And when there is a default it is not authorised by the clergy as good, but reproved; whereupon in this the clergy is not to be blamed, but the default as it may appear must be laid to particular men.
As touching the second point, his Holiness said that your Highness only was the default thereof, because ye would not send a proxy to the cause.
In default of legislation the necessary measures are taken by decree of the head of the state; these decrees having the force of law.
This hierarchy of persons, these private relations of man to man, were recognized by custom in default of the law, and were soon strengthened by another and territorial hierarchy.
It may also initiate a scheme without representation, or the Local Government Board may do so in default of the local authority.
Power was also given to county councils to act in default of rural district councils in regard to new housing.
Duke of Alencon, this was your default That, being captain of the watch to-night, Did look no better to that weighty charge.
I have a desire to hold my acquaintance with thee, or rather my knowledge, that I may say in the default 'He is a man I know.
The great majority of divorce cases go to judgment upon the default of the defendants, and in such cases there can be no appeal upon the merits of the cause.
Rosette was not so made that she was likely to meet with very cruel rebuffs, and knowing no more than she did about me, she relied upon her charms and upon my youth, in default of my love.
It was lawful for a rico hombre to bequeath his honors to whichsoever of his legitimate children he might prefer, and, in default of issue, to his nearest of kin.
The proceedings may either be summary by way of conviction before two Justices of the Peace in the county or place where the publisher making default resides, or by action in any Court of Record in the United Kingdom.
Sidenote: Penalty for Default in delivering Copies for the Use of the Libraries.
In default the respective librarians may recover from the publisher:[293] i.
This power of distraint was, however, confined to holdings in which there were leases by which the tenant covenanted to allow the landlord to distrain his stock and goods in default of payment of rent.
No one ever breathed a whisper against her, and it has not been through default of aspirants.
But in default of the Eternal, the Avesta contains pictures of enduring charm.
In default of Syrian or Copt, she might have become Persian as already she was Greek.
I want my life, the only life of which I am assured, to have symmetry or, indefault of that, at least to acquire some clarity.
Even when thieves were caught red-handed, and delivered over to the constable, the informant was frequently tempted to think better of it, and either let the matter go by default or compound with the prisoner.
The nobility, indefault of the right to meet together and to vote, exercises its influence, and, to know how it uses this, it is sufficient to read over the edicts and the Almanac.
He enlivened the long railway journey to the best of his ability, with a constant stream of jokes and stories at which he chuckled heartily in default of a more appreciative audience.
In defaultof a real hero, he would become her dream-hero, the axle round which would revolve the wheel of her intimate thought.
Every man who lodges a stranger here must see forthwith that he has a Passport in good condition, in default of which said host is liable to a penalty.
They walked the deck far into the night, with the big stars swimming in the smooth black rollers, and the distant roar of the Aia surges, now to port and now to starboard, as they beat gently to and fro in default of anchorage.
Mexican dollars were the only currency, and in defaultof subsidiary money these dollars, called pesos, were cut.
In default of a cavern or a grotto," said Godfrey, "here is a ready-made dwelling.
Not even in default of houses a cabin, a hut, an ajoupa, or a wigwam?
But in default of survivors, had not the sea thrown up some of the corpses?
He was armed with a tomahawk and a pistol, without powder as useless as a toy, and a bow borne in default of aught better lay on the floor beside him, while a gayly ornamented quiver full of poisoned arrows swung over his shoulder.