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Example sentences for "delight"

Lexicographically close words:
delicious; deliciously; deliciousness; delict; delicti; delighte; delighted; delightedly; delighter; delightest
  1. Their clothing makes a great opera audience an enchanting spectacle, a delight to the eye and the spirit, a Garden of Eden for charm and color.

  2. In my experience, games played with a fiendish outfit furnish ecstasies of delight which games played with the other kind cannot match.

  3. We exposed our ignorance, and Ellen was fall of Irish delight over it.

  4. To his delight he saw that no one was in sight.

  5. The samurai who had closed upon Byrne at that instant found his enemy unarmed, and with a howl of delight he struck full at the broad chest with his long, thin dagger.

  6. He looked forward with unmixed delight to his coming interview with Pesita, and to the wild, half-savage life which association with the bandit promised.

  7. And slowly he had found delight in just sitting and looking at her.

  8. After what seemed an eternity she floundered out upon the mainland, and when she reached the top of the bank she saw to her delight that Byrne was still on his feet, fighting.

  9. The round was one which might fill with delight the soul of the fan who knows the finer points of the game.

  10. Come an' rule over us," the crowd invited him, and a gleam of proud delight woke in his silly face.

  11. It is in recalling freshly the memory of times in which the proud and virtuous character of her people was formed, and which it is their delight and their duty to look back upon, that such studies as the present are most useful.

  12. Art is the expression of delight in God's work.

  13. I seized with great delight the opportunity of visiting a city, the name of which has a powerful influence on the imagination, owing to the memories of the past attached to it.

  14. He took us to his cabin, but as I cast a glance towards the charming Greek, she expressed by her looks all her delight at such an unexpected meeting.

  15. After the first ecstacy, our eyes and lips unclosed together, and a little apart from each other we take delight in seeing the mutual satisfaction beaming on our features.

  16. It seemed to me that Father Georgi himself would be compelled to approve such an undertaking, and I had remarked with great satisfaction that Cardinal Acquaviva had expressed his delight at Cardinal S.

  17. This Melulla, of fatal memory, was a courtezan from Zamte, of rare beauty, who for the last four months had been the delight and the rage of all the young men in Corfu.

  18. Besides, I was thinking of returning to Venice, and felt great delight at the idea of shewing myself there in the garb of honour, for I had been rather ill-treated in that of religion.

  19. His delight and his surprise were intense when I told him that my wedding present to Christine was a dispensation from the Pope for her to be married in Lent.

  20. What delight the charming girl experienced when she heard that I would dine the next day with her father and brother, and that I would tell her every word that would be said about her!

  21. There are no pleasures which delight the soul, but anticipate my wishes.

  22. I can once more without your importunate sisters as witnesses declare to you what sway eyes so fair have won over me, and how extreme is the delight that a sincere ardour inspires when once it has locked two hearts together.

  23. She flits about her father's house like a sunbeam, bringing joy and delight into his heart, and her voice issues from her beautiful mouth so sweet and clear that it seems like the singing of a lark.

  24. With the Cornish tin he would combine "the Roman cinders and iron-stone in the Forest of Dean, which makes the best iron for most uses in the world, and works up to the best advantage, with delight and pleasure to the workmen.

  25. And well do I remember the pride and delight I felt when I carried to my three shillings a week lodging that night my first wages.

  26. One of his most ambitious efforts was the making of a pair of Northumberland bagpipes, which he finished to his satisfaction, and performed upon to the great delight of the villagers.

  27. He then took Mr. Nasmyth to see the steam-hammer; and great was his delight at seeing the child of his brain in full and active work.

  28. It was a positive delight to hear his cheerful, ringing laugh.

  29. The building of it became his hobby, and his greatest delight was in superintending its progress.

  30. The excursions to the river were Little Mok's chief delight from his early childhood.

  31. He found that the string twanged joyously, and, to the delight of Beechleaf, kept twanging it for such time as his boyish temperament would allow a single occupation.

