His face was emaciated to startling thinness by desperate exertion and lack of sleep, and both his face and his hands were covered with scratches and bruises.
The glimpse he had caught of Wabi's bloodshot eyes, the terrible thinness of the Indian youth's face, the chilling lifelessness of his hands, made him shiver with dread.
If those who are at some elevation in a balloon scarcely hear each other speak, may not this, too, be attributed to the inexcitable state of the nerves as well as to the thinness of the air?
The proportion will in fact be that of the thinness of the mortar in relation to the number of courses or to the quantity of mortar laid between the stones above the different levels of the old wall.
I feel sure it was you, in spite of your side whiskers and the greyness and the thinness of your once clustering golden locks.
The deterioration of calf bindings at the latter end of the nineteenth century may be attributed as much to the excessivethinness as to the poor quality of the material.
Their extreme thinness renders them liable to stretch a great deal, and therefore they are most difficult to cut out in any desired shape.
Rarity is the contrary of density; it denotes the thinness and subtilty of bodies: thus you would say that mercury or quicksilver was a very dense fluid; ether, a very rare one.
And is no inconvenience experienced, from the thinness of the air, in such elevated situations?
It is fascinating material, this mica, to handle, and we amused ourselves by experimenting on the thinness to which its scales could be reduced by splitting.
The first day of his return his heart was smitten by the thinness of the congregation.
It is often moist, owing to the thinness of the epidermis, sometimes excoriated.
Her little feet were sandaled and a veil of indescribable thinness was wound about her abundant hair and fell across her face, but the gold of her hair escaped the veil and rippled along her gown.
The thinness of Eleanor's cheek, the hollowness of her blue eye accused him.
Excoriation of the nipples frequently arise from the extreme thinness of the skin which covers them, and from their unnatural softness.
So he swayed up on his toes and glanced in the glass and was glad of his thinness and tallness.
The crystal, bored and polished to thinness during whole years, perhaps, cast real diamond light.
It is a wonder," said he at last; "were it not for the thinness of lips and because your Royal Grace gives another name, I should say this is Pan Kmita.
The ice is so thin that it could not hurt by pressure--there are no bergs within reasonable distance--indeed the thinness of the ice is one of the most tantalising conditions.
We have come to the conclusion that the principal cause of their discomfort is the comparative thinness of their coats.
A bitch wolf carrying young, her belly not much distended but seeming so because of the gauntness of her ribs and a wiry thinness of long flanks.
His own hard wiry thinnesswas sufficient; it would carry him, he supposed, wherever he cared to go.
The burying an infant (when at the breast) with the mother*, if she should die, is another shocking cause of the thinness of population among them.
It is very important to roll the pastry thin, and it has been well observed that the best test of thinness is to be able to read a book through the paste.
This climate is that of the tropics, raised some thousand feet above the level of the sea; consequently there is an extreme purity and thinness of the atmosphere, which generally affects the breathing at first.
Gold is capable of being beaten out into leaves of extreme thinness, and also of being drawn into wire of such thinness that five hundred feet of it weigh but one grain.
The thinness of the aisle walls, and the rude masonry of the foundations of the original apse which have been discovered, point to native, not Norman, workmanship.
In spite of its extreme thinness this vellum is sufficiently opaque to prevent the writing on one side from showing through to the other.