He is the greatest philosopher in all Serbia," whispered an official to Jan.
Sir," said the chemist, earnestly, "I can assure you that he was one of the greatest poets that ever has lived.
I'm so ragingly hungry that I should look upon a steak off one of those india-rubber gentlemen as the greatest delicacy under the sun.
The whole business was done with the greatest absence of excitement.
It was on the third night that Captain Roby sat talking to his greatest intimates, and he repeated his injudicious remarks so bitterly that Captain Edwards said severely, "I can't sit here and listen to this, Roby.
Its greatest defect was the litter of old meat and other tins, while there were broken bottles enough to act as a defence when attacked by strangers.
To the student of prophecy this peculiarity of the book is of the greatest interest, for it is no merely personal idiosyncrasy.
And the men of Niniveh believed upon God, and cried a fast, and from the greatest of them to the least of them they put on sackcloth.
Like the greatest of his order, Zechariah appears with the call to repent: Turn ye to Me—oracle of Jehovah of Hosts—that I may turn to you.
If we can lay aside for the moment the greatest difference of all, in religion and morals, there remain others almost of cardinal importance.
Each exhibits a development of Hebrew prophecy of the greatest interest.
In this essay he descants on the greatest crime as though it were an accomplishment, and his freakish wit makes this paper as enjoyable as Charles Lamb's essay on the origin of roast pig.
But above and beyond everything else Thomas Hardy is one of thegreatest story tellers the world has ever seen.
Despite its faults, this is his greatest book, and it is the one which readers should begin with.
Much of the material was gathered from English periodicals, as De Quincey was the greatest magazine writer of his age.
With Carlyle, Macaulay shares the honor of being the greatest of English essayists.
Four years later came The French Revolution, which established Carlyle's fame as one of the greatest of English writers.
These only made him more confident in his belief that the spiritual life is the greatest thing in this world.
Then, in his forty-third year, he turned to prose and began with Waverley; that series of novels which is the greatest ever produced by one man.
The purest and most ardent affection, the greatestconsonance of taste and disposition, and the most congenial virtue and wishes distinguish this lovely couple.
She wept; she rung her hands, and walked the room in the greatest agony.
The greatest consolation I can have will be to carry it with me to a state of eternal rest; which, vile as I am, I hope to obtain, through the infinite mercy of Heaven, as revealed in the gospel of Christ.
Our greatest mistakes may teach lessons which will be useful through life.
I flew precipitately by him, and went into the parlor, where I found Mr. Boyer and my mamma, the one traversing the room in the greatest agitation, the other in a flood of tears.
They have been so long accustomed to the company of those of our sex who deserve no esteem, that the greatest dignity and purity of character can never excite it in their breasts.
My greatest relief is in writing to you; which I shall do again by the next post.
He exerted all his eloquence to obtain a retraction of that sentence, and ran with the greatest volubility through all the protestations, prayers, entreaties, professions, and assurances which love could feel or art contrive.
The gayest circle is irradiated by her presence, and the highest entertainment receives its greatest charms from her smiles.
One important consequence of this adventure was that I was everywhere received with the very greatest respect.
Now, it seems that a talking animal is the greatest possible joke known to the blacks, and so my narrative was greeted with uproarious mirth; and my "impossible" story even spread from tribe to tribe.
Whenever I encountered a strange tribe I always asked to be taken before the chief, and when in his presence I presented my little stick, he would at once manifest the greatest friendliness, and offer us food and drink.
Needless to remark, it requires the greatest possible coolness and nerve to kill a shark in this way, but the Malays look upon it as a favourite recreation and an exciting sport.
I was a man, and a power in the land from the very first--treated with the greatest consideration and respect by all the tribes.
The mother walked round and round, and appeared to be in the greatest distress.
So delighted were the blacks at the service I had done them, that they paid me the greatest compliment in their power by offering me a chieftainship, and inviting me to stay with them for ever.
The two armies then united, and we all returned to a great encampment, where the women prepared a truly colossal feast for conquerors and conquered alike, and the greatest harmony prevailed.
I seemed to be overwhelmed with misfortunes, but the greatest of all was yet to come.
