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Example sentences for "clay"

Lexicographically close words:
clawed; clawes; clawing; clawlike; claws; claybank; clayed; clayey; claying; claylike
  1. Sandy and clay loams are both good, but alluvial soils are best.

  2. The Whig policy as sketched by Clay was the repeal of the Subtreasury Act; the charter of a National Bank; tariff for protection; and the distribution of the sales of public lands.

  3. In this sense, loose sand, gravel, and soft clay are as much rocks as hard limestone and granite.

  4. Even its two great leaders, Clay and Webster, were, by that time, in their graves.

  5. Powdered graphite is mixed with fine clay in greater or less proportion and then molded and baked to form such articles as crucibles and lead for pencils.

  6. Large beds of porcelain clay occur in this province also, and in its neighboring one of Kiang-si.

  7. The location of manufacturing centers of pottery of all kinds and of bricks, is dependent on clay deposits.

  8. The properties of clay vary with its composition, as china clay, fire clay, pipe clay, brick clay.

  9. Solitary wasps construct small nests of clay and little stones, or else make burrows.

  10. The children soon learn the difference between the Cone and Pyramid, and if they are allowed to make all these solid figures in clay they will remember them more easily.

  11. Between these two Clay now stepped in to act as pacificator.

  12. The pallid, uninspired clay of his features seemed to have sunk a little out of shape, so that he appeared rather haggard, rather ugly, with grooves of ineffectual misery along his cheeks.

  13. Am I," he said, "covered with clay and stuff?

  14. I have hitherto seen no trace of any kind of cement between them, either of clay or lime.

  15. At all events, Troy must have been commercially connected with Egypt; but even so, it is still an enigma, how the animal was so well known here as to have been made of clay in a form quite faithful to nature.

  16. The pieces adorned with carvings, on the other hand, never show signs of any kind of wear, and the symbols engraved upon them are filled with white clay so as to make them more striking to the eye.

  17. This white clay must have disappeared directly, if the pieces had been used on spindles or as coins.

  18. It is impossible to cement together the pieces of these broken urns, as the clay is from an inch and a half to nearly 2 inches thick.

  19. In those found here the patterns have always been engraved upon the clay when it was still in a soft state.

  20. Jan Willem van Artevelde smoked a clay pipe, which only a Dutchman can do properly, because the clay bit grates on less stubborn teeth.

  21. So now Jan gripped his clay pipe between his teeth and piloted the groundcar into the teeth of the Twilight Gale.

  22. It pleased and surprised me to observe, how, with each new effort, the clay responded more readily to my touch.

  23. I could not touch the clay which once had thrilled me with ambition.

  24. The strong man is dead--his mangled clay rests amid the decaying beauties of a city by the banks of the lordly Mississippi.

  25. Alive he was ours--and we will have his clay now life is ended.

  26. One day Gardiner succeeded in getting an old chief so tipsy that, without realizing what he was doing, he led the white man to the clay bed and showed him the metallic spots glittering in the sun.

  27. For simple objects a corresponding hole was dug in the sand or clay soil.

  28. Organic substances were mixed with the clay to prevent uneven shrinkage and cracking.

  29. Complicated figures had to be formed in clay, and the metal was cast in the clay mould.

  30. Great quantities of stone lie in the river and on its bank, and seem to have fallen down as the rain washed away the clay and sand in which they were imbedded.

  31. It was no longer a marsh; but, with the intense heat, the clay beneath their feet was baked and hard; there was the same dreary stretch of reeds, now withered and yellow under the glare of the sun.

  32. That this was the significance of the daubing with clay in Greek mysteries and the subsequent cleansing seems quite certain.

  33. Pund-jel made two clay images of men, and danced round them.

  34. They think the white pipe-clay strikes terror and inspires respect among the enemy.

  35. The custom of plastering the initiated over with clay or filth was common in Greek as in barbaric mysteries.

  36. Man was made by the Earth-prophet out of clay kneaded with sweat.

  37. Thus there are sufficient traces in Greek tradition of the savage myth that man was made of clay by some superior being, like Pund-jel in the quaint Australian story.

  38. Lastly, Bel cut his own head off, and with the blood the gods mixed clay and made men.

  39. The fifty young men waiting for initiation "were naked and entirely covered with clay of various colours".

  40. In New Mexico, the Zunis stole Mr. Cushing's black paint, as considering it even better than clay for religious daubing.

  41. Demosthenes accuses Aeschines of helping his mother in certain mystic rites, aiding her, especially, by bedaubing the initiate with clay and bran.

  42. This Montezuma was formed, like the Adams of so many races, out of potter's clay in the hands of the Great Spirit.

  43. These are small in size, with walls colored by a whitewash made of clay found in the prairie.

  44. From Clay County they moved still farther into the wilds, and settled at last in Caldwell County, where they built the town of Far West, and here they remained for the space of three years.

  45. Accordingly they once more "took up their beds and walked," crossing the Missouri to Clay County, where they established themselves, and would finally have formed a thriving settlement but for their own acts of willful dishonesty.

