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Example sentences for "readiness"

Lexicographically close words:
readier; readiest; readily; readin; readines; readinesse; reading; readings; readjust; readjusted
  1. He was not likely to believe in any readiness to marry, and would soon be able to talk her round to his view.

  2. A meal was in readiness for me, and as I eat it, the Countess sat and feasted her eyes on me, noting the differences which, as she thought, time had effected in my looks.

  3. The case of subjective motor rhythm would be still clearer, since vividness is only the psychical side of readiness for motor discharge; in other words, increased readiness for motor discharge occurs periodically, giving motor rhythm.

  4. The next day they were to ascend the Blinkwater hills from the Kat River valley, and encamp on the heights north of the Waterkloof, to be in readiness to co-operate with the 2nd Brigade of the 1st Division by dawn of the 14th.

  5. During the day the other columns of attack were collecting from all quarters, and marching on their assigned rendezvous, in readiness for the grand simultaneous movement to be made the following morning at dawn.

  6. He had come with a large force of mounted men to be in readiness to move with us in the combined attack on the Waterkloof to which we were anxiously looking forward.

  7. Some camels enter with readiness into ferry-boats, even of the rudest construction, while others require to be urged by the display of fire in their rear, or even by the actual cautery!

  8. In some cases they may have been accumulated in the arsenal of the tribe in readiness for war.

  9. The King slighted not this Intelligence, but immediately strengthened his Fleet, and his Forts, and call'd in the Javaneses and Mindanaos, to be in readiness upon any Attack.

  10. Nunno Pereyra endeavour'd with all possible Diligence, to shut up in it the greatest Number he could of all the Christian Families, and to be in a Readiness to stand the Siege, which soon ensu'd.

  11. Edward's readiness to comment, to recite, to explain difficult passages, rendered his assistance invaluable; and the wild romance of his spirit delighted a character too young and inexperienced to observe its deficiencies.

  12. The attorney was dismissed, with directions to hold himself in readiness on the first summons.

  13. Buddha expressed his readiness to confer on him the honourable employment.

  14. Falling all at the feet of Phra, they declared their readiness to become his disciples, and applied for the dignity of Rahan.

  15. They were only to communicate with a troop--kept in readiness not far off--that thus insured a sufficient force for the object.

  16. Enough to say that it led into details of their atrocious plans, which, for more than an hour, they sat concocting over their wine, until the whole scheme was set forth and placed in readiness to be carried out.

  17. Roblado also had his pistol in readiness and fired first, but missed his aim.

  18. Perhaps, too, it was Walloon quickness and readiness of wit that had made them, so soon as they became affiliated, so prominent in all the councils of the good free city, and so noted for excellence in art and learning.

  19. I wrote on August 2nd to express my concurrence in Mr. Sikes's views, and my readiness to do what I could towards giving them effect.

  20. Mr. Tilley was present when Mr. Bokenham expressed his readiness to undertake the duty on the conditions stated in my minute of the 15th.

  21. Of course progress could be but slow, seeing that existing contracts had to be respected; but steps were promptly taken to put the department in readiness for availing itself of opportunities as they should occur.

  22. I find, however, a readiness on his part to alter his minutes on their impracticability being pointed out.

  23. I accordingly wrote a minute in which I stated my unabated confidence in my plan of sorting, and my readiness to undertake the responsibility of its execution if the Postmaster-General should so decide.

  24. The dressing-rooms should be provided with two servants apiece, and small cards, with the names of the invited guests upon them, should be in readiness to pin to the wraps of each one.

  25. Gloves of white kid must be worn during the entire evening, and it is well to have a fresh pair in readiness to put on after supper.

  26. Mary and Sepia were on terms of politeness--of readiness to help on the one side, and condescension upon the other.

  27. All ought to have been in readiness for an emergency like the present, and Sir Bulkeley and Mr. Travers bitterly reproached the landlord for his negligence.

  28. I then went to the canal bridge for a guard, having desired him to be in readiness as I passed by.

  29. Breakfast over, the party drove to Whitehall Stairs, where a six-oared barge was in readiness to convey them across the river.

  30. I did so in order that I should have it in readiness on Jack's return--in order that we might get away quickly.

  31. To Lenine's statements about the readiness of the German working class to rebel, Kerensky made retort that Lenine should have remained in Germany while on his way to Russia and preached his ideas there.

  32. Tens of thousands of soldiers, fully armed, were massed at different points in readiness to suppress any demonstrations by the populace.

  33. We find the same readiness to compromise and to follow the line of least resistance in dealing with the co-operatives.

