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Example sentences for "vagueness"

Lexicographically close words:
vagrant; vagrants; vagrom; vague; vaguely; vaguer; vaguest; vagus; vai; vail
  1. This vagueness of conception enables us to understand how savage logic reaches the conclusion that the soul may be mortal: all the possibilities of the earthly person are transferred to it.

  2. This collection shows vagueness in the conception of the divine and the sacred, and, to say the least, leaves it uncertain whether the singer does not think of the fire simply as a symbol of the Supreme God.

  3. This vagueness reappears in some systems of late philosophic speculation.

  4. Whether this ethical and religious meagerness was a consequence of the vagueness of the relation between the sea and human life, or of some other fact, is a point that can hardly be determined.

  5. To the latter attached a certain intangibility, a certain vagueness inconsistent with the obvious visual reality of the sun-god, or with the being of any other god whose qualities could be explicitly defined.

  6. The figures that the ancients used in referring to their national existence were very sweeping, and suffered from the same defects of vagueness that characterise their other thoughts.

  7. The new figures take on something of the vagueness that characterise the estimates of the Babylonians; but it is accepted as clearly proven that the racial age of man is at least to be numbered in tens of thousands of years.

  8. There was a great deal of vagueness as to the application of the trade laws--"a mist of uncertainty" as Taliaferro called it.

  9. The vagueness of the rumors, however, made it impossible to act, and later developments showed that there was no truth in the report--at least no violence was attempted.

  10. Its vagueness and elasticity make it possible to regard a given incident, at will, as either harmless or a casus belli.

  11. And her longing would become less, there would be a vagueness in her sorrow that would help to heal it.

  12. It introduces us at once to the probability of life there of a higher and more immediately appealing kind, not with the vagueness of general analogy, but with the definiteness of specific deduction.

  13. Whether it were not yet quite arrived at this turning-point of its career or had but slightly passed it a vagueness of outline would in either event proclaim the fact.

  14. It seemed to me a wild delusion, born of the dizzy vagueness which lack of food engendered in my brain.

  15. None of these is new, but the relative flourishing of the market of vagueness and ambiguity, reflective of a deviant functioning of language, is.

  16. Political fear of vagueness can only be compared to the fear of a vacuum that once upon a time branded physics and political doctrines.

  17. On these lines, however, they would move later; the lines immediately laid down were, in spite of his vagueness for his own convenience, definite enough.

  18. Poor Bee was too young to feel the full weight of such alarms but she was as miserable as if she had known everything that could happen in the vagueness of her consciousness of despair and pain.

  19. The very vagueness made it all the more appalling to her inexperienced heart.

  20. Yet really the sense of vagueness arises from an ignorance of the cause of the feeling.

  21. All ideals gain by vagueness and lose by definition, inasmuch as more scope is left for the imagination of the beholder, who can thus fill in the missing detail according to his own spiritual needs.

  22. Time came when there would be danger of too much vagueness in the ideal, and too little distinctness in the evidences.

  23. Julia's sick nerves responded, with a feeling of expectation, to the vagueness of her surroundings.

  24. Emotion can only build on the vagueness of expectation.

  25. Mr. Welles could not at all make out the expression which very passingly had flickered across her eyes with a smoke-like vagueness and rapidity.

  26. How infinitely more beautiful and gracious those rolling clouds of vagueness and impulsive illusion!

  27. Several times, unscrupulous land-grabbers have taken advantage of the vagueness of the titles to cheat farmers out of their inheritance.

  28. Marise, severely, disapproving the vagueness and inaccuracy of his observation.

  29. The vagueness of the expression left every gentleman to fight upon his own hook, and to hang his vote upon any mental reservation which could be found in his own mind!

  30. The softness, the sweetness, the juvenile innocence of Danish romanticism found their happiest expression in him; but also the superficiality, the lack of steel in the will, the lyrical vagueness and irresponsibility.

  31. The prophetic vagueness of this paragraph, big with dim possibilities, conveys the very impression to which all observations and experiences in Russia finally reduce themselves.

  32. The vagueness and uncertainty were wearing her.

  33. Ellis knew the signs of the gambler; absolute certainty of making good his losses, equal vagueness as to sources of supply.

  34. She posed him, for polite vagueness was his desire, and he could not find the words.

  35. For some reason, probably because of a permissible vagueness in statements couched in a foreign tongue, he insisted on using English.

  36. All the opulent decorative-work, sculpture, painting, and gilding became blended, the walls assuming a tawny vagueness amidst which appeared bright patches like the sparkle of precious stones.

  37. All such uniformities, as we saw, depend upon a certain vagueness in the definition of the "events.

  38. This problem derives its difficulty from the attempt to accommodate to the roughness and vagueness of the real world some system possessing the logical clearness and exactitude of pure mathematics.

  39. On the other hand, there is a vagueness about the Feed Fia which would seem to indicate the growth of a more awe-stricken mood in describing things supernatural.

  40. This body of professional teachers, who appeared about the fifth century in Greece, drew attention to the vagueness of common opinion and began to teach the art of conduct.

  41. In the meantime it is enough to remark that considerable vagueness of idea and looseness of expression exist concerning this subject.

  42. There was no vagueness about Magnus's speech or manner now.

  43. However, his very vagueness was a further inspiration to the Governor.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vagueness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    airiness; ambiguity; anarchy; blur; chaos; confusion; dark; darkness; delicacy; dimness; disorder; entropy; fog; frailty; generality; haziness; immateriality; inaccuracy; incorporeality; laxity; lightness; looseness; mist; murk; mystery; mystification; obscurity; opacity; paleness; perplexity; rarity; subtlety; thinness; uncertainty; uniformity; unreality; vagueness; weakness