  32. From the river bank came a wild yelp, the significance of which, if analyzed, might have included astonishment and great delight and brotherly derision.

  33. Moonface recognized her friend, gave a quavering cry of delight and came slipping and rolling recklessly to the ground to meet her.

  34. The delight of her life,' she called our visits the other day.

  35. A gallery, designed by Sir John Soane, was opened in 1817; and this now forms a most attractive sight to all who delight in the fine arts.

  36. The garden also possesses a Maze, a source of great delight to holiday juveniles.

  37. Madame Maramballe inhaled with deep delight the humid charm of this spot and then murmured: "Ah!

  38. And the two boys, intoxicated by the motion of the carriage, by their delight and by the keen air, uttered shrill cries.

  39. Well, in any case the result is the same--delight in the wards and something beautiful and fragrant to lighten the children's sufferings.

  40. Maybe I would go with them, but more often, before we reached the gate, the delight of my society would be claimed by a rival troop.

  41. Warriors and kings she would delight in transforming into plaice or prawns, and haughty queens into Brussels sprouts.

  42. Then the delight of talking about it overcame my fear of being chaffed.

  43. He expressed the greatest delight at being introduced to me, shook me heartily by the hand, and hoped we should always be friends.

  44. Nothing gave him greater delight than an expedition of this nature to what he termed his gold-field; it had for him, as he would explain, all the excitements of mining without the inconvenience and the distance.

  45. She hails with delight her return to America!

  46. And three hearts bounded with a hidden delight when the happy incident occurred.

  47. And so the coming young advocate's heart bounded with delight at the six-weeks' future companionship of the woman whose unguarded heart had silently drifted toward him "along the line of least resistance.

  48. The inspiration and delight derived from familiarity with the best poetry is one of the most precious results of education.

  49. Because the imagination is developed early, children are able to find a real delight in poetry even when it is beyond their complete understanding.

  50. The world of make-believe is filled with delight for the small child.

  51. There is joy over disappointment And delight in hopes that were vain.

  52. She dropped her card-case upon the sidewalk, and Crombie's heart throbbed with delight as he picked it up, gave it to her, and received her smiling thanks for his little service.

  53. He looked at her quizzically as she received the lilies, his weather-worn face glowing mildly at the same time, with pride in her beauty and delight at having pleased her.

  54. From the moment of conception the mother begins to show affection to her child and takes delight in her.

  55. They that are possessed of wisdom delight in the two extremes but not in the states that are intermediate.

  56. Emancipation), Suka of cheerful soul and taking delight in internal survey only, reached Mithila at last.

  57. Indeed, through Sankara's grace, O chief of the Bharatas, those sorrowing kinsmen were filled with amazement and delight at the restoration of their child to life.

  58. Rules in respect of even very trivial matters are hailed with delight by the people.

  59. Jealousy springs from lust and delight in low and vulgar people.

  60. The Sruti declares that that which is called the forest is the true fold for the Devas, while the delight one feels in dwelling in the midst of men is, as it were, the cord for binding the dweller (and making him helpless).

  61. The delight that one feels of residing in the midst of men is the abode of Death.

  62. He who avoids acts after having done them duly,[1056] and takes delight in the one really existent entity, viz.

  63. That man who lives in happiness by himself in the midst of creatures who are seen to take delight in leading lives of sexual union, should be known to be a person whose thirst has been slaked by knowledge.

  64. When the man whom this fault assails begins to take delight in (the company and counsels of) wise men, the vice at once and immediately hides its head.

  65. That person who renounces all ordinary acts, practises penances, devotes himself to study the Soul, taking a delight therein, and regards himself as the Soul of all creatures, acquires a high end.

  66. Of a cruel disposition and always filled with delight at the prospect of prey, the fierce animal looked like a second Yama.

  67. Likewise did he much delight in the performances of Schneider--that high priestess of the obscene, rich with the spoils of princes.

  68. But there is also a strong, genuine, unmingled delight in mere argument--perhaps as barren a delight as human intellect can yield to.

