Without attributing more to deception and fraud than to the peculiar nature of a progressive mental malady, it may readily be conceived that the cases of this strange disorder now grew more frequent.
She will call for hours short enough to permit her to bear her children; for requital commensurate with the exigence of progressive civilization; for wages equal to her faithful toil.
Not one had a good word to say for shop-labour there, despite its advantages, in this progressive land of generous pay.
Is it conducive to progressive development, to the making of decent manhood or womanhood?
And that, when you look over the history of dancing in some more progressive nations, is a pretty significant thing.
Around this nucleus are gathered steps taken from the other dances directly; and the “composition” is supposed to contribute publicity to some progressiveteacher or performer.
Paris, like every other progressive city in the world, was surfeited with plays that would better have been enclosed between the covers of books on law, sociology or medicine.
The marked and progressivedecadence of the Franco-Argentine trade ought to rivet the attention of French capitalists and statesmen.
The same progressive spirit which the Argentine has manifested in the improvement of inland or maritime waterways is to be seen in the establishment of its network of railways.
This penetration of the Latin race, a little indolent and inactive as it is, by the energetic and progressive Anglo-Saxons, enables us the better to understand the good and bad qualities of the Argentine nationality.
In Buenos Ayres--for only the large centres can be progressive to this extent--all the tramway and electric lighting concerns are most excellently equipped, and are in this matter equal to the best installations of England or the States.
Here there is an explicit acknowledgment of the necessity for the direction of an intelligent guiding power to produce such variations; these never having any useful or progressive results except under such care.
These myriads of chaotic fragments have given birth, by means of progressive condensations, to the diverse worlds of the universe.
Besides the Democratic, Republican, and Progressive parties, there are several minor parties with organizations of a national character.
The nature of these phenomena may be illustrated by a few examples so chosen as to form a progressive series.
It runs thus:-- "A stranger visiting Singapore cannot fail to be struck by the signs everywhere exhibited of the settlement being in a high state of prosperity and progressive improvement.
A progressive income tax and a tax upon inheritances should be made a law in every State.
And if a progressive income tax can be enacted, the graduated inheritance tax can also be enacted, for the principle is practically the same.
And yet what is progressive orthodoxy, so boldly and ably enunciated, but a growing away from the old Andover creed?
Hill, of New York, has called theprogressive tax a "modern fad.
During the palmiest days of Greece--the days of Solon and Lycurgus--a progressive tax was a stern reality.
Our own country has not been without a progressive tax.
Scripture and the conventional theory of inspiration, by laying stress on the human side of Scripture and insisting on the progressive character of revelation, brought him into conflict with his former friends.
The country is suffering from progressive desiccation, but there is good evidence of an abundant supply of water not far beneath the surface.
Immediately, however, other intrepid ones tried their skill, and the velocipede was voted a successful institution of our young and progressive city.
What Darwinians mean by evolution is not an unfolding of the past, a progressive development of a hierarchy of phases, in which the later is superior and organically related to the earlier.
Some criterion besides the mere external and accidental "struggle for existence" and "survival of the fittest" must be furnished to account for a progressive evolution.
One is, that from the beginning of the world to the present hour, man has steadily advanced in progressive intelligence; and the other is, that the roman mind has never been known to run backwards.
At the present day, her name stands almost as the symbol of everything non-progressive and non-inventive.
The syllabic system was finally replaced among the more progressive peoples by the alphabetical system, in which each character represents a separate vocal sound.
A progressive and ambitious people, they accomplished an original and important step in the art of government by organizing conquered peoples into provinces under governors appointed by the king.
In other cases there may be irritability of temper, a want of will determination, and progressive loss of memory.
But why should this lamentable state of things be said of Australians, who claim to be progressive in their ideas and advanced in their views, usages, and customs?
By progressive steps, the efforts made by the French artists to emulate their masters, attained, towards the middle of the sixteenth century, a perfection which has since fixed the attention of Europe.
Undoubtedly Philip possessed a genius for dramatic effect and it is more than possible that he instigated the progressive banquets for the express purpose of leading up to the occasion with which he intended to dazzle Europe.
First, I pondered upon the outrageous excess and great expense incurred in a brief space by these banquets, for this fashion of progressive entertainments, with the hosts designated by chaplets, had lasted a long time.
But of any progressiveimprovement there is no evidence whatever.
All contemporary and sequent orchestral treatment in the hands of his countrymen is but the reflection of Tschaikowsky's style combined with the further progressive methods of German and French orchestration.
No further purely practical innovations are to be noted other than a logical augmentation of the string band and progressive treatment of the brass.
Thus Brahms displayed a progressive spirit when employing doctrines of the classic school, which was tempered withal by extreme caution in the acceptance of modern tendencies.
Chabrier's orchestration suggests a progressive yet peculiar phase of Wagnerism enveloped by a tinge of melancholy and softened by the delicate touch characteristic of the French.
Much of his orchestration suggests a progressive yet peculiar phase of Wagnerism enveloped by a tinge of melancholy and softened by the delicate touch peculiar to the French.
The orchestration of these men and their associates is, on the whole, but the reflection of Tschaikowsky's style combined with the further progressive methods of German and French orchestration.
Nevertheless, the present writer cannot refrain from referring to the petty antagonism Wagner had to endure as a consequence of the narrow-mindedness and non-progressive spirit of many of his most distinguished contemporaries.
The fruits of Spohr's activity as a composer present a rather peculiar mixture of progressivezeal and conventional mannerism.
Even Carissimi (1604) cannot be included among the progressive writers for the orchestra, indeed, his art of scoring stands lower than Monteverde's.
Widor (1845) has likewise shown a progressive spirit in his various organ, chamber, and orchestral works, which are notable for their artistic skill and for their display of poetic imagination.
Thus the progressive science lies and defames, yet is not ashamed to raise high the banner of enlightenment; thus you lead people into error, and destroy youth.
Whether society can withstand the detestable consequences of this teaching of licentiousness and contempt for Christian morality, is a consideration on which these progressive gentlemen do not reflect.