Finally, I decided there was nothing left for me but to acquire five more helpmates, who were of the greatest assistance to Yamba.
Respect for religion is, in his eyes, the greatest guarantee of the stability of the State, and of the safety of the community.
You're going down in history as one of the greatest heroes of all time!
He was able to choke down the eggs with the greatest difficulty.
This fad had irritated him and caused him thegreatest indignation.
With the greatest of pleasure," said Roddy, delighted, while in secret Elma was equally enthusiastic.
But as the truth was never guessed, the greatest sympathy was felt on every hand for his close friend and partner Purcell Sandys.
It will be of greatest use to our young friend, whom I hope one day to see in Fez.
This fact, no doubt, accounted partially for the fact that many looked upon him as the greatest nerve-doctor in London.
And as he felt it he cursed himself for the greatest of all fools.
But such a time of uncertainty as that which Julian must now endure is a great penalty to pay for even the greatest joy, when the joy is past.
For it seemed to him the greatest thing in all the world to help to make the unhappy rightly happier.
In that moment he knew utterly that the greatest load in the world laid on any man is the load of his own, perhaps beloved, sin.
But Julian answered: "I feel absolutely convinced that at the time I knew him he was one of the greatest rips, one of the most merciless men in London.
Sometimes battle is the greatestof all prayers," said the doctor.
Julian had a vague notion that the presence of his greatest friend to-night might render him self-conscious.
The greatest libertines have made the greatest ascetics.
Why, the greatest dance in the world, the dance that youth sends out the invitations for, and women live for, and old men die with longing for.
The greatest detectives of France were called in to solve the mystery--but they solved nothing.
I have a brain that could have raised me to the greatest heights.
She was one of those whose trust rises to its greatest heights when opposed to reason.
He was looked upon as one of the greatest authorities on finance in the country," said the inspector.
Mademoiselle," said Monsieur Dupont softly, "you will be of the greatest assistance.
In fantasy," returned Monsieur Dupont, "are the world's greatest truths.
Her greatest hope was that the advent of the child would induce from him something of the consideration and tenderness that he had never given her.
The greatest of these is Jupiter, towards whom all that follow my most sacred art show reverent affection.
D'Argenson himself, who had upheld Maurepas against the favourite, had the greatest possible interest in seeing the affair cleared up as soon as possible.
Instead of a dungeon or a cage of iron, every prisoner occupied a room of fair size, its greatest defect being that it was rather poorly lighted by a narrow window, secured by bars, some of them projecting inwards.
But the electors sent some of their number to the Bastille, where the governor, de Launey, received the deputation with the greatest affability, kept them to lunch, and at their request withdrew the cannon from the embrasures.
We read, too, with thegreatest astonishment the description of the meals the prisoners made.
We are all familiar with the sort of magazine that contents itself with saying day in and day out ceaselessly and noisily: "The Planet Magazine is the greatest magazine in the universe.
It came to Mart that the woman running through the night with her wail of terror was the greatest danger he would know.
The greatest literary artists and the world's greatest illustrators contribute to our pages.
I sat near him at the fireplace and watched his wrinkled face while Murdo told me the story of Ghitza as it should be written in the book of heroes where the first place should be given to the greatest of them all.
Why, thegreatest country in the world, excepting France.
One of the saddest, sweetest, greatest stories ever written is Ellis' Pigsispigs Butler's fable of the contented little donkey that went round and round in the mill and thought he was traveling far.
He begged Mrs. Lonsdale to believe that it was with the greatest regret that he called upon so sad an errand; that he came only because it was necessary and she was the only person to whom they could turn.
After all, the greatest of men were granted but a lesser oblivion than the least.
The editor of one of the largest magazines in the country said to me not long ago that he found the greatest difficulty now in procuring short stories by writers for whom his magazine had trained the public to clamor.
It is an axiom of human nature that the greatest men do not find it necessary or possible to talk about their own greatness.
The greatest pugilists in the world have fought in my gymnasium, often, if you will, under illegal conditions, but there has never been a fight that was not fair.
They tell me that he is thegreatest living patron of the ring, both here and in America.
Still the greatest successes the world has ever beheld had been at one time the greatest improbabilities!
