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Example sentences for "willingness"

Lexicographically close words:
willing; willinge; willinger; willinglie; willingly; willna; willow; willowed; willows; willowy
  1. The foundation of the attitude was a willingness to admit ignorance of new conditions and an eagerness to possess themselves of all knowledge that the French and British had acquired through bitter and costly experience.

  2. Up the street went the procession, the band in the lead playing a lively jingling piece of music well matched to the keenness of the air and the willingness of young blood to tingle with the slightest inspiration.

  3. While I fully and keenly appreciate your friendly interest in me and your desire and willingness to serve me, I cannot accept the position you have so gracefully tendered me, nor can I accept any other you may see fit to offer me.

  4. It was almost equivalent to an open declaration of his willingness to identify himself with the Populists, and champion their cause if they would reelect him to the seat he then occupied.

  5. The paradox of buying with what is not money is meant, by its very appearance of contradiction, to put in strongest fashion that the possession of Him depends on nothing in us but the sense of need and the willingness to accept.

  6. But at once this martial tone gives place to the tender invitation of the text, and the infinite divine willingness to be reconciled to the enemy speaks wooingly and offers conditions of peace.

  7. The contradiction on the surface is but intended to make emphatic this blessed truth, which I pray may reach your memories and hearts, that the only conditions are a sense of need, and a willingness to take--nothing less and nothing more.

  8. Willingness and diligence have the promise of God's help.

  9. Never any was willing of the match before him: his general offer of mercy, and covenant tendered to all, doth show his willingness before they can show theirs by their acceptance.

  10. Therefore I will give thee directions how to forbear thy sin most surely and easily, if thou be but willing, and withal to promote thy willingness itself with the performance.

  11. And wouldst thou thank thy wife for such a willingness to forsake adultery, when nobody will tempt her to it?

  12. Didst thou love it against thy will, when love and willingness are all one?

  13. Preserve your willingness to duty, and avoid that which makes it grievous to you.

  14. So Herod was unwilling to kill John Baptist, as it was the murder of a prophet; but his willingness was the greater, as it was the pleasing of his damsel, and the freeing himself from a troublesome reprover.

  15. Courage, intelligence, conviction and willingness to sacrifice characterize the suffrage movement in every state, and the South is no exception.

  16. I can run in and ask for you," said the brunette, in the kindly willingness of the helpless to help others.

  17. Usually this willingness took the form of appearing in police court and swearing to an alibi, but they had done this service so often that the police-court habitues and officials smiled whenever they appeared.

  18. But I've just learned that their willingness to accept women is based upon the fact that no culture can thrive without women to propagate the race.

  19. Catherine's cheerful willingness to help them must be reorientation and nothing else.

  20. The necessary development to be imposed upon all but the favoured few in his system of government is willingness to follow leaders, and ignorance is the only condition that can make this possible.

  21. In the girls' school reading was proposed, and as I felt tolerably equal to that art I expressed my willingness to hear a class.

  22. He expressed his willingness to dispose of the copyright, to publish on shares, or perhaps to receive a certain percentage on the profits.

  23. So Clement asked her if she would return with him as his wife; and Myrtle answered, with as much willingness to submit as a maiden might fairly show under such circumstances, that she would do his bidding.

  24. Christ's absolute sinlessness made Him eligible, His humility and willingness rendered Him acceptable to the Father, as the atoning sacrifice whereby propitiation could be made for the sins of all men.

  25. Willingness to place the kingdom of God above all material possessions was the one thing he lacked.

  26. Another man indicated his willingness to follow the Lord, but asked first for time to go and bury his father; to him Jesus said: "Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

  27. In such state of non-membership he would be a fit subject for missionary effort; but, until he became repentant and manifested willingness to make amends, he could claim no rights or privileges of communion in the Church.

  28. In his bold avowal, however, he had reckoned with the willingness of his spirit only, and had failed to take into full account the weakness of his flesh.

  29. His prayer for forgiveness is accompanied with willingness to submit to chastisement, as all true desire for pardon is.

  30. Power and willingness to execute it to the last tittle are witnessed by heaven and earth, by history and experience.

  31. She remembered Lucy's willingness to give up the child forever, and so cover up all traces of her sin, and her own immediate determination to risk everything for her sister's sake.

  32. If you put the direct question to her at once, you will probably receive a "don't remember" answer, or she may even indulge her conscience in a mental reservation and pretend a willingness but inability to answer.

  33. It was this willingness to find poetry in things around them that kept his life and Isabel's fresh, and they taught their children the secret of their elixir.

  34. In the midst of a great assembly, the chief called upon those he wished to follow him; they showed their willingness by rising to their feet amid the applause of the crowd.

  35. The offence he had committed, however seemed to cause him little or no regret, because, as he said, he would never have continued the deception had not his victim shown such willingness to be gulled.

  36. As regards Home Rule, there is no love for the Bill, but only a willingness to accept the principle as a necessity, and to hope for a recasting of the provisions.

  37. Cortés declared his willingness that the helmet should be sent, and begged that the emperor would return it filled with the gold dust of the country, that he might compare its quality with that of his own.

  38. Then, addressing Azan's force, he proclaimed himself the sole contriver of the scheme, and professed his willingness to bear the punishment.

  39. The evidence of God’s reality in offering life to you in Christ, and his willingness to receive you is not without the compass of his invitation, and yet you seek it where it is least to be found, that is, in yourselves.

  40. Thou declarest thy willingness in so speaking; and he declares his willingness in so promising.

  41. I see not how any work of his Spirit in us, can make so much evidence of his reality and faithfulness in the gospel, and of his willingness to welcome sinners.

  42. These two concur in all mankind, no strength to satisfy justice or obey the law, and no willingness either.

  43. However, they at last prevailed with him to declare, before the Masters, his willingness to undertake the dispute with others.

  44. As no one showed a willingness to become ædile, some from the ranks of ex-quæstors and ex-tribunes were compelled by lot to take the office.

  45. Newmark & Company in New York; and so quickly had I expressed my willingness to remove there that, when we reached the rancho, I announced to my wife that we would leave for the East as soon as we could get ready.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "willingness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acceptance; accord; acquiescence; affinity; affirmation; affirmative; agreement; alacrity; allegiance; approbation; approval; aptitude; ardor; assent; aye; bent; bias; blessing; brightness; cast; cleverness; compliance; conformity; connivance; consent; delight; devotion; diathesis; disposition; eagerness; endorsement; enthusiasm; facility; faith; fealty; goodwill; homage; impressionability; inclination; instinct; intelligence; leaning; liability; liking; loyalty; motivation; observance; penchant; permission; plasticity; pliability; predilection; predisposition; prejudice; probability; proclivity; promptness; propensity; quickness; ratification; readiness; sanction; service; servility; submission; susceptibility; tropism; turn; twist; warp; weakness; willingness; zeal