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Example sentences for "leniency"

Lexicographically close words:
lengthways; lengthwise; lengthy; lengua; lenguas; lenient; leniently; lenis; lenitive; lenity
  1. The Turkish Government later repented of its leniency in allowing these Russian Jews to escape, and gave orders that only neutrals should leave the country--and then only under certain conditions.

  2. The ticklish state of mind of the Mohammedan population in Egypt, however, has led them to adopt a policy of leniency and of keeping to the defensive, which subsequent developments have more than justified.

  3. If you can show a good, reasonable doubt in those other cases, Rathburn, I know the court would show leniency if the jury found you guilty on the counts you just mentioned," said the sheriff earnestly.

  4. Well, I'll be frank and tell you, Rathburn, that if you expect leniency after what happened this morning you might just as well give up that idea.

  5. Another proof that the Government had a law of leniency for militant men and a law of persecution for militant women was shown at this time by the case of Miss Dorothy Evans, our organiser in Ulster.

  6. They generally agreed that great leniency had been shown them.

  7. Besides, their leniency had another ground, which was, that the people being ignorant of the new law were not aware of the penalties attached to particular offences.

  8. Would Governor Drentell show the same leniency and magnanimity towards the Hebrews as did his predecessor?

  9. In their extremity, the Jews again petitioned the Governor to temper his authority with mercy, and one of Drentell's counsellors, moved by the piteous appeal, recommended leniency in dealing with the stricken race.

  10. A certain surveillance was necessary in such cases to give assurance that no unlawful advantage was taken of such opportunities, but there was very little if any reason to believe such leniency was abused.

  11. We were treated with more leniency than we could have expected on board the "Vulture," in consequence, I believe, of our having attended to the wounded.

  12. You will now come on board the `Vulture,' and it is your own fault that you will not be treated with the same leniency that you were before.

  13. We are grateful for the leniency with which we have been treated, but may I ask what the captain intends doing with us?

  14. The Spaniards had once been masters of Italy; they were now the natural allies of France against Austria, and Bonaparte's leniency to Parma and Naples had strengthened the bond.

  15. With the melting of the snows of winter she had put from her whatever of softness or leniency belonged to her girlhood; with her womanhood she adopted the creed of her world, "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

  16. It called upon all malcontents and revolutionists to say, if in this pardon were not displayed the utmost leniency and mercy.

  17. And Philip himself, our most gracious sovereign, seemed at first strongly inclined to leniency until the counsels of Granvella and of others like him changed these views; but with what right or wisdom they may settle between themselves.

  18. On the other hand, there were certain crimes where requests for leniency merely made me angry.

  19. In an astonishing number of these cases men of high standing signed petitions or wrote letters asking me to show leniency to the criminal.

  20. Very naturally, therefore, it has come to be regarded with somewhat greater leniency by law and public opinion in proportion as they have emancipated themselves from theological doctrines.

  21. His leniency and forgiveness were so great as to be denounced by some of his best friends, and by all political fanatics.

  22. And this leniency and forgiveness were the more remarkable, since he was not demonstrative in his affections and friendships.

  23. The king ordered the military to cease firing in the morning, and thus his leniency gave the revolutionary party the upper hand.

  24. Those mistaken views of philanthropy upon which the government has hitherto proceeded have proved destructive to the country, and the effects of ill-judged leniency are now too heavy to be any longer borne.

  25. This leniency is only to be explained on the ground that his constituents greatly admire individual virtues, and that they are at the same time unable to perceive social outrages which the alderman may be committing.

  26. The secretary of war had pronounced against any leniency toward what were dubbed glaring traitors.

  27. He is charged with having "wasted the goods," but this may mean in the way of over leniency with creditors or of unproductive outlay, not in that of personal appropriation.

  28. That they were prompt to improve this unexpected, undeserved and mistaken leniency need not be said.

  29. General Pole-Carew, who returned to the capital on the 29th of April, had done wonderful work in correcting the abuses that early leniency had brought about.

  30. Napoleon himself displayed an unexpected leniency wherever possible towards captured spies, and this on the ground, as he said, that the spy is, by his nature, a base character.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leniency" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.