By the greatest economy of means, consisting of what Shargar brought in by jobbing about the quay and the coach-offices, and what Robert had from Dr.
And I am confident that to free those hearts from it by any deed of yours would be to do them the greatest injury you could.
The only and the greatest thing man is capable of is Trust in God.
She might have been an artist, but she drew like a young lady; she might have been a prophetess, and Byron was her greatest poet.
But Robert was used to bad language; and there are some bad things which, seeing that there they are, it is of the greatest consequence to get used to.
But perhaps the greatest difference between English and American usage is presented by /the Honorable/.
She had evidently made her toilet with the greatest care; the time at Isa's sick-bed had not passed unused, it seemed.
In the greatest haste I folded the note, rang, and gave it into the immediate charge of the coachman.
The old woman began to arrange things in the greatest haste, and under the hands of the maid the first feeble flame was soon flickering up in the fire-place.
Susanna started up as if the greatest injury had been done her.
I do not know how it happened, but I was bitterly angry with him--he, usually the man of tenderest feeling and greatest tact!
His fancy is prolific of beautiful images, and his (505) judgment expert in arranging them to the greatest advantage.
We had disobeyed very often, especially Louis and I, and many times we had been punished for it, for disobedience in my father's eyes was the greatest of all crimes; but never had we dared to defy him openly.
No, poor lady, that was her greatest pain when they told her that her sickness was very contagious.
In the neighborhood of "The Convent" where we lived, there were quite a number of this type of boy whose greatest pleasure was to torture the dogs and cats.
When people are sick they love to hear of the greatest doctor of all.
The greatest difference is in language, and yet no one unacquainted with the dialects could distinguish by the ear between Hindustani, Persian, Arabic, and Turkish.
My greatest fault is that if any one starts me upon a subject I know anything about, I immediately become didactic.
The greatest of destinies is but begun, and it is the destiny of the soul Two days ago if I had told you there was something higher in you than the loving heart, you would not have believed me; now you do.
It was all so entirely novel, so unlike any music most of us had ever heard, and it was so undeniably good, that every one applauded and said something to the singer in turn, expressing the greatest admiration and appreciation.
So much for the merits sublime (With whose catalogue ne'er should I stop) Of the three greatest lights of our time, Doctor Eady and Southey and Slop!
One of the greatest curiosities found in the Persian Gulf is a fish which the English call Star-fish.
Incalculable were the benefits which they conferred on the human race, and the greatest of them all, even from a human point of view, was this--to a people sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death they brought back hope.
She was the greatest difficulty of all, and it would have been marvellous indeed if his marriage had proved a happy one.
It may well be that amongst them are some of Valentine's works; and note, not a few of these anonymous paintings are quite as beautiful as some of the authentic pictures of the greatest masters of the period.
Sometimes a pupil is able to so exactly acquire his master's manner that the greatest experts are thereby deceived.
Such were the institutions which produced some of the greatest painters whom the world has ever seen.
The prince cannot wish that; he will not punish me so severely for the kindness and pity I showed to him in his greatest need.
She had committed a breach of etiquette which could only be accounted for by the most absolute ignorance, or the greatest impertinence, and one which the king would assuredly punish.
The beautiful Morien, whose greatest pride was to despise the prudish, and to snap her fingers at morality, now wishes to be in the train of modesty.
Heavy rains have destroyed the roads which had, with great expense, been rendered passable, and I learn, to my horror, that it is scarcely possible for a traveller to pass them without running the greatest danger.
There have been maniacs who imagined themselves great among earth's greatest men, and equal even to the very God in heaven.
You will be surprised, my dear Pricker, that we did not send for you, but we should have lost time by that, and our affairs demand the greatest haste.
From this day I consider myself as the high priest of the holiest of holies, and I will guard this secret as my greatest treasure.
We therefore proceeded by easy stages towards Adelaide, experiencing the greatest hospitality at the stations on our route, while our reception in the city was of the most flattering nature.
The investigation having been carried to the fullest extent that time and circumstances would admit, the searching party would adopt such a route on its return as would intersect the greatest extent of unexamined country.
The whole party felt convinced of the necessity of returning, though with the greatest reluctance to do so, as it seemed to put an end to almost every hope of reaching the Gascoyne River.