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Example sentences for "lassitude"

Lexicographically close words:
lass; lasse; lasses; lassie; lassies; lasso; lassoed; lassoes; lassoing; lassos
  1. And all through the drive he remained sunk in an indifference and lassitude which to Lady Casterley seemed in the highest degree ominous.

  2. She could hear him drawing long, sobbing breaths, and, in the midst of her lassitude and hopelessness, a sort of pity stirred her.

  3. It was with strange lassitude that he heard the voice still speaking: "We must make a night of it, since to-morrow we die.

  4. XV He reached his rooms overcome by a lassitude that was not, however, quite despair.

  5. Every one knows, for instance, that the digestion of a heavy meal makes such a demand on the system as to produce lassitude of mind and body, frequently ending in sleep.

  6. His lassitude swiftly deserted him, receding before the instant resentment always lying at the back of his sullen intolerance--they were discussing him, mouthing some foul imputation about the past night.

  7. Please don't lecture"; and she dropped into a chair with such a lassitude upon her face that I thought she was going to faint.

  8. Her lassitude this evening, her vain struggle with the police, her apathy under their treatment of her, were all explained.

  9. France had been exhausted by wars, annoyed by ennui, brilliant above all by her genius, she was struck with lassitude for her licentious crimes.

  10. It is because, in the loss of a child, or in the loss of the spider, people frequently weep for nothing but for the lassitude and want of employment into which they fall.

  11. Her will must overcome the tendency to lassitude and the proneness to inactivity that comes over her, and she must feel that labor and her condition after it are dependent on normal, healthy life at this time.

  12. Fever, for instance, produces lassitude and great fatigue on exertion, and patients are prone to think that this means weakness or exhaustion.

  13. There is almost sure to be a discouraging lassitude and a tendency to exhaustion after even comparatively small efforts.

  14. As the cause was unrecognized in the olden time, it is possible that periods of supposed lassitude among the people were really due to infection by this parasite.

  15. And it was during this absurd process of enumerating the furniture of the room that the dreadful sense of distressing lassitude came over him that made it difficult even to finish counting.

  16. For, normally, he was cheerful and strong, full of the tides of healthy living; and this appalling lassitude swept the very basis of his personality into Nothingness and the desire for death.

  17. When Garda at last began to improve a little, her lassitude continued; it was evident that she would not be able to travel for some time to come.

  18. Her face in its stillness had now an expression that frightened him, it was like the lassitude of a person who has struggled to the utmost, and then given up.

  19. But under the discouragement and lassitude of defeat, couldn't she help him?

  20. But now, when she spoke to Rose, and with the lassitude of fatigue in her voice besides, Rose heard something friendly about it.

  21. She was bound to have gone slack anyway; to have experienced the well-earned, honest lassitude of a finished struggle and an achieved victory.

  22. When she walked back to the hotel along Main Street the lassitude that had so long held her half-paralyzed was gone.

  23. A nameless dread clutched his heart; red clouds floated before his vision, a fearful lassitude enervated him--but he drank no more and he worked.

  24. His lassitude and weakness increased with every day.

  25. But within her the lassitude of dead things was ever growing, sapping her physical buoyancy, sapping her will.

  26. Barring a little temporary depression and lassitude due to the great alteration of environment, the Folk experienced but slight ill effects from the change.

  27. Despite the age-long trance from which they both had but so recently emerged, a strange lassitude weighed on them.

  28. It comes on by fits, which after a time go off, leaving a certain amount of lassitude and drowsiness behind.

  29. She normally will have a feeling of lassitude and disinclination for any great mental or physical work, perhaps accompanied by a slight feeling of uneasiness in the pelvic region.

  30. If the after-effects are irritability, extreme lassitude or a diminution of the love or respect for the other then there has been excess.

  31. It might be that, as usual, conscience took advantage of the sudden lassitude of satiety, to smite the heart, for the very gratifications that were palling upon the appetite.

  32. As I spoke my own spirits rose to the final effort, my lassitude gave way to a new enthusiasm.

  33. The depletion of energy, the lassitude of overstrained limbs, manifested themselves.

  34. It seemed to feel all the weariness of reaction, and to fold all men and women in the embrace of its lassitude and heavy hopelessness.

  35. But with his weakness came, as is usual, a certain lassitude which even resembled despair, an indifference peculiar to the slave, how opposed to the indifference peculiar to the autocrat.

  36. In an instant all her lassitude was gone; all the fatigue, so passionless and complete, vanished.

  37. This alone would account for the general air of lassitude which is one of the most noticeable features of German life.

  38. He wrote a letter in which he spoke of his own spiritual lassitude and declared that no good could come of an interview, for he no longer sought happiness on earth.

  39. After the entrance of typhoid germs into the bowels and before the recognized onset of the disease, there may be lassitude and disinclination for exertion.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lassitude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    anemia; apathy; atony; boredom; coma; cowardice; debility; disregard; drowsiness; dullness; ennui; exhaustion; eyestrain; fatigue; hebetude; idleness; impotence; indifference; indolence; inertia; insouciance; languor; lassitude; lethargy; listlessness; passivity; phlegm; prostration; sleepiness; sloth; slowness; sluggishness; slumber; softness; somnolence; strain; stupor; tire; torpor; unconcern; weakness; weariness