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Example sentences for "openness"

Lexicographically close words:
openeth; opening; openings; openlie; openly; opens; openwork; opera; operable; operae
  1. He lacked the naivete and openness to impressions of the true child of Nature; his songs in praise of spring, etc.

  2. He wrote of his feelings with perfect openness to Frau von Stein, and these letters extended farther back than those from Switzerland, and were partly mixed with them.

  3. Columbus is a striking example of the fact that a man's openness to Nature increases with his general inner growth.

  4. In this climate of openness to myself and to the other, we can begin to experience freedom from fear.

  5. Rather, a genuine openness to caring and a formed intention of knowing the other as caring person are required.

  6. For nursing faculty, openness to multiple possibilities presents a particular challenge and an opportunity to suspend entrenched patterns of teaching nursing.

  7. It is through the openness and willingness in the nursing situation that presence with other occurs.

  8. It means openness of unembarrassed speech, and so comes to have the secondary signification, which the text gives, of 'boldness.

  9. In Barnabas, his amiability and openness of nature, the very characteristics that had made him strong, now make him weak and wrong.

  10. Now does not this flexibility of mind and openness of nature to welcome new ways of work, when united with the persistent constancy in his old creed, make an admirable combination?

  11. The absolute openness of their minds and hearts to one another makes their happiness far more dependent on the moral and mental qualities of their companions than upon their physical.

  12. That night she put on her most attractive gown, a dress sometimes gray and sometimes cloudy blues and greens, itself like the sea, and finding in Katie a more mysterious quality than her openness would usually suggest.

  13. They have not that openness of spirit and flexibility of mind that make for wider visioning.

  14. It was relieved by the neutral purple of poplar bluffs, and little gleaming lakes; its vastness and openness filled the girl with a sense of liberty.

  15. Irresponsible and impatient of restraint, as he was, he delighted in the openness and solitude.

  16. The openness with which He was met permitted ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to proclaim unambiguously the social principles of the new Revelation.

  17. One of the great strengths of the masses of humankind from among whom the newly enrolled believers came lies in an openness of heart that has the potentiality to generate lasting social transformation.

  18. From his facility, his openness to external impressions of scenery and costume and his habit of turning these at once into the service of his pen, it results that there is something "newspapery" and superficial about most of his prose.

  19. With no humor, with somewhat restricted sympathies, with little flexibility or openness to new impressions, but gifted with a high, austere imagination, Bryant became the meditative poet of nature.

  20. Let a woman be as false as she can, and able to fool her husband to the top of her bent, she is, compared with the man who wishes to sell you a horse, openness and truth itself.

  21. Therefore, relying on your great openness in all things, I come to you about these horses; for I love not dealing with those who shake you out a whole bushel of chaff for every grain of corn.

  22. Lon Crane was ignorant and uncouth, but big of heart, and the openness of the discussion pleased him.

  23. There was both the openness of real honesty and the reserve of real strength in the confession about his financial affairs.

  24. Elizabeth had, in fact, learned that while openness was a point of character, nevertheless, if she dealt openly with her husband it led to quarrelsome discussions.

  25. While a certain openness of attitude had disappeared, there was the strength which has all the difference between deceit and reserve in Elizabeth Hunter's face.

  26. The habit of openness and fair dealing would not hold her excused; there was no other way, she must tell it out.

  27. Intrigue in real life is foreign to the Northern nations, both from the virtues and the defects of their character; they have too much openness of disposition, and too little acuteness and nicety of understanding.

  28. The warm sun pouring into the garden, the smell of oranges, the stimulating air, the general openness and freshness, promise a day of enjoyment.

  29. You yourself confessed that you like the Southern openness right much, and you like to come here, and you like the Southern people as they are at home.

  30. Carmen and Miss Tavish were often at his house, and there was something reassuring to Jack in the openness with which affairs went on.

  31. And coz," said Beresynth in the openness of his heart, "there was some truth in all this, was not there?

  32. To copyright openness and sign it is as absurd, or sublime, as delivering beautiful empty bars of music to serve as a score for symphonic interpretation or a multimedia event.

  33. The next day he reports the result of the interview to his friend Davison: "I staid an hour, and ground out something, but there was not that degree of openness which I should have shown to my second in command.

  34. On the likely supposition that the latter would not greatly grieve over a Russian disaster, this openness was probably discreet.

  35. Hong Kong has been further integrating its economy with China because China's growing openness to the world economy has made manufacturing in China much more cost effective.

  36. Risk premiums on Peruvian bonds on secondary markets reached historically low levels in late 2004, reflecting investor optimism regarding the government's prudent fiscal policies and openness to trade and investment.

  37. Progress depends on follow-through on privatization, increased openness in government financial operations, progress toward legislative elections, and continued support from foreign donors.

  38. He saw Frederick's faults as well as his great qualities; and he often expressed himself with more openness and warmth upon this subject than prudence could justify.

  39. Scarcely a month has elapsed since his unguarded openness exposed him to your displeasure.

  40. Her readiness to part with all the luxuries to which she had been for many years accustomed, and the freedom and openness with which she spoke of all her affairs to her nephew, made a great impression upon his mind.

  41. Besides the openness to view, these rooms are strangely open to ingress.

  42. Then stung to openness by the lash of the constant inward cry-- "I love him!

  43. By Sydney's command the picnic fire was built by the river's bank in a large field, whose openness showed the quick march across the heavens of the rising moon.

  44. An air of openness and affability increased the favorable impression derived from this handsome and dignified exterior.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "openness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    access; admissibility; admission; appearance; artlessness; assimilation; austerity; availability; candor; comprehension; directness; eligibility; embodiment; evidence; exposure; familiarity; fluency; frankness; freedom; glibness; gush; honesty; hospitality; impressionability; incorporation; innocence; jeopardy; liability; loquacity; manner; membership; mien; naivete; naturalness; openness; participation; peril; perspicuity; plainness; prolixity; reception; risk; roundness; seeming; severity; shallowness; simplicity; sincerity; slush; sociability; superficiality; susceptibility; tangibility; tolerance; unreserve; unrestraint; unsophistication; verbosity; vernacular; visibility; volubility; vulnerability; weakness; whole