  46. Kala gently pressed his hand, to which pieces of clay were sticking.

  47. It was only a small one, to be sure, and with a clay floor; but when he and his bride danced on it the floor became polished and bright, and from every stone in the wall sprang a flower which was quite as good as any costly tapestry.

  48. I spent a delightful evening with Mr. Hughes at a club which I think was called the European Club, or something like that, where the members smoked clay pipes and drank beer.

  49. One came from Senator Clay of Georgia, one of the ablest of the Democratic leaders.

  50. Anne, Frank Stockley says that Professor Tremaine said Gilbert Blythe was sure to get the medal and that Emily Clay would likely win the Avery scholarship.

  51. Now, all these things of clay are mingled with the dust; the king's crown itself is shown for sixpence to the vulgar; but the stone palace has outlived these changes.

  52. Cruddled over the fire, she was smoking, a long clay in little puffs of blue smoke that could barely be seen.

  53. I believed that the muriatiferous clay might alternate with the calcareous conglomerate of Barigon; and near the fishermen's huts situated opposite Macanao, conglomerate rocks appeared to me to pierce through the strata of clay.

  54. This clay appears to lie immediately over the mica-slate, and under the calcareous breccia of the tertiary strata.

  55. It incloses angular and less friable masses of dark brown clay with a slaty and sometimes conchoidal fracture.

  56. Clay and tertiary sandstone with lignites; plastic clay; mollasse and nagelfluhe, sometimes alternating where chalk is wanting, with the last beds of Jura limestone; amber.

  57. During a second excursion to Maniquarez and the aluminiferous slates of Chaparuparu, the connexion between tertiary strata and bituminous clay seemed to me somewhat problematical.

  58. Was it in the beds of slaty clay that alternate with the alpine limestone of Cumanacoa?

  59. A thick layer of clay and mould rendered observation difficult; but a shelf of carburetted and shining slate seemed to me to indicate the presence of more ancient formations.

  60. We found the sides of the neighbouring rocks lined with capillary sulphate of alumina in effervescence; and real beds, two inches thick, full of native alum, extending as far as the eye could reach in the clay slate.

  61. Muriatiferous clay (with petroleum and lamellar gypsum) covers the western part of the peninsula of Araya, opposite to the town of Cumana, and in the centre of the island of Marguerita.

  62. These banks of clay appeared to me constantly to form the lower strata.

  63. The natives make from a black clay some very well-worked pots, large and small, as well as pans and porringers in the shape of small boats.

  64. Some trials have been made in this country of using burnt clay as a manure, and its use is recommended, particularly for all dry arable lands, not inclining to clay.

  65. On clay lands, and such as contain too much vegetable matter, we conceive the process might be advisable if not too expensive.

  66. Such has been its effects on the clay lands which abound so much in England.

  67. After the fire has been set to the wood you continue digging up fresh clay and piling it around and over the heap, as fast as the fire penetrates the mass, taking care, however, not to pile on so much at once as to extinguish the fire.

  68. The condition of clay soils is also permanently improved by mixing a due proportion of sand in them.

  69. While he waited, Spicer South's sister, the prematurely aged crone, appeared in the kitchen door with the clay pipe between her teeth, and raised a shading hand to gaze off up the road.

  70. The sun glared mercilessly on clay streets, now as empty as a cemetery.

  71. She had been loyal, and had turned and shaped with her deft hand and brain the rough clay of his crude personality into something that was beginning to show finish and design.

  72. There is no red clay that I know of round here, and there are miles of it this side of the Delaware camp.

  73. She wrote poetry, I was told, and modelled in clay with much taste, and her finely trained voice and dainty playing of the harp I well remember as one of the attractions of Miss Cushman's receptions.

  74. Clay to make this bust, and she has often told me all the circumstances of the sittings.

  75. I have not seen the bust since it was put into marble, but when I saw it in clay at her New York studio two years ago, I considered it a spirited and excellent likeness.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clay" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acres; alabaster; alluvium; anatomy; ashes; asphalt; blubber; body; bones; breeze; butter; cadaver; carcass; carrion; clay; clod; composition; corncob; corpse; country; crust; cushion; dead; deceased; departed; dirt; dough; down; dust; earth; eiderdown; enamel; feather; figure; fleece; flesh; floss; flue; fluff; flux; foam; form; frame; freehold; glaze; grassland; ground; gumbo; homo; hookah; hulk; humanity; kapok; landholding; man; meerschaum; mineral; mire; mold; mortality; mould; moulder; mouldy; muck; mud; mummification; mummy; ooze; person; physique; pillow; pipe; plaster; plush; porcelain; pudding; puff; refractory; region; relics; remains; rubber; satin; silk; skeleton; slime; slip; slob; slop; slosh; sludge; slush; sod; soil; squash; stiff; subsoil; swansdown; swill; terrain; territory; topsoil; torso; trunk; velvet; wax; woodland; wool

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    clay color; clay soil; clay tablets