  34. Then he exceedingly presses for some occasion to show his readiness to serve me: and he would be able to manage his violent friend, over whom he has more influence than any other person.

  35. All his apprehension is, in your readiness to communicate to every one, as he fears, the evils you have suffered; which he thinks will expose you both.

  36. I shall return to-morrow; and leave this in readiness for your messenger, if he call in my absence.

  37. Having sat up so late to finish and seal in readiness my letter to the above period, I am disturbed before I wished to have risen, by the arrival of thy second fellow, man and horse in a foam.

  38. As once instance of this my readiness to extricate him from all his difficulties as to Thomasine, dost thou care to propose to him an expedient, that is just come into my head?

  39. It may be doubted whether any human being ever lived whose whole nature was so perfectly sweet with the readiness to do kind actions; so perfectly free from even the capacity of revenge.

  40. Mentally, he shows a predominance of Scotch-Irish blood modified by certain traits which reveal themselves in his readiness to receive new theories of life.

  41. It was doubtless at this time that Grant made to Sherman the remark already quoted, as to the readiness of either side, at Donelson, to retreat.

  42. That, and a familiarity with the exigencies of copy at short notice, was discernible in the way they talked and looked about them, and the readiness with which they produced a pencil to write the second Tuesday on their cards.

  43. Rattray, nevertheless showed a suspicious indifference to its being accepted, and an irritating readiness to take it somewhere else, and Mr. Pitt knew Rattray for a sagacious man.

  44. While Howard and Drake held the British fleet in readiness to oppose the Spanish Armada, that of Holland, consisting of but twenty-five ships, under the command of Justin of Nassau, prepared to take a part in the conflict.

  45. Paul soon yielded to superior skill and force, and demanded terms of peace, which were granted with a readiness and seeming liberality that astonished no one more than the defeated pontiff.

  46. That he meant murder was apparent by the readiness in which he held his knife, and as I was the only person besides himself in that lonely region, I confess I viewed the situation with mingled alarm and dread.

  47. Feeling that my revolver was fully loaded, I grasped it firmly, and lay on the alert in readiness to spring up and defend myself.

  48. My two trusty slaves will return when their work hath been accomplished, and in an hour camels will be packed in readiness for our journey.

  49. Toiling on in order to pass the intervening hours more rapidly, I watched and waited until the moon shone forth, and then, anxious and impatient, I held my ears open in readiness for the secret word.

  50. The day after the flight of Clavileno, the duke bade Sancho prepare, and get himself in readiness to assume his office, for his islanders were already wishing for him as for rain in May.

  51. Four horsemen are to be kept in readiness to immediately inform her that this has been accomplished.

  52. She shows a readiness to expose herself to all perils in hope of victory.

  53. A less conservative attitude has of late been observed, and a greater readiness has been manifested in seeking and following the advice of the Agricultural Department.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "readiness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ability; acceptance; accord; acquiescence; acuity; address; adroit; affinity; affirmation; affirmative; agility; agreement; alacrity; animation; anticipation; anxiety; appetite; approbation; approval; aptitude; ardor; art; artfulness; artifice; artistry; assent; attention; avidity; aye; beginning; bent; bias; blessing; bravura; brightness; brilliance; capability; capacity; cast; cleverness; command; competence; compliance; condition; connivance; consent; contemplation; control; coordination; craft; craftsmanship; cunning; deftness; delight; devotion; dexterity; diathesis; diplomacy; discretion; dispatch; disposition; eagerness; efficiency; elan; endorsement; enthusiasm; expedition; expertise; facility; finesse; fitness; forecast; foresight; goodwill; grace; grip; guile; gust; gusto; horsemanship; immediacy; impatience; impressionability; inclination; ingenuity; instinct; intelligence; inventiveness; keenness; knack; leaning; liability; life; liking; liveliness; marksmanship; mastership; mastery; maturity; motivation; nimbleness; penchant; permission; plasticity; pliability; posture; prediction; predilection; predisposition; prejudice; preparation; preparedness; preview; probability; proclivity; proficiency; promptness; propensity; prospect; provision; prowess; prudence; punctuality; qualification; quickness; rapidity; ratification; readiness; resource; sagacity; sanction; savvy; seamanship; seasoning; sharpness; shrewdness; skill; sleeplessness; sleight; sophistry; spirit; stealth; style; submission; subtlety; suitability; susceptibility; swiftness; tact; technique; tempering; tendency; timing; trim; tropism; turn; twist; verve; virtuosity; vitality; vivacity; warp; weakness; wile; willingness; wit; wizardry; workmanship; zeal; zest