  69. He seemed to delight in being gratuitously offensive.

  70. The "Saturday Review" for a long time affected to treat Dickens as a good-humored and vulgar buffoon, with a gift of genius to delight the lower classes.

  71. We put up with these impossibilities and delight in them, because they are so amusing and so full of fantastic humor.

  72. Nature and truth are to be his guides to the delighting of men; to show him how he is to give a delight which shall be pure and genuine.

  73. Young men, especially, delight in him and adore him.

  74. After working two weeks without seeing more than half a dozen people, it gave him a peculiar and intense delight just to sit in the church gallery and look down upon so many human beings.

  75. To these ruins let pilgrims repair who delight to visit places where great things began; for here once dwelt the Marquis of Worcester, who first made steam work for men.

  76. He watched with delight the kingfisher, and loved to distinguish the voices of the different birds.

  77. On Sunday he walked three miles to attend a church, and remembered to the end of his days the delight he had, for the first time in his life, in hearing a sermon that he entirely agreed with.

  78. In reply, he wrote: "I know with what delight your truly maternal heart has received every testimonial of Washington's favorable voice.

  79. This barbarous dance appears to delight them, {19} and particularly the squaws, who are the principal actors, more than almost any other of their enjoyments.

  80. The Pawnees are expert horsemen, and delight in the exhibition of feats of skill and adroitness.

  81. They declared that it surpassed any land that they had ever seen, and often exclaimed what a delight it would be just to run a plough through such a rich and teeming soil, and see it open its bountiful promise before the share.

  82. They launched their canoe again into deep water, and getting in, had the delight of seeing the camp fires of the savages soon fading in the distance.

  83. These he would astonish and delight by the hour, with prodigious tales of his doings among the Indians; and of the wonders he had seen, and the wonders he had performed, in his adventurous peregrinations among the mountains.

  84. The next morning the lads mounted and proceeded on their way, and reached home late that evening, to the immense delight of their parents.

  85. Tom was not much of a shot, but he had fired into the thick of the deer and gave a shout of delight at seeing one of them fall.

  86. Since their arrival in South Africa they had got on very well together; still, they had not the same ideas or subjects of thought, and it was an immense delight to Dick to have his old friend and companion with him.

  87. He sprinkled some water upon the lad's face and chest, and to his and Dick's delight Tom presently opened his eyes.

  88. None of the party had ever seen the sea before, and the delight of the two boys and the wonderment of the labourers at all they saw was very great.

  89. Two days later they started for the rear with a convoy of sick and wounded, and in due time, without further adventure, arrived home, to the great delight of their parents.

  90. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "delight" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    admiration; affinity; amuse; appreciate; aptitude; attraction; beam; beatification; beatitude; beguile; bent; bewitch; bias; bliss; caper; captivate; carry; cast; charm; cheer; cheerfulness; chirp; content; convulse; crow; dance; delight; diathesis; disposition; distract; divert; eagerness; ecstasy; elate; elation; enchant; enchantment; enjoyment; enliven; enrapture; entertain; enthrall; entrance; event; exaltation; exhilarate; exhilaration; exuberance; exult; fascinate; feast; felicity; flush; fracture; frisk; frolic; fruition; gaiety; gambol; gladden; gladness; glee; gloat; glory; gratification; gratify; gusto; happiness; heaven; honor; inclination; indulge; instinct; intoxication; joy; joyfulness; kill; laugh; leaning; liability; liking; lilt; love; luxury; paradise; penchant; play; please; pleasure; predilection; predisposition; prejudice; probability; proclivity; propensity; purr; radiance; rapture; ravish; ravishment; readiness; refresh; regale; rejoice; relax; relish; revel; romp; satisfaction; send; sing; skip; slay; smile; solace; sunshine; susceptibility; thrill; tickle; transport; treasure; triumph; tropism; turn; twist; wallow; warp; weakness; whistle; willingness; zest