An allusion to the world-wide superstition that he who is lucky at love is unlucky at cards and vice versa.
Of course, a three-syllable foot is often found in binary verse, and, vice versa a two-syllable foot in ternary measure.
One Vice Admirall of the ffleet to weare the usuall fflagg in his foretopp wth a pendant under his fflagg and an ensigne of Redd.
One Vice admirall to the Grand Squadron to weare a white flagg in his foretopp & a Pendent & Ensigne of white.
The disadvantage of this method is that the individual flags have no fixed numerical value, and a reference to the table is necessary before the number represented by the combined flags can be ascertained, and vice versâ.
And all Vice Admirals and Judges of Vice Admiralties, are also to do the same, and to attend the due observation hereof, within the several Ports and Places of their respective Precincts.
And this makes me ask, if idleness is a vice in the poor, how is it that among the rich it is counted as a sign of distinction and even of elevation of mind?
The priest who succeeds in subduing his flesh falls into avarice, which is the ecclesiastical vice par excellence.
We must also learn whether the horse has anything of vice either toward other horses or toward men, and whether he is averse to being handled; for all such defects are troublesome to his owner.
I could point you out plenty of men of first-rate ability, sensible enough in all other respects, who have somehow picked up this vice of romancing.
Moreover, the vicewhich had mastered him had not degraded him in the eyes of men.
It is equally untrue that our culture is a renaissance of the Hellenic and the Roman; it was only after the birth of the Teutonic peoples that the renaissance of past achievements was possible and not vice versa.
Ray stood by my side, and I felt his hand descend like a vice upon my shoulder.
We all carry with us, inherited or acquired, a certain amount of resistance to evil influence, certain predilections towards good and vice versa, according as we are decent fellows or blackguards.
Selfishness, you know, is the permitted vice of the young--and of lovers.
It may appear strange that people should be lynched for the mere vice of gambling: but this will be better understood when, in my second portion of this work, I enter into a general view of society in the United States.
If they wish to be a moral people, the government must show them some better example than that of paying those honours to vice and immorality which are only due to honour and to virtue.
That it opposes vice and attempts to establish virtue in a manner which is not in accordance with the word of God," etcetera, etcetera.
The laws, however severe in their provision, have never been sufficient to correct a vice which must be established by positive proof, and cannot, like others, be shown from circumstantial testimony.
The Senate of the United States, preceded by the Vice President and their Secretary.
The author of Mammon very truly observes, that the only vice which we can practise without being arraigned for it in this world, and at the same time go through the forms of religion, is covetousness.
All mental and spiritual furnishings were shaken out of the windows daily, by way of dislodging any chance seeds of vice sown by the great adversary.
It is the experienced impossibility of concealing the attractions of vice from the younger part of the poor in great cities which exposes them to so many causes of demoralisation.
The progress of vice in such circumstances is almost as certain and often nearly as rapid as that of physical contagion.
All contrary things mocking one another--all contrary, save the vice which tempts and the vice which is tempted!
At this time of public distress," adopting the words of Washington in 1776, "men may find enough to do in the service of God and their country without abandoning themselves to vice and immorality.
I shall be slow to acknowledge that your harbor or your river is more important than mine, andvice versa.
It is one of many illustrations of the vice of purely literary judgments on men and movements; a vicewhich takes no account of physiology, of race, of organisation and proclivity.
Not in passivity but in activity lie the evil and the good of the rational social animal, just as his virtue and his vice lie not in passivity but in activity.
Mother, you're like the papers--you put in all the viceand leave out all the virtue, and call that human nature.
Well, in my belief, we all have a vice about us somewhere.
Besides those already mentioned, theVice President and the Cabinet were at the table, and all made short speeches.
Perdita, how dared you bring to the marriage-bed of an honourable man a body polluted with all the vice and iniquity of a penal colony, and which had been for years common as that of the vilest prostitute?
However, you may turn even her to account; for in one half hour you will learn more what vice is, from her long-syllabled declamations against it, than your poor innocent head would dream of in a twelvemonth.
At this moment, in Selina's history, she stood on that narrow line, which separates vice and virtue.
By the most prosaic standards this should not seem to adorn vice with attraction.
The immorality must be found, if anywhere, as Portia insisted, in the charm with which vice is invested.
Nor, vice versa, does the possession of these latter qualities at all imply, as some writers seem to assume, the absence of the former or of gentleness.
Shakespeare has observed and recorded, in some instances profusely, every vice that I can think of in an ill-conditioned dog.
We find no hint, for example, in Julius Caesar that Shakespeare regarded a monarchical form of government as intrinsically better than a republican, or vice versa; no trace in Richard II.
Vice is undone if she forgets her birth, And stoops from angels to the dregs of earth.
Virtue seems such a pretty playing at make-believe, and viceis such a naughty word.
As we walked along, he disclosed a system of vice so widespread, so horrible and so repulsive that I hesitate to set it down.
Seldom is a Crolly fish found in the Clady, or vice versa.
It would be the height of absurdity to use in fine run water in the summer a three inch fly that would be a suitable lure on the brawling Thurso in the spring, and vice versa.
The writers who have prostituted their talents in pandering to the low tastes of their readers, have carefully avoided any such open representation of vice as was permissible in the last century.
Out of our higher morality, out of our new and boasted refinement, has sprung a vice more ugly than coarseness, more degrading than sensuality, and that vice is hypocrisy, which shelters all others behind its deceptive mask.
As Miss Edgeworth said, most novels were filled with vice or folly, and as Miss Burney complained, no body of literary men were so numerous, or so little respectable as novelists.
They did not think viceless reprehensible, but were more accustomed to the sight of it, and therefore less easily offended by its description.
Morality was outraged by a constant association of virtue with all that is contemptible and of vice with all that is attractive.
We have novels in great numbers, not broadly coarse, as those of Fielding or Smollett, but insidiously immoral, painting vice and unbridled passions in an attractive light.
The great and only end of these speculations," he tells the reader of the Spectator, "is to banish vice and ignorance out of the territories of Great Britain.
On the other hand, his poverty and improvidence constantly kept him, as Lady Mary put it, "raking in the lowest rinks of vice and misery.
In fiction, the writer who wishes to serve a moral purpose attains his end by the more agreeable method of holding up examples of merit to be imitated, rather than of vice to be shunned.
The vice which became so engrafted on the habits of private life as to make decency seem an affectation, invaded religion and politics.
In the same spirit in which justice exposed the offender in the stocks to public view, the novelist described his careers of vice ending in misery, and Hogarth conducted his Idle Apprentice from stage to stage till Tyburn Hill is reached.
We curse vice only behind its back, and that's like making a long nose at it round a corner.
He had no craving for truth, and had not sought it; spellbound by vice and lying, his conscience had slept or been silent.