The prevailing idolatry influenced the boy, but it influenced him to hate it with all his heart.
That shows the impurity of his 'zeal,' which flamed only against what it was for his advantage to destroy, and left the more popular and older idolatry undisturbed.
The religion of the court was the religion of the nation, only idolatry was more congenial than the service of God.
The narrative lays stress on the fact that the king's inclination to idolatry was agreeable to the people.
The home-made idolatry is gibbeted as being according to 'the statutes of the kings.
The idolatry is then described, in rapid touches, as universal.
Guided by a Divine instinct, the Church showed a wise self-restraint; and it was only as the decay of idolatry in the West removed this danger, that she allowed herself to contemplate the image of the Redeemer.
Yet there is no evidence of the prevalence of actual idolatry at the time when the [R.
The statement that the Buddha himself sanctioned idolatry is wholly legendary (see p.
There are blacker strokes in the dialogue when Bussy is to see the play; there is always idolatry implied, and sometimes anxiety, if the spoilt child of Provence is the audience.
It is to this English love of home that she attributes both the superstition that the independent intellectual development of woman is absolutely incompatible with the domestic virtues, and the English idolatry of these virtues.
Now self-idolatry is possible, wherever the power of self-restraint is not as strong as the control formerly exercised by society.
Not satisfied with depicting, with a sure hand and in the grand style, a self-idolatry bordering upon insanity, Chateaubriand throws it into relief on the dark background of a sister's guilty passion.
Idolatry is a mistaken view of Divine things--a distortion of the religious sentiment; but who would on that account call it Christian?
Favouritism was idolatry affectionate words were foolish condescensions to the flesh; while loving caresses savoured altogether of the evil one.
Bad and sad and mad as idolatry is, it reads a rebuke to many of us, who keep life and religion quite apart, and lock up our Christianity in our pews with our prayer-books and hymnaries.
The obstinacy of the adherents of idolatry is in striking contrast with Israel's continual tendency to forsake Jehovah.
He asserts that idolatry is empty, a feeding on ashes.
Think of the toil and pains spent in idolatry and in corrupt forms of Christianity.
The proclivity of the Jews to idolatry is an outstanding fact all through their history.
All this God-forgetting life of pleasure-seeking and idolatry is bringing on a terrible, inevitable consummation.
The image of planting a garden of pleasures, and 'vine slips of a stranger' refers to sensuous idolatry as well as to the entangling alliance.
The stage of civilisation partly accounts for the strange fascination of idolatry over the Israelites.
There is a bitter idolatry of fate in this system which might seem splendid to a barbarian; but how, I asked myself, can it be anything but horrible to a cultivated conscience, or to a pupil of the Greeks?
I suspect, however, that in asceticism as actually preached and practised there is less of this idolatry of suffering than the outsider imagines, who lying amid his cushions severely reproves those who indulge in a penance.
Idolatry vanished before it almost entirely in the African territory recently discovered, and upon its ruins rose the city of San Salvador.
And what shall I tell you of the mummies, the thousand fantastic and grotesque Egyptian gods--cats and crocodiles--a paradise of idolatry that no one would care to enter?
As he shouts over our heads, we call to mind the many summers the sweet scents of which we have inhaled, the rambles we have taken in the woods, our idolatry of nature, our innocent pleasures.
It was inevitable that both the higher critics and their opponents would sometimes go to great extremes--the critics to an idolatry of intellect, their opponents to an idolatry of literalness.
Idolatry is the worship of something less than God.
In the later account the apostle makes the conduct the natural accompaniment of idolatry, as if indeed the worship of an image would issue into the idolatry of the table and the playground.
The ambition of the artist also fostered the growth of idolatry among the ignorant masses.
His followers afterwards disagreed among themselves upon that matter, and the various ways in which they interpreted that ambiguous expression divided them into different sects, among which a new form of idolatry unfolded itself.
Heathen kings who had been convinced that idolatry was empty and vain, and that by Judaism, on the contrary, truth was revealed were pointed out as examples.
I hope that in future I may be spared any more sentimental praises of the Arab's idolatry of his horse.
We never cared any thing about ice-cream at home, but we look upon it with a sort of idolatry now that it is so scarce in these red-hot climates of the East.
The heart might readily conceive the thought of doing away with idolatry in the various places, and setting up the altar of the true God instead,--this might seem to be the right course to adopt; but God thought differently.
Our opposition to idolatry and our separation from evil, in every shape and form, while not less intense and decided, most surely, than that of Israel of old, is not to be displayed in the same way.
Tis all but too true--grim Idolatry reigns In full pomp over England's lost cities and plains!
He could not reconcile the gross idolatry of the Arabs with that belief in the unity of God which he himself had reached.
He treated its inhabitants leniently, but threw down all the idols in the Kaaba, After the submission of Mecca most of the Arabs abandoned idolatry and accepted the new religion.
As a religion it is immeasurably superior to the rude nature worship and idolatry which it has supplanted.
Surely downright idolatryis better than this rational worship of a fragment of humanity.
This was the Pantheism of Egypt, and led to the abominable and disgusting idolatry of that land.
He said that the devil had possessed his tongue, and denounced idolatry again with renewed vigour.
Probably the numerous Jews in Medina had shaken the ancient idolatry of the people.
Real idolatry is to pay that adoration to a creature which is known to be due only to the true God.
Idolatry indeed is wickedness; but it is the thing, not the name, which is so.
The discourse turning upon the Book of Common Prayer, Roberts asked the Bishop if the sin of idolatry did not consist in worshipping the work of men's hands.
Selfishness is the most patronizedidolatry in the world.
In the age of organization against idolatry, there is one proud, rampant idolatry which retains its ascendency amongst us.
The enjoyments He bestows and the labors He appoints are calculated to minister to godliness,--and yet they may be perverted to idolatry by our forgetting Him on whom our highest thoughts should be fixt.
Then, Sir, you would give perpetuity to those horrid systems of idolatry which maintain their dominion over the great majority of the human race, as no power will ever destroy them but that which the gospel of Christ displays.
A thoughtful, earnest, and intelligent protest against the idolatryof the priest, of the sacrament, and of the word, written with manly vigour and much beauty.
How far am I in contact with idolatry in this eating of meat offered to idols?
The constant converse with idolatry which attending these feasts with a "conscience of the idol" would generate, might easily end in apostasy, shipwreck of faith and hope for ever.
Idolatry was the state religion of the Roman empire.
Their idolatry having been sufficiently brought out through 'and praised the gods of gold,' it would waste attention to bring forward also the several other materials of which their gods were composed.
The patron saints recommended by the missionaries came to take the place of the ancient anitos representative of their past which they gave intervention in their idolatry in all the affairs of life.