This act of devotion enabled the mourners to maintain an appearance of greater tranquillity until the graves were filled.
Accident revealed the secret, and from that time Michael's devotion was a standing jest among the dissenters of the valley.
He resolved to give up all further thoughts of earthly women, and to lead a life of absolute chastity and devotion to the Mother of God.
These are the bribes of an adventurer who has brought whatever impulse of devotion to a great cause once stirred within him, well under the control of his self love.
Devotion to science and art, or to the betterment of things manifestly falls into harmony with the Buddhistic Right Aspirations, provided such aims are free from jealousy or the craving for fame.
And presently when we come to Islam we shall find that for a third time the same fundamental new doctrine of the need of a universal devotion of all men to one Will reappears.
In return, it was promised, there would be less social injustice after the war, a more universal devotion to the common welfare.
Of his deep affection for this friend of his boyhood, there was no doubt, nor of his knowledge of her devotion to his interests.
Patient women, waiting in the chilly house for consumption to pick out his victims, and replace the color of youth and the flush of devotion with the hectic of disease!
Union, when the republic was visible to them in its beauty, in its peril, and in a passion of devotion they were eager--were they not?
This instance of female devotion is exactly paralleled in D'Albertis's "New Guinea.
He loses his accustomed reticence; he has something of the martyr's willingness for publicity; he would even like to show the sincerity of his devotion by some piece of open heroism.
But it would not hesitate to give a note of warning if it believed that the present devotion to literature and the pursuits of the mind were likely, by the highest authorities, to be considered bad form.
The materialistic drift of this age--that is, its devotion to material development--is frequently deplored.
Lucy's life had been one act of devotion and virtue; let her now reap the small reward of finding her excellence appreciated, and her necessity assisted, by those whom she respected and honoured.
Faith and devotion have hitherto been the essence of our intercourse;--these lost, let us not cling to the seedless husk of life, the unkernelled shell.
Grecian maidens will in devotion strew flowers on his tomb, and make the air around it resonant with patriotic hymns, in which his name will find high record.
She would see Raymond, since destiny had led him to her, and her constancy and devotion must merit his friendship.
In reading history we are chiefly struck by the generosity and self-devotion that follow close on the heels of crime, veiling with supernal flowers the stain of blood.
But he was awake now; all this should be remedied; and future devotion erase the memory of this only blot on the serenity of their life.
There was neither jealousy, inquietude, or mistrust in his sentiment; it was devotion and faith.
She thought of the treasure she possessed in the affections of her lord; of his accomplishments, surpassing those of his contemporaries, his genius, his devotion to her.
Among some these changes produced a devotion and sacrifice of self at once graceful and heroic.
The loving devotion that shone forth even in his uttermost weakness had thrilled her very soul, and she could not forget it for a moment when alone.
The conduct of this detachment must for ever remain one of the brightest pages in the history of our Indian army, and yet the history of that army abounds with instances of the self-devotion and heroism of our native soldiery.
The siege lasted but five days, but the devotion of the 45th Sikhs and the gallantry of Vicars Boyle and Herewald Wake stand out in striking contrast to the supineness of the military authorities at Dinapore.
Campbell, in his despatches from Mangalore, bore frequent testimony to the unselfish devotion of the native officers, and the uncomplaining heroism of the men.
The conduct which is true devotion is practical benevolence, moral purity, and unworldliness.
It is when deep calls to deep, when life calls to life, when the life of manifest devotion at once shames and attracts the life of flagrant sin, that spirits are moved, that the loathing for vice and the longing for virtue are excited.
Is it so uncommon a thing for a man to attend church regularly, and join with apparent devotion in the services, and yet think little of the grievous words which he allows himself to utter when his temper is severely tried?
Hal-leek's order he instructed these women to vie with and exceed their respectable sisters in their manifestations of hostility to the Union cause and of devotion to the South.
Let us emulate his prowess and undying devotion to his duty!
It will be remembered that at that time it was thought quite the thing for young Secessionist women to show their "spirit" and their devotion to the South by all manner of open insult to the Yankee soldiers.
He early found, then, that devotion to property is likely to be a rival to the higher interests and the common good.
The devotion with which people suffer and die for their State is all the more remarkable because all States hitherto have been largely organizations for coercion and exploitation, and only in part real fraternal communities.
He set the able individuals to work, and put the spirit of intense labor and devotion into them.
Let not Thy blood be shed in vain for them; and vouchsafe, lastly, to apply it for the relief of the souls in purgatory, and above all, for those who in life were foremost in their devotion to Thee.
With patience and devotion the Delegates to this Congress have sought to discharge the trust committed to them, and, as your Chairman, I beg you to receive my most cordial thanks for the courteous consideration I have received at your hands.
I believe that it would be better to adjourn till to-morrow to give us time to reflect; in this way we shall not risk by our devotion to science drawing upon ourselves popular criticism.
Truly, a perfect acquaintance with Beethoven would claim the devotion of the highest powers, and the study of a lifetime.
And what could be more beautiful than the pictures of the devotion of the mother of Jesus to Him who was to be the Savior of the world?
This could not be from insensibility; the French are anything rather than insensible : it could not be from attachment to Bonaparte, the prefect loudly declaring his devotion to Louis XVIII.
He yielded reluctantly; and when Madame d'Henin found his steady adhesion to his king, she came up to him and said, that, finding the firmness of his devotion to Louis XVIII.
She then moved on, but again stopped when going, to utter some sentences most grateful to my ears, of her high devotion to the queen and deep sense of all her virtues.
I could say that devotion was more merited than walking together.
Loving and good and delighted and best is her little King and Sire whose devotion is entire who has but one desire to express the love which is hers to inspire.
In the church great sedateness anddevotion or silence reigns.
His children carried out his orders, thereby showing both their affection to us and their devotion to him.
It was even necessary for him to pretend devotion when Louis XVIII consented to give him a civil position.
It is impossible to give a better definition of the devotion of Madame de Maintenon.
He tried to console himself by devotion to botany.
Three distichs commemorate the humility of the defunct, his piety, his devotion to the King.
The reading of these inflamed him with great devotion and he believed that he was called to the ecclesiastical state.
Thus she had great pride and little vanity, great devotion and little fervor.
She was virtuous from devotion and from care for her reputation.
About this time, having been relieved of her part of domestic service by the coming into the family of a young relative--whose devotion to her was unbounded--she opened in the house a school for little girls.
The young relative, whose loving devotion had ministered to the comfort of her dying mother, came to her own relief and passed the next six months at New Bedford, helping take care of Eddy.
And this devotion ran on, without variableness or shadow of turning, year after year, giving itself no rest until her eyes were closed in death.
My heart is as young and fresh as any girl's, and I am almost as prone to make idols out of those I love, as I ever was; and this is inconsistent with the devotion owed to God.
It would not be easy to imagine two women more utterly dissimilar, except in love to God, devotion to their Saviour, and delight in prayer.
The loss of a mother is never made up or atoned for; and ours was such a mother; so peculiar in her devotion and tenderness and sympathy!
Robert Gibbs, was like her in unwearied devotion to both the pastor and the pastor's wife.
She had marked in one of her books of devotion a passage which, I imagine, summed up her view of the whole matter: "A true Christian is neither fond of life nor weary of it.
Fenelon says, "To be constantly in a state of enjoyment that takes away the feeling of the cross, and to live in a fervor of devotion that keeps Paradise constantly open--this is not dying upon the cross and becoming nothing.
This woman being vigorous and well built, was eager for the work, and, filled with devotion and spirit, she gave herself up to the nursing of her child with a sort of fury.
Over-work, or excessive devotion to social duties and pleasures, is often their source.
But the mere devotion itself in this nice creature is a thing to be respected.
Ameerah's devotion in these days took the form of a deep-seated hatred of the woman whom she regarded as her mistress's enemy.
There appears, however, as much devotion in their public worship, as among any denomination of christians.
From boundary to boundary of our wide domain we have had heroes, the stories of whose lives tend to make devotion to duty and allegiance to God transcendently beautiful.
The Atlantic and Pacific coasts are one in having been the scenes where courage and devotion have expressed themselves.