Under the Old Testament dispensation every one was under strict obligation to give a fixed proportion of his substance for religious purposes.
All of us, however humble our station, are bound to give "as God hath prospered us" for the help of man and the cause of Christ; and the discharge of the obligation will become to us one of the greatest pleasures in life.
Avoid pecuniary obligation as you would pestilence or famine.
Naturally, and through contagion, the obligation of possessing more knowledge descended to secondary instruction.
There was, however, no remedy; and having been under some obligation to Demba Sego for his attention towards me in the journey from Joag, I did not reproach him for his rapacity, but determined to quit Teesee at all events the next morning.
The reply of the King, after much generous and gallant sentiment, was, that he shared this obligation with her, and that he hastened to show it to her, by restoring the Comte de Lauzun to favour.
The extreme obligation he was under to the Chevalier de Lorraine, and still more the difficulty of maintaining himself in his new position, attached him more and more to his protector.
Never forget the obligationyou owe to Madame de Ventadour.
Feuillade--an obligation which we have not yet escaped from.
The sense of moral obligation underlies his weightier utterances, as the law of gravitation underlies scientific demonstrations,--not talked of, but assumed.
It was no less characteristic of him to disclaim the "higher law" doctrine,--an obligation recognized by the individual conscience as paramount to all human enactments.
The Republicans coupled with the supremacy of the legal majority in the nation the right and obligation of the majority to maintain the personal freedom of the negro, except where the Constitution allowed the States to maintain slavery.
No such obligation exists, and therefore the argument cannot be valid.
And, secondly, it puts the Creator under an obligation to reward and punish the actions of his creatures.
I was bound to pay two years ago, means two years ago I was under an obligation to make a payment, either then or at some future time.
You ought to recollect that entering into the auxiliary Greek Corps, now under my orders, at your own sole request and positive desire, you incurred the obligation of obeying the laws of the country, as well as those of the service.
The personal obligation of the corporators is thus reinforced, much as a common mortgage reinforces the note or bond, to secure which the mortgage is executed.
The question of taxing the note and mortgage, like the question of taxing the bonds, seems to hinge on the effect it would have on the rate of interest of the obligation secured by the mortgage.
A Credit, then, may be defined to be a Right to demand something of somebody; and a Debt to be an Obligation to pay something to somebody.
Indians, by this means, avoid the obligation of providing all these things themselves.
But, I warrant you, I have a proviso in the obligation in favour of myself.
So, faith, good nature works apace; you were confessing just now an obligationto his love.
The objective necessity of actions from obligationis called duty.
There is a marked distinction also between the volitions on these three sorts of principles in the dissimilarity of the obligation of the will.
Thus it has been completely shown how all duties depend as regards the nature of the obligation (not the object of the action) on the same principle.
This question does not seek to know how we can conceive the accomplishment of the action which the imperative ordains, but merely how we can conceive the obligation of the will which the imperative expresses.
At the lowest mark, the balance will be even, and there'll be no obligation at all.
She had been, all along, for most purposes, an independent republic, with an obligation to the British Empire undefined and seldom attempted to be enforced.
But there is no enforcement of the obligation to give the slaves religious instruction, or to allow them to attend public religious service.
This sense of obligation had for the present withdrawn him from any very active share in politics.
Footnote A: The "lot" was the obligationto perform the public services which might fall to the inhabitants by due rotation.
It was a collection of families living in neighborhood and united by the bonds of mutual obligation common in similar English communities.
Those of the world, on the other hand, who have no such scruples, are under no obligation to follow their example.
This obligation the Supreme Being imposed upon those, to whom he originally gave the charter, by the command of not eating their flesh, while the life's blood was in it.
They consider themselves also under an obligation to follow virtue, not ordinarily, but even to the death.
Asked when these might be expected ready to proceed to Harwich, Admiral Goette replied that his Government did not consider themselves under obligation to deliver the boats at all.
No, the only way was to keep aloof from people as much as possible in a place like this; then they had nothing on you, obligation or anything else, and you could soak it to 'em without compunction whenever occasion arose.
The debt is too heavy to be repaid; and it is conventionally settled that obligationbetween the sexes should lie the other way.
You saved my life: it is an obligation which I never can repay.
Another obligation to add to the many we owe your favourite.
That I forward his wishes in seeking your safety is what I well know; and this will form an additional obligation on me to perform what I should otherwise consider as a duty.
He was under no obligationto tell the whole [truth] to men who were certainly his enemies and no good subjects of the king" (pp.
I do not believe, because a man and a woman make a child, that it imposes on the Creator the unavoidable obligation of keeping the being so made in eternal existence hereafter.
His standing in the commercial world is such as only a long and uninterrupted course of honorable dealing and unexceptional promptness in responding to every obligation secures.
It is generous of you to feel about it as you do, and it increases the load of my obligation to you.
Thus a civil career was open to the equites without the obligation of preliminary military service, and the emperor was freed from the pernicious influence of freedmen.
Obligation is the necessity of doing or omitting something in order to be happy.
Full and complete obligation which will extend to all cases can only be that arising from the authority of God.
Not that he repudiates the obligation either of rational benevolence or self-love; on the contrary, he takes more pains than Butler to demonstrate the reasonableness of either principle.
An extraordinary haste to discharge an obligation is a sort of ingratitude.