe, your destiny is mainly in your own hands.
The iron prophet of types publishes his visions, of weal or woe, to the near and far.
Salus reipublicae suprema lex esto" (Let the public weal be the supreme law) is a well known legal principle of Old Rome.
Thus, the joining of hands by husband and wife for the common weal, so closely connected with the weal of the individual, will exert a most ennobling influence.
In the new Order, the antagonisms are removed: The gratification of the ego and the promotion of the common weal harmonize, they supplement each other.
That duty will be performed freely and fearlessly, by the author of this work, come weal or come woe.
I need not tell you how much depends on its decision for weal or woe to our country, and perhaps the whole continent.
The light of a smile came into the wan face with the red weal upon it.
He sat by her, tenderly bathing the red weal with some soothing herbal mixture that the squaws were accustomed to brew.
Whatever weal or woe betide, By thy command I rise or fall, In thy protection I confide.
I perceive thy sad estate, Thy silent fortitude; and for thy weal I pray thee meet thy fate.
All he thought and had to say on matters of public weal he announced publicly in the pulpit.
It was not human strength, nor human wisdom, nor the warrior's prowess that could determine the weal or the woe of the Judaean people, but Divine Providence alone.
The Damsel then began to laugh—what hope can you have in Urganda, who cares little for your weal or woe?
I finks 'twas weal mean in Djonah to get froed up when you hadn't noffin' else to eat, POOR old whay-al.
A frown of the Empress Theodora is more to him than the glory of the Omnipotent and the weal of Christendom.
The King is noble; to serve him is to promote the weal of Italy, for which he fights, and in which name he will conquer.
I might ask you how it is possible to reflect on the weal and woe of human kind without taking count of Him who made the world and rules it; but let me approach you with a narrower inquiry.
I was good enough for you and your old lady once, when I helped you out with your weal and hammers.
And it would be hard, sir, to name the pie that is a better pie than a weal and hammer,' said Mr Wegg, nodding his head emotionally.
His chief fault is one perhaps inevitable in so small a place--that he seems a little in the leading of a clique; but his interest in the public weal is genuine and generous.
I thought you would be commanded," said Mataafa, "if you brought about the weal of Samoa.
To him also; and if you desire the weal of Samoa, you will allow either him or me to bring about a reconciliation.
Scant regard my weal hath scanted, Looking coy hath forced my lowering; Nothing liked where nothing wanted Weds mine eyes to ceaseless showering.
Twice happy thou Endymion that embracest The live-long night thy love within thine arms, Where thou fond dream my longèd weal defacest Whilst fleeting and uncertain shades thou placest Before my eyes with false deluding charms!
Nor hold I hope of weal in memory, Nor have I thought to change my restless grief, Nor doth my conquest yield me sovereignty, Nor hope repose, nor confidence relief.