I will try my whistle first; it will be better understood.
This whistle will bring a man in from the street at once.
A whistle sounded down in the hall below, and fifty or more grey-coated figures rushed from the far end, where, no doubt, they were waiting out of sight and under shelter.
The whistle sounded shrilly, smoke issued from the engine, and in a trice they were off on another stage of their adventurous journey.
At the sound of the whistle Number 1 girl shot off across the running space and touched Number 2, the latter dashing back to touch Number 3, and so on until the last girl crossed the line at the finish.
Sholto heard the whistle and "spat" of an arrow against the wall without.
Now, when you hear the steamer whistle as she comes down the river, keep close to me, and follow me on board.
They had not to wait many minutes before a shrill whistle announced the steamer's arrival.
The keeper sprang to his feet and listened to the despairing screams of the whistle out in the fog.
At four o'clock the gale was terrific, and ever and anon the shriek of a steam-whistle told that some vessel was groping her way toward the entrance to the harbor.
There was a great fall a few years ago, just as the steamer had passed from under and blown her whistle to awake the echoes.
He is called here le siffleur (the whistler), and very delightful his whistle was.
Sir Andrew Bartton, "these English doggs they bite soe lowe; ffight on ffor Scottland & Saint Andrew till you heare my whistle blowe!
Fight on, my men, Sir Andrew sayes, 125 And never flinche before the foe; And stand fast by St. Andrewes crosse Untill you heare my whistle blowe.
Jim snatched the paper from Joe's hands, with the familiarity born of long acquaintance, and as his eyes fell on the headlines he gave a whistle of surprise.
They scrambled up the steps just as a warning whistle sounded; and a few moments later the train drew out on its climb over the Rockies.
As it swung open, John Wilkes put his whistle to his lips and blew a loud, shrill call, and the three rushed forward.
John will have his boatswain's whistle ready, and will give the signal.
I have heard them shout and stamp and whistle at what they saw flashed before them on a white sheet as they never did in any theater.
Next, an author will find himself obliged to lay aside his pen when the whistle blows, and publishers will be finding themselves obliged to deal in open-shop literature.
The music that we whistle when we come out of the theater is not the greatest music we have heard.
So she gathered them all together by blowing a whistle which she had, and questioned them, but there was not one of them which knew anything about Farmer Weatherbeard.
Just then the whistle came along, mixed up with some frightful oaths that I had heard the engineer use when he first saw the horses.
We saw a two-horse wagon crossing the track about five miles ahead, and the engineer let the whistle on, screeching like a trooper.
That lady, when she had heard the whistle and the gongs, had let her imagination loose.
He got aboard the boat, her decks already blue with troops, and as she backed out with her whistle screaming, the last objects he saw were the gaunt old man and the broad-shouldered young man side by side on the edge of the landing.
From the river comes the hoarse whistle of the boats breaking the Sabbath stillness there.
You, my friend, who have never heard the whistle of sharp Schlager cannot know the song which a skilled arm draws from the blade.
They sat on the porch in the morning light, harking to the whistle of the quail in the corn, and watching the frightened deer scamper across the open.
A moment later Landless heard him whistle to his dogs, and then break into a stave of a cavalier drinking song, sung at the top of a full manly voice, and dying away in the direction of the stables.
He gave a shrill and peculiar whistle which brought to him half a dozen Indians.
I'd like to know, if not to put one's hands in," and Tom would whistle and march off.
Whenever he opened his mouth it was succeeded by an explosion of words, then a whistle by way of taking breath, another explosion succeeded by more whistles.
As we crossed the platform the locomotive whistle shrieked, and about 9.
She started up, and taking the small metal whistle hanging at her side, blew a shrill note that seemed to pierce my brain like a steel weapon.
All your gay spirits have left you, and you are pale and thin and sad.
One afternoon, however, I met with a great and unexpected consolation, though even this was mixed with some perplexing matters.
It stirs the heart like the rustle of a silken gonfalon dipped in gore, like the whistle of rifle-balls, like the rhythmic dissonance of a battery slinging shrapnel from the heights of Gettysburg into the ragged legions of General Lee.
Why toil and travail, suffer and sin for toy balloons which destiny will whistle down the winds?
A curious badger-like animal, sitting erect on his hind legs, greets one with a long shrill whistle that would make a schoolboy envious, but trots quickly away on nearer approach.
The moment anyone stirred from camp, a sound between a whistle and scream would break unexpectedly and from some unknown quarter, and immediately all the animals that were in sight would vanish in the earth.