The communes on their part promised to set their prince at liberty without further delay, on condition that he should undertake to dismiss his foreign gens de guerre within four days.
After all these revolutionary events, information of every thing that had occurred in Lima, was transmitted to Gonzalo Pizarro, the judges and their friends being in hopes that, he would now be induced to dismiss his army.
While at that place, Gonzalo sent him a message by a priest, demanding that he should dismiss his army, and refrain from making war against him till he should receive new orders from his majesty.
We've called a meeting, all in the dark, and give him no chance of defending himself; and them as is at the head of this movement is calling upon us to dismiss Mr. Vincent.
When all these things were concluded, nothing remained but to dismiss the assembly, which dispersed not without hopes of a satisfactory conclusion.
The latter phase of this claim we may dismiss in a word.
Tradition had become law, and the Imperator intending to triumph could not dismiss his military followers till the ceremony was over.
But Avice only looked at her in dumb reproach, and closed her eyes as if to dismiss the subject.
Let us dismiss the matter of the Swede and his evidence," he said, lightly, "and resume the trend of our investigations.
It is true that--since it ceased to be the fashion merely to dismiss her with a "fie-fie!
Having conjured up this exquisite phantom, and invested it with charms that very likely had no existence, he was soon compelled to dismiss it, and return to actual life.
You'd better dismiss your cab there and wait for me.
My sister--but we can dismiss her--one doesn't commit murder for a page of ordinary gossip.
But this is a disagreeable subject; let us dismiss it.
She wished to be able to dismiss the affair from her mind at the earliest moment.
To be sure, she would try to dismissthe whole thing from her mind, but at times it rose before her like a dark shadow, shutting out for the moment the pleasure of her holiday, and causing her to feel gloomy and depressed.
Don John was informed that he would not be recognised as governor-general unless he would consent to dismiss the Spanish troops, accept the Pacification of Ghent, and swear to maintain the rights and privileges of the Provinces.
But William refused flatly to dismiss the minister or to treat with rebels.
He will be kinder to me than he has been of late, for as he will think it quite impossible that you can make a fortune in two years he will be inclined to dismiss you altogether from his mind.
However, they are certainly rare, wherever they come from, and you can dismiss them altogether from your mind.
If sickness attacks them again, they are sure it is not the same sickness, but a different one, which in due time they dismiss in the same manner.
It would probably be a mistake to dismissall these tales as pure inventions of the story-teller.
Such attempts to dismiss at once the accumulated sorrows of a people are by no means rare or exceptional; on the contrary they have been made in many lands, and from being occasional they tend to become periodic and annual.
With these Greek and Scandinavian parallels before us we can hardly dismiss as wholly improbable the conjecture that in Phrygia a man-god may have hung year by year on the sacred but fatal tree.
We need not therefore dismiss as a fable the testimony of antiquity to the observance of similar rites among the frenzied worshippers of Bacchus.
Yet the tradition recorded by Cato seems too circumstantial, and its sponsor too respectable, to allow us to dismiss it as an idle fiction.
She sent Dangers into the bedroom on a trifling errand, unable to bear the woman's proximity, and oddly unwilling to dismiss her.
She was past danger of melting, with her imagination darkened by the funeral image; but she craved solitude, and had to act the callous, to dismiss him.
We now dismiss him, and request our readers, at the same time, not to suppose that we have held him up as a portrait of Irish agents in general.
I say this to you, and to all present; for, upon my honor, I shall dismiss the first case in which I discover a falsehood.
Having thus touched upon the leading principle of Flora's character, I may dismiss the rest more slightly.
As to the lady's title to dismiss her lover, Colonel replied Edward, 'it is a point which you must argue with her, as I am ignorant of the customs of the Highlands in that particular.
The king hates him, and is only waiting for an opportunity to dismiss him.
Boden, resolutely; "your majesty candismiss me, but you cannot force me to act against my conscience.
If he dares oppose the royal command, he is a traitor, and the king, who demands silent and unconditional obedience from his officers, will dismiss him.
Elizabeth can now dismiss her attendants, and retire to her private apartments to await her husband.
Frederick did not dismiss him from office at once, because the old king loved him.
You must employ all your eloquence and influence to induce the prince royal to dismiss from his mind the idea of divorcing his wife at the death of the king.
Will Mr. Lincoln have courage to dismiss McClellan from the army?
The rumor in question says that the President wished to dismiss Stanton and to take General Butler; that Mr. Seward was to decide between the two, and that he declined the responsibility.
De Vaux, whether we live or die, dismiss this Hakim with honour and safety.
We will send Nectabanus to dismiss this Knight of the Standard to his post; and we ourselves will grace him on some future day, to make amends for his wild-goose chase.
Oh, for God's sake, dismiss this gentleman, if indeed you have lured him hither!
To dismiss a maid of honor is to attribute a crime to her--at the very least a fault.
The king, irritated beyond measure, especially because he felt that he was being mastered, endeavored to dismiss Athos by a gesture.
You dismiss Mademoiselle de la Valliere, or whoever else it may be--" Madame shrugged her shoulders.
If not, his outbreak of temper had doubtless resulted unpleasantly for her, seeing that Mrs. Tootle would almost certainlydismiss her out of mere spite.
What Miss Davis thought when, from the gallery, she watched the clever playing of the girl she had endeavored to dismiss from the team, was something which was recorded only on her own brain.
Miss Davis has been influenced by certain persons to dismiss Marjorie Dean from the junior basket ball team.