This vulnerability of the essential feature of the flying machine is a decisive weakness, and exposes the aviator to a constant menace.
In May 2007 Kuwait changed its currency peg from the US dollar to a basket of currencies in order to curb inflation and to reduce its vulnerability to external shocks.
Growing income disparities and the vulnerability of the country to climatic change are among leading concerns for the nation.
Erratic growth rates in the 1990s reflect the economy's vulnerability to swings in tourist arrivals, caused by political instability on the island and fluctuations in economic conditions in Western Europe.
Economic development is hindered by dependence on relatively few commodity exports, vulnerability to natural disasters, and long distances from main markets and between constituent islands.
Given Belarus's limited fiscal reserve, a continued growth in the trade deficit will increase vulnerability to a balance of payments crisis.
Short-term growth prospects are poor because of the heavy debt service burden, rapid population growth, and vulnerability to climatic conditions.
Special vulnerability to the toxic influence of mercury, and special proclivity to inflammatory affections of the mouth and the organs contained therein, are the predisposing causes of mercurial stomatitis.
The predisposing cause of idiopathic tonsillitis is usually diathetic, and is associated with congenital or inherited vulnerability of the organ.
And the hardest to spot special vulnerability to, he reminded himself.
The first is, that the vulnerability of a sea Power through its maritime trade is as the volume of that trade.
Let us take first the relation of vulnerability to volume.
There is reason, therefore, to believe that so far from the assumption in question being true, the effective vulnerability of sea-borne trade is not in direct but in inverse proportion to its volume.
The other is the introduction of the torpedo, and the consequent vulnerability of battle-squadrons that are not securely screened.
The measure of a nation's vulnerabilitythrough its trade is the percentage of destruction that an enemy can effect.
At a maximum, vulnerability is that of a small battery of guns and wagons limbered up.
The vulnerability of machine-guns is quite as important as is their accuracy.
You have a certain victim look; a mixture of fear and uncertainty with just a suggestion of vulnerability thrown in.
If they remembered, Earth's vulnerability would be painfully apparent.
Denmark, Neutrality of, and Vulnerabilityof Sea-communications, 315.
Holland, neutrality of, and vulnerability of sea-communications, 315.
Short-term growth prospects are gloomy because of the heavy debt service burden, rapid population growth, andvulnerability to climatic conditions.
Servicing the large debt, high unemployment, and vulnerability to external economic forces remain long-term problems for Morocco.
They also increase vulnerabilityto terrorist attack such as the bombing of the Kolbah Barracks in Riyadh in June 1996.
Properly detailed nodal analysis of this grid of knowledge and vulnerability will enable the shutting down of specific or all essential functions nearly simultaneously.
We observe that in the private sector, the vulnerability of information systems is real and is being exploited.
New centers of gravity are being created as are new vulnerability choke points.
Throughout the South African War the activities of De Wet emphasised the vulnerability of the Lines of Communications.
The forward troops should be posted in front of the edge of the village, partly because of the vulnerability of the actual edge to artillery fire but mainly to prevent the attack from establishing itself in the forward buildings.
Their extreme vulnerability to artillery fire prevents their use close to the battle front.
The achievement of this aim is only possible when a commander has assembled a sufficient force for his purpose, and has obtained, by reconnaissance and by fighting, information as to the vulnerability of the hostile position.
Vulnerability and Mortality It could be expected that the translocated wolves would be more vulnerable than wolves in their native environment.
Such vulnerability at present or in the future is intolerable and must be ended.
Two years ago I proposed to the Congress the first comprehensive national energy program--a specific and coordinated set of measures that would end our vulnerability to embargo, blockade, or arbitrary price increases and would mobilize U.
Our growing dependence upon foreign sources has been adding to our vulnerability for years and years, and we did nothing to prepare ourselves for such an event as the embargo of 1973.
Second, we must endvulnerability to economic disruption by foreign suppliers by 1985.
The length andvulnerability of possible lines of communication.
Buckner had subsequently returned the embarked division to Saipan to reduce its vulnerability to additional kamikaze attacks, but the unit still had its assigned ships at hand, still combat loaded.
And thus it is not my vulnerability that I dread; I rather welcome it as a sign that I may learn the truth so.
By reason of the great vulnerability of all ships to attack below the water-line, the torpedo was invented and developed.
The great force of the German Château-Thierry offensive established the deep Marne salient, but the enemy was taking chances, and the vulnerability of this pocket to attack might be turned to his disadvantage.
One of the most impressive lessons of this vast war is the vulnerability of sea-power and sea communications through the development of underwater transport, and the immense importance